View Full Version : feild report - jbx

01-11-2003, 01:56 PM
ok, since i had some RM and NPA, i decided to try a little game. I went out to a club last night, wearing a home styled JB-X mix. I didn\'t have a spare mixer, so i did drops on the skin. Here is what i did:

7 drops RM - one on each shoulder, one on the forehead, one on each cheek, and two spread across the neck. I rubbed it in with my wrists.
3 drops NPA one on each cheek, and one on the neck, also rubbed in with the wrists

Now, i have a feeling that i may have od\'d last night, as i got less than pleasant results. I think a lesser amount may have permeated one of my friends because he was wildly sucessful (well above his average). Has anyone seen a \"contact mone\" effect before?
Also, i did not get much in the way of overt responses, so its hard for me to say, od, or attribute this to being off my game last night (i got into an accident prior to going out, so i probably wasn\'t altogether in the best clubbing state). As a side, i did not notice any hairflips or DITH hits, nor did anyone tell me i stunk. I have this feeling that i can\'t directly smell -none, as i don\'t catch any of the supposed BO odor, but TE has a strong alcohol smell, and NPA does smell a bit funky(perhaps the secret ingedients?)

I plan on experimenting with this a bit and seeing if i can twaek it a bit via more established mixing methods, as i am not keen on droppers on skin, since it is not as well mixed as i had hoped, and i don\'t have any way to reapply since i noticed the scent disappeared fairly quickly to me. is this just me adjusting to my smell or does JBX have a short smell cycle? is a reapplication in a couple hours a good idea, or a surefire od?

01-11-2003, 02:01 PM
7 drops of RM, ALONG with 3 drops of NPA? Are you CRAZY? lol. Ok, no need to ask that question. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif. Anyways man, it was not only an OD, it was a major OD. I\'m surprised you still got some positive results.

I can\'t answer your other question about JBX since I\'m not a user of it, but I\'m sure someone else here is. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

- Krish

01-12-2003, 06:55 AM
iv\'e had a lot of dihls with jbx, the way i apply it is 1 dab of npa on each earlobe, 1 dab of rm each side of jaw and 1 on the throat,, rub it in. Try that and see what happens and work ur way up. also i found myself with jbx the scent doesnt last long but no need to re apply as that stuff is strong.

01-12-2003, 04:48 PM
WWWWWWAY too much. Try cutting back a little and get back to us.

01-14-2003, 09:10 AM
Yeah way too much, I did that aswell and got the same affect, my friend was getting hits, which wasnt pleasant /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

I founf the best way to get hits out of this mix is to dilute. Mix it up and substitute 2 parts of the NPA with 8 of TE, and apply more, but over a larger area. Then perhaps one dab of the concentrate on your chin.

Test for yourself RE the smell, dab some of your mix onto a tissue and check it every 1/2 hour.

01-15-2003, 03:46 PM
Well given that OD (wheres jambat) u need to try using less, although ODs can still get good responses depending on the person and the spread of products all over the body or are the concentrated in the upper body etc.