View Full Version : Communication all forms

02-05-2003, 11:02 AM
Is this a true statement?

Verbal communication makes up only 7% of actual communication, the rest is communicated via body language, voice intonation, kinesthetics & pheromones. With verbal communication falling somewhere between voice intonation & kinesthetics.

I read somewhere on this board (I THINK it was here), that verbal communication only accounts for 7% of total communication (perhaps because lies can mask true meaning?) Any thoughts or references (links) would be much appreciated!


02-05-2003, 11:17 AM
http://www.minoritycareernet.com/newsltrs/95q3nonver.html (\"http://www.minoritycareernet.com/newsltrs/95q3nonver.html\")

Nonverbal Communication
According to A. Barbour, author of Louder Than Words: Nonverbal Communication, the total impact of a message breaks down like this:
7 percent verbal (words)
38 percent vocal (volume, pitch, rhythm, etc)
55 percent body movements (mostly facial expressions)

Which is why it is more perilous to communicate via email than in person or even on the telephone, and studies indicate that relationships tend to break down if conducted mostly via email, since there are no non-verbal cues whateover.

02-05-2003, 04:43 PM
Which is why things get a but hairy on this forum aswell.

Emoticons and excessive punctuation can help, but still things aren\'t easy.

Speach is an art form, intonation can be a comedy in itself.

02-05-2003, 06:35 PM
Those figures represent a comedy above, 100% and not a mention of pheromones heres my idea.

10% verbal
20% body language
30% posture and facial movements
40% pheromone type outputs when interacting in the normal world face to face with people.

02-05-2003, 06:54 PM
<<Which is why it is more perilous to communicate via email than in person or even on the telephone, and studies indicate that relationships tend to break down if conducted mostly via email, since there are no non-verbal cues whateover.>>

So so true. I tried to communicate this to my last ex. I\'m a firm beleiver in what you said. It was a major factor in the problems we had and is the major factor in why we aren\'t even friends anymore. She was too frightened to confront me in person. So I used email. Stupid thing is I did the same thing the year before and KNEW not to use email this time. But still did, thinking I could do a better job. IT DOESN\'T WORK.

I\'ve also heard that a study showed bad inter-office relationships have increased noticably since the proliferation of email??

02-05-2003, 06:54 PM
What im trying to do is incorparate pheormone communication (scent communication) into the greater communication sphere and discussion as they are either unknown about/ or ignored by mainstream NLP - Behavioural communication science type background area.

02-05-2003, 06:58 PM
Email is so quickly misunderstood, thats why such problems exists and why long distance relationships dont work either. Look at these hollywood movies stars flying home from exotic locations to see their families every week or so. I think its because we are designed to be together to raise a family that women especially and men to a degree will hook up sexually with a third party if their partner is away. It depends on the connection between the partners as to weather this is likley to happen or not.
ALso explains higher divorce rates - partners have less time together and therefore are more likley to fall out of \"love\" or attraction to their partner.
Although we all know that love is just a pheromone reaction state anyway. So love = chemical attraction.

02-05-2003, 07:13 PM
<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

10% verbal
20% body language
30% posture and facial movements
40% pheromone type outputs when interacting in the normal world face to face with people.

My theory -
1. Body Language - subconscious is tough to disguise, should be the highest, this attribute conveys primarily confidence and to a lesser extent personality, &amp; charm.
2. Voice Intonation &amp; Rythym - comes in second I think it is 75% subconscious &amp; the true meaning comes out if carefully analyzed, this attribute conveys primarily personality &amp; charm and to a lesser extent confidence - granted some GM\'s can garner a greater degree of confidence, but I don\'t think confidence can be gained naturally from these two traits.
3. Posture &amp; Kinesthetics - Comes in a close third, half subconscious - half intentional, sure you change your posture semi-sub-subconsciously &amp; the same can be said of kinesthetics - most think it is totally conscious, but I guarantee you in the \"reaction reality\" there are subconscious kinos that take place.
4. Verbal - noticably low, but there\'s still value there, as there is conscious involvement this trait comes down a few notches due to conscious lying.
5. Pheromones - yes even at 50x the normal human output, you will not get laid, if you cannot achieve #4 all the pheromones in the world will not help, I feel it is great at breaking the ice both in the cases where the woman makes first contact &amp; more importantly when the man makes first contact as the former probably only happens 10% of the time compared to when the man initiates 90% (being conservative at that). I\'m not trying to discredit the power of pheros, I think I\'m giving it a boost of confidence as most ppl do not consider it a mode of communication. I think a lot can be carried over from the \"animal world\", the VNO is definitely a functioning organ in humans, just not well researched &amp; documented.
6. Mood / Biological State - I threw this in there at the last minute, this is meant for both the hunter &amp; the prey. It is the state of mind before the encounter &amp; in the case of females where they fall in their cycle, I feel pheromones can sway the mood of either party, but it still plays a factor in the communicating experience.

Keeping the above in mind here are my theoretical breakouts.
1. 28% Body Language
2. 22% Voice Intonation &amp; Rythym
3. 20% Posture &amp; Kinesthetics
4. 15% Verbal
5. 10% Pheromones
6. 5% Mood (with the absence of pheromones this jumps to 15% &amp; will always be a factor in 1, 2, &amp; 3 above)

So in conclusion, when neither the hunter nor the prey are not wearing pheromones (probably 98% of the cases if not higher)
mood accounts for 15%
verbal communication accounts for 15%
non-verbal communication accounts for 70%

By wearing pheromones you gain an immediate 10% edge starting at 1st contact &amp; you get the benefit of altering, to a certain extent, the three main forms of communication: Body Language; Voice Intonation &amp; Rythym; Posture &amp; Kinesthetics - purely by altering the mood of your target. This second clause comes into play overtime as I believe the pheromones need time to build up, the longer &amp; more positive rapport you can generate with your target the more positive reaction you should see in these three base forms of communication as they all involve varying degrees of subconscious elements.

02-05-2003, 07:26 PM
Good work bivonic. Actually perhaps pheromone just boost the impact of all the above - where men who are usually straight up and initate sexual things with the women tend to get laid more often, when having pheromones they get an enhancement and get more action. Compared with the guy who wears pheromones sits back and waits for something to happen and it doesnt. This may be why it works for some and not others, the effort they put into being the dominant one and wether or not they initate sexual moves on women.
It just enhances the success of their behaviour and vise versa with those guys that sit back and wait they get more attention but THEY WILL NOT GET LAID.