View Full Version : None / Nol / Couplin Mixes

01-22-2003, 09:21 PM
Hey Everyone,

I\'m new to this site and \'mones in general but let me say that right off the bat I\'ve found this board to be very informative and helpful.

I placed my order yesterday and hope to be receiving them tomorrow. I ordered PI/m, NPA, SOE and PCC. The reason I ordered the first three was because WKM#1 beta sounded interesting, and if that didn\'t work I think I have a well-rounded combo to try some other stuff with. I was thinking of a high none, medium nol combo with a smidge of couplins and rone. Has anyone tried this in the past (Watcher I just saw a post where you were talking about a none heavy / cops combo). If so, what ratio would you recommend for good results?

I\'d like to hear your input, thanks in advance everyone.

01-22-2003, 11:11 PM
Modify it to SOE PCC NPA - 2:4:4 with the products you have in a small test batch (2 mls total should be good) grab a needless syringe for mixing.
WKM#1 is something experimental give it a shot also in a small batch.
DD #1 could also be tried - proven for under 25 year old guys for younger girls. NPA:SOE 3:7 ratio.
And also try the products on their own also if you want to experiment further (this should give you a well rounded approach to different phero combos) watch this forum for further annoucnements in the next month or so for new products from stone labs i think (AE etc).
This should give you at least a month of playing around with pheros and remember report anything you think of back to the forum.