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View Full Version : ProEdge/w, TE/w users?/EW recipe

01-14-2003, 07:14 PM
Hi, Ladies, hope everyone\'s well.

Question for the ProEdge, The Edge users -- have you found it changes the balance of power in your sexual relationship? Do you find yourself being more directive/aggressive and him wanting you to be that way? (I know some of you already are that way - if so, does it enhance this?)

Any stories welcomed.

Also - you know that Touch Me Then Try To Leave body cream by benefit that I love so much - it can contain ProEdge\'s reek for several hours even under heat. I couldn\'t believe it. I sprayed two sprays of ProEdge in a tiny dish and added two tablespoons of TMTTTL, and it took it.

And this for an EW recipe:

add 2 drops of EW, 2 drops PCC, 1 drop PI/w to a 3.5 bottle of Bulgarian Rose eau de parfum by fresh

It\'s nice, feels good on.

01-14-2003, 08:03 PM
You will have to call it FTR #1 and at it to the cookbook Fulltiltredhead.
How about that youre very own mix ?

01-14-2003, 08:11 PM
Hey upsidedown what do you think of FTRs new FTR#1 mix.
Think it will do any good.

01-14-2003, 08:12 PM
Hey, Watcher. You know what, that\'s actually my second very own mix. The first one I\'m crazy about, and it\'s in the cookbook, in the women\'s section. To Touch Me Then Try To Leave Me Body Cream, add 2 drops of EW, 3 drops of PCC, and 2 drops of lavender -nol. I really love that a lot. I save it for special occasions. That\'s actually what I added the ProEdge to, the spiked body cream. We had pheromon-o-rama today. It was big fun. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

01-14-2003, 08:15 PM
Ok its FTR #1 and FTR #2 then.

01-14-2003, 08:17 PM
Is there a mixmaster badge or something I get to sew on my sash? /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif How many mixes have you made, Watcher? Several, right?

01-14-2003, 08:20 PM
I have 6 or 7 \"approved badge\" types that are floating around the forum we have

DD#1,2,3 DD Lite and DD lite #2
WKM #1

And a few others mentioned somewhere cant remember though.

01-14-2003, 08:26 PM
What products are they modeled after? what\'s in their mix?

01-14-2003, 08:37 PM
>>Hey upsidedown what do you think of FTRs new FTR#1 mix.
Think it will do any good<<

Hey Watcher. I\'m sure any of FTR\'s pheromone casseroles would work great. It only makes me wish I could experience each of her pheromone concoctions on a live woman rather than having to read about them on a rather stale computer screen. But, they sound like they get results. I\'m sure FTR herself has a lot to do with the effectiveness of the mixtures as well. Perhaps the cookbook should include a disclaimer next to each mixture....\"Highly Recommended For Spunky Redheads.\"

Well FTR, I guess you can name and number your mixtures any way that you want. You\'ve become quite the scientist with your mixing and experimenting. Good for you!

01-15-2003, 03:50 AM
Today I played with the EW the first time.

I guess, great minds think alike FTLR LOL

About 1 drop on one of my wrists with some
Issy Miake cologne covering. Later on, I added some
Baby Powder and got a VERY familiar scent /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

( along with my usual combos of AE, REALM/TE )

Interesting day. Some people seemed to sit FAR away
from me. Others almost sat on my lap looking around curiously.

01-15-2003, 04:20 AM
Well, I\'ve got more guts than brains but at least I\'m going for it, right?

Icemone, you put one whole drop of EW concentrate straight out of the bottle on your wrist?

01-15-2003, 05:34 AM
excuse me? you used a drop straight from the bottle of EW on your skin??

01-16-2003, 04:51 AM
Tiny drop more like a dab

I will be mixing it some time this week.

About 2 drops in a Gallon of water worked well for
FullTilt so I might go with that.

I am curious by nature and tested Pi M, TE M, etc. to see what an OD was like and to find the right amount for me.

I\'ve found that even one spray of TE is much too much for me and so I use dabs of it and it works great.

01-16-2003, 05:13 AM
glad someones willing to risk thier life /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif