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View Full Version : PCC or EW better value for cops?

01-30-2003, 11:16 AM
I know EW is highly concentrated to the point that you need to dilute it quite a bit. Is EW sold elsewhere? I didn\'t see it on the phero table in the reference material nor from the frequent buyers section.

PCC on the other hand is pretty cheap like $30, but when looking at the reference table, it looks like it\'s pretty expensive $/Pmg

Also I heard there are different types of Cops in each of the products. I will probably end up just getting the PCC to try it out, the cheaper option here at LS makes sense atm, was just curious on where to get EW if I wanted to step up to the higher concentration later.


01-30-2003, 11:21 AM
EW is a test product that you can get if you spend $50.00 on any other Stone Labs products. Highly concentrated is putting it mildly. Unless you\'re in immediate need of $50.00 worth of other Stone Lab products, I\'d get the PCC. It\'s easy to wear and mixes easily with most other products. EW is for the mad scientists. It\'s stinky and hard to work with in its present state.

01-30-2003, 01:27 PM
But if mad, go for the EW -- there\'s more in it -- and mix into a floral perfume one drop per week of letting it sit and smelling it.

01-30-2003, 01:52 PM
Aieeee! One drop per week? How many drops have you gotten up to? I went berserk and put two drops in a 3.4 bottle of Bulgarian Rose by Fresh -- it\'s lovely until the cologne wears off after about five hours. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

01-30-2003, 02:59 PM
I just got my EW - holy toledo that stuff is rank! I could smell this awful odor before I even opened the pkg. When I opened the bottle and took a whif - YIKES - major headache like RIGHT NOW! I diluted one very spare drop in a cup of water and a little perfume to cover and used as a body spray - not bad at this point for smell. But...my boss was pissing me off royally today (just for being himself as usual - normally I laugh myself silly at him), my headache was nagging at the back of my head, and I know I LOOKED cranky. Too much like PMS time for me - I gotta dilute this some more. I have confidence that it is great stuff, but at this concentration for me it\'s not a go. My problem is, if I can\'t smell something, I don\'t think I have enough on. Tehn I put too much on and when I can smell something bad, know I\'ve got too much on. I was really worried about the BO smell (or should I say rotten p*55y gone south even more) - but didn\'t notice anyone shying away from me, so I guess it was diluted enough for others...I just have to get the PMS-like symptoms cornered and I\'ll be ready to rock. So, to answer your question... PCC would be a better choice unless you can get your money\'s worth from the EW. How much do you intend to use this? - cuz a little really goes a looonnng way!

Happy cooking! Goddess

01-30-2003, 03:04 PM
So weird because those cops make us really pms-y and don\'t seem to affect the guys at all. At all.

01-30-2003, 03:12 PM
Any guys that have tried it at full power (non-diluted) post here an tell us youre experiences, im feeling to lazy to do a search through the archieves.

02-01-2003, 06:55 AM
Most I\'ve gotten into a perfume was 4 drops without it reaking (per maybe 2 oz.), but I added it over a long period of time, and carefully chose oils that would neutralize it. (I posted a list of thos in one of the EW threads). I like to put it on a woman before I [bad word] her.

02-01-2003, 08:38 AM
Where do you put it on her, and how much, and what effect does it have on you?

02-01-2003, 09:46 AM
And, what effect does it have on her?? Does she get cranky, headaches, any of that problem that some of us have had wearing it? How about later that evening or the next morning? I\'d REALLY like to know if this has had ANY negative effect on your women.

02-01-2003, 01:26 PM
No negative effects on her reported -- only positive effects from the 2 EW perfumes I have circulating. Increased confidence, perception of self as sexy, etc. No difference reported between the strong and weaker batch. However, I think I added A1, musk, and -nol too, which probably helped with the PMS symptoms. Every woman should own a bottle of A1, IMHO, to be used during those times.

I just put it everywhere I\'d want my nose to be, loosely speaking. Use your imaginations.

It affects me by increasing my desire, and the firmness of my cock. Let\'s see...Did the censor let me get away with that? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

I thought it was PCC that you gals were reporting problems with?

02-01-2003, 03:51 PM
PCC, yes, but EW\'s worse. That\'s why the mix has got to be just right. It\'s not even so much about the smell - it\'s about not ending up a teary, over-emotional wreck, even at a real strong point in our cycles, NOT pms-ing. Cops can make you pms-y in a big way. Not the irritated, snappish PMS. The weepy, achy PMS.

02-02-2003, 06:45 AM

EW is far and away the better dollar value. Even when you take into consideration the fact that you have to spend $50 to get it.

One 1.125mL bottle of EW diluted down to the Copulin concentration of PCC with your choice of fragrance or unscented carrier will yield 4.5 liters. That\'s the equivalent of 900 bottles of PCC.
However, many of those who experimented with EW found that even at this concentration (4000:1) the effect and aroma of EW were too pronounced. Several found they were more comfortable using the stuff diluted more in the neighborhood of 20,000:1.

PCC is a good product, and I\'m not downing it, but for sheer, raw Copulin power, the EW beta-test concentrate can\'t be beat. Used wisely, especially for a male using it as an auxiliary phero, one bottle could represent a lifetime\'s supply.

IF it\'s still available, here\'s where you\'ll find it:
http://love-scent.com/stone-lab/AE-copulins.html (\"http://love-scent.com/stone-lab/AE-copulins.html\")

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-03-2003, 04:45 AM
I got the Alter Ego with the Free EW and
did some very MAD Scientist experiements
LOL one tiny drop was a LOT!!!!

I got one AMAZING hit where the woman was
actually grabbing my arm and \"huffing\" my
wrist. Getting weak in the knees and all...

Yet at least a few people seemed to want
to move away from me, as if I\'d spent the
day in a WhoreHouse LOL

Now I put one drop into some water and it
works more consistently for getting more
subtle hits and no negative reactions yet.
I\'ll play with adding a bit more until I get
the reactions and hits I want.

Then I have another batch tht is less
watered down with
a few more drops and at that level it
MAKES ME SO F@&king (\"F@&king\") HORNY!!!!! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
I either need to work out or only smell
it when I KNOW I will be meeting a woman.

Hope it does the same for the ladies.

P.s. I have a great smelling, long lasting
Cucumber-Melon body spray and will be
making a batch using that some NOL and
EW to make my own version of PCC

02-05-2003, 06:31 AM
P.s. I have a great smelling, long lasting
Cucumber-Melon body spray and will be
making a batch using that some NOL and
EW to make my own version of PCC

Well I have PCC & EW now. I\'ve been using PCC, I assume I should use it from the roll top as opposed to drops? I\'ve been putting on a few inches like 3\", is that enough? Also I am interested in this concoction you refer to Icemone, what is the recipe? Where\'d you get the Cucumber-Melon body spray (brand?) & how much EW & Nol have you added to it, or what would you folks recommend? Please try to give accurate measurements, i.e. 1 drop EW per pint of body spray et al.


02-05-2003, 06:34 AM
There isn\'t any -nol in PCC. And PCC and EW each have a different copulin recipe. So cucumber melon body spray (which you can get from Bath and Body Works) plus EW does not equal PCC.

02-05-2003, 06:52 AM
I\'m less concerned about making a PCC substitute (I have a full bottle). But I would like to expirement with EW, I guess I\'ll pick up a bottle of that body spray & add 1 drop of EW or more?

02-05-2003, 06:59 AM
Look in the cookbook, there are some recipes in there that might help guide you.

02-07-2003, 01:00 AM
Hi all,

I know that the formulas of PCC and EW are different and I just meant that I respect Stone Labs\' ( GREAT results using AE )

So since they used Cucumber-Melon as a cover scent for PCC, I could use it to cover EW.

I figure why re-invent the wheel LOL
Haven\'t had time to mix up a batch yet.
Been real busy. Got filmed for television the other night /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-07-2003, 07:56 AM
Doing what?

02-08-2003, 07:23 AM
Watcher, in response to your wanting to know of anyone testing EW at full power, I hope there isn\'t anyone doing that! It would be pointless, don\'t you think? Even I am not mad enough to do that. Having said that though, I am still using mine at a dilution of 2 or 3 drops to the ounce of water. I don\'t seem to be getting any negative reactions, and I have plenty of testing opportunities. I go to dance lessons twice a week and get pretty close to a variety of women. Most seem to be pretty happy to be that close to me. I don\'t notice myself making any of them bitchy or what have you. The odd woman seems maybe a bit uncomfortable with me, but who knows, I also wear -none, and furthermore, some women are just different. They maybe act the same with every other guy at the lesson, and they would maybe act the same toward me as if I were using nothing.

Anyway, I just want to report that even at my dilution rate I don\'t seem to be experiencing any negative reactions that I am aware of.

02-08-2003, 07:30 AM
FTR, I have read your comments many times about how strongly EW affects you. What I am wondering is whether you have ever been exposed to it via a man. For example, have you ever tried putting in on your man, and then spent time around him. I am wondering if you would be as strongly affected as when you put it on yourself. It would be really interesting for me to know if there is any difference in how you are affected by it. As it is, even with my extensive testing, I can use observation only to judge the affect I am having on women. I don\'t really want to ask any of them how they are being affected physically by my presence!

02-09-2003, 03:37 AM
Hi FullTiltRedhead, all,

My colleagues and I help people to take back control of their lives using their minds...
I\'m a Hypnotist among other things.

Won\'t say the name of the Network, etc.
yet the host of the show is VERY flirtateous and bubbly /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
She also looks a LOT sexier in person than on TV.
Maybe Pheromones, ha? LOL

( I was wearing my latest combos:
CUBA/Le Male copy over AE, REALM/TE )

Not sure how much will actually be shown or what will get cut out when edited.
Of the 2 hours they filmed they will only air 3 minutes?
Possibly 3 minutes each night for a week?

Interesting experience anyway.

02-09-2003, 11:40 AM
He would never use pheromones of any kind.

02-11-2003, 05:17 AM
Hi FullTiltRedhead,

You could mix a bit of EW in a massage oil and notice if and how it effects both of you.

Then again, it doesn\'t sound like you need any help in that area /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

Actually it is curious that you love \"Le Male\" and other scents.
I think you were also one of the
people to recommend \"Angel\" Men both are AMAZING!!!! Thanks.

And yet your lover only washes with unscented soap and doesn\'t wear pheromones or even cologne?
Well, his natural scent/mones seem to be working for you so enjoy.

02-11-2003, 05:39 AM
He can\'t stand artificial scent. He hates it. With a passion. He\'s persnickety to an extreme on the subject.

And as much as I love cologne and as much as I love the Le Male and Angel for Men, I don\'t want him to wear anything. I love/crave his own smell and either of those colognes would f*ck it up and overwhelm it.

I\'m actually leaning toward throwing out my EW mixes. He seems to do better with just PCC and a little -nol. I wouldn\'t put EW on him or anything else (but baby powder). You don\'t mess with perfection.