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View Full Version : 'mones for a PMS target & Q for ladies

01-22-2003, 09:24 AM
Ladies -

Any safe or acceptable way for a guy to ask you if you are having your period, also how long does it last (pardon my ignorance) - 48 hours typically?

All -

I have A1, AE/m, PI/m, Chem Set, NPA - this girl I like, I think her time of the month is coming up in the next week, I would assume I should where ZERO -none based products? What about -rone is that a no-no or can I get by with a little as in the SOE amount?

I\'m thinking of going out with 2 drops of A1 on shoulders, then maybe 5-6\" of SOE-like solution & then Le Male to cover, does this sound safe? I\'ll also bring out some PI/m for when I leave the bar she works at & then go to a different bar. Would it make sense to up the -nol in my SOE solution or in effect downplay the -rone?


01-22-2003, 09:29 AM
I\'m not a girl, but I\'ll answer your first two questions.

1. No. You can\'t really ask for that information. Some may volunteer the information. My girlfriend always told me. Try asking someone who isn\'t a close friend and you\'ll not get an answer (maybe you\'ll get slapped which is also fun).

2. The period itself usually does not last more than 48 hours. What does last for up to a week is PMS which stands fopr \"Post Menstral Syndrome\" which may include some of the following: discomfert, mood changes, pain etc... It changes from one girl to another and it also changes from one cycle to another.

Hope this helps. What\'s this fetish of hitting on girls having their period anyway? Not that I\'m critizising.

01-22-2003, 09:41 AM
Wrong and wrong!

You can tell the woman you\'d like to be aware of her cycle and ask her if she minds talking about it. If she gets indignant, back off. She probably won\'t.

The period lasts 3-5 days, normally. 48 hours is abnormally short. It\'s PRE-menstrual disorder, not POST, meaning it happens during the week before the bleeding starts.

01-22-2003, 09:42 AM
1. I can\'t really think of a safe way to ask. My really good guy friends can ask, as long as they\'re pretty neutral or concerned-sounding when they ask. lol A lot of times I just tell them, or I tell them if I have PMS so they will understand if I\'m acting weird. If a guy is defensive or seems the slightest bit angry when he asks, then it comes across as an insult, at least to me.

2. A woman\'s period can last anywhere from 1-8 days, depending on the woman. And it changes up sometimes for a particular woman too, so you never know how long it will last. PMS on the other hand, is anywhere from a day to a week, and that too, changes for one woman or women in general. Every 3-4 months, I have it for about a week, otherwise it\'s just a day or so. And I generally can tell I\'m irritated with the world in general and try not to take it out on the innocent. If not, I stay off by myself for the day. Also, PMS can be up to a week before a woman\'s period starts, during her period, or even right before.

As for the rest, I can\'t help you, \'cause none of my guys use -mones. Good luck though.:)

01-22-2003, 09:45 AM
PMS means PRE menstrual syndrome. It doesn\'t happen during our period. Then it would be called Menstrual Syndrome.

I do agree. \"Are you having your period?\" is a good way to get your head bit off. But that\'s different from saying you want to be aware of her cycle and for her to feel comfortable talking to you about it. You should be able to get by with that.

01-22-2003, 09:53 AM
Thanks for all of the input, also does ovulation start pretty much 14 days after her period? How long does it last 24-48 hours? Do the women feel particularly horny during that time?

01-22-2003, 09:54 AM
Maybe I\'m just weird then. I generally get it either an entire week before my period starts, the day before, or the first day of. I can definitely tell when I\'ve got it though! lol

I find guys who have sisters tend to be the most comfortable with asking about a girl\'s period, or knowing when she\'s hurting, etc. And I don\'t get as defensive when it\'s a guy with sisters asking. I guess it\'s more of a fact of life than it is for guys without them. lol

01-22-2003, 10:03 AM
Oh boy another sexy redhead /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

01-22-2003, 10:38 AM
Here\'s a chart that may be helpful.

http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/menscyc3.html (www.people.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/menscyc3.html)

and here\'s an overview
http://www.coolnurse.com/menstrual.htm (\"http://www.coolnurse.com/menstrual.htm\")

01-22-2003, 10:56 AM
SRH - sorry if I bit your head off. I\'m PMS-ing. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

01-22-2003, 10:57 AM
So back to the 1st half of this post.

A1 + SOE sound like a good plan, am I asking to get my head bit off with even a drop of NPA or PI/m? I remember reading that A1 increases a woman\'s tolerance of -none. Maybe I could try a drop or two of AE/m & be prepared to run & wash it out if I get adverse affects, it\'s all in the name of science anyway!


01-22-2003, 11:05 AM
based on your components I would suggest a mix that works for me when PMS on the part of my mate is a threat: SOE:A1 at 10:1 (Using CS you\'d need 4 nol, 1 rone, 5 EtOH and 1 A1). 2-3 dabs will give you decent nol, and equal parts rone and A1. Your tolerance for A1 kickback side effects will help determine how much of this you want to wear .Since there is no -none, you could probably go to 5 dabs without running the risk of giving yourself a headache. FWIW, it\'s not a bad business mix either, although I still prefer PI/w:NPA:A1 at 10:6:3.

01-22-2003, 11:14 AM
No problem. I was there last week. Hope you feel better soon.

01-22-2003, 11:51 AM
Let me answer your questions since you have me dizzy from the other forum....let me be the one.

I don\'t think it would be inappropriate to ask if you are sexually involved with her. And, I can\'t imagine why you would want to know otherwise.

48 hours would probably be less than average....

Come back to the women\'s forum. Hurry.

01-22-2003, 12:02 PM

01-22-2003, 01:30 PM
Another one for the ladies.

Whats the best way to cure period pains?

I\'m not asking on my behalf, naturally.

01-22-2003, 01:47 PM
Heat, massage, calcium, liquor, Pamprin, Midol - depends on how bad they are -- I don\'t think anything really makes them stop -- just that those things will help with the pain a little.

01-22-2003, 02:07 PM
Yeah I heard that a hot water bottle helps a lot.

01-22-2003, 02:09 PM
Hot water bottle\'s good, or an electric heating pad.

And I lied - massage is good for low backache but really doesn\'t do anything for cramps.

01-22-2003, 07:08 PM
when a womans PMS\'ing it\'s time to earn your \'red wings\' and she\'ll forget all about being PMS\'d( make sure she\'s got a chocolate IV as that always helps too)