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01-25-2003, 01:09 PM
Not really looking to start a topic here, just re-posting something I had in the women\'s forum.
Yeah I purposely didn\'t put ABS in the list, in my opinion that comes down to diet & cardio, at least for me, I can feel a 6 pack under my thin layer of fat.

I\'ve been doing real good with my cardio recently (4+ miles per day on the elliptical), it\'s just my diet that I\'m too stubborn to change. When I lift I do the body for life regimen where you do a set 12, 10, 8, 6 & back to 12 - you increase the amount of weights up to 6 & then go back to the base for the final 12.

As far as exercises I don\'t vary it too much I stick to:
- incline presses (very low angle like 20 or 30 degrees
- 1 rep of butterflies on the machine
- back using the pull down bar
- shoulders using the machine
- triceps - pully
- biceps - either pully or dumbells

Overall work out takes a little over an hour if I do 30 minutes of cardio, I almost wish I did more cardio but my feet hurt if I do, I guess I just have to wisen up & change my diet & reduce my drinking, bah. Can\'t have my pie & eat too hehe!

I typically do the weight training 1st & then the cardio but I\'ve been reversing a little the past week to see how hard to lift it would be, I find it\'s easier on my body to lift 1st & then cardio, I think your system is depleted of a substance when you do cardio that your system needs in order to do strenuous activity like lifting so I was told always lift first & then do cardio.

As far as supplements I use ATP Advantage Creatine Serum (liquid), it\'s expensive like $40 a bottle, but my muscles never hurt later in the day or the next day, I could lift 7 days a week if I wanted to with no injury. Oh yeah I also take two vitamin supplements - Nature\'s Plus Ultra I - One a Day & Nature\'s Plus Vitamin B Complex.

01-27-2003, 01:29 AM
Creatine is good for that, but something even better is whey protein powder, it is all the amino acids in one powder.

01-27-2003, 01:36 AM
i suggest doing your shoulder presses with free weights -- I have read that those shoulder machines can damage your shoulder joint after extended use. I think it has something to do with the rotart cuff muscle. In fact I would suggest that you stop doing so many machines and do more free weights.

And what about legs?? They only house the biggest/strongest muscle in your body (your quads).

01-27-2003, 01:39 AM
I use only free weights and yeah the quads are where i focus attention. Good advice Druid, and also horny goatweed/tribulus is good for men and iron supplements are a must. Pluse plenty of water thats about my advice and eat healthy and plenty of carbs in the morning protein at night. (energy and then recovery overnight)

01-27-2003, 01:57 AM
I am really starting to like ZMA. The soreness goes away a lot quicker -- and I am always trying to go heavy so that helps. And about the carbs -- only if you got the genetics for it ie You are a skinny guy. If you are like me and tend to put on weight (a mixture of muscle and fat) then watch the carbs.

One more thing -- make sure you pay attention to all three heads of the deltoid muscle. Presses focus mainly on the anterior (the front part) head of the deltoid. There is the posterior (back) and lateral (top) head. You hit the lateral with lateral raises. You hit the posterior with the various rows done for your back and you can hit them by doing flyes on your stomach, some of the fly machines double as a rear delt machine. By ignoring those other 2 heads you can create an imbalance and those could lead to a pulled muscled. And that could put a serious hamper on your workout efforts.