View Full Version : Delayed hits...

01-10-2003, 04:44 PM
Noticed some delayed hits now.

All of a sudden I\'ve had interest from girls that I\'ve seen around but didn\'t register any obvious \'hit\' with earlyier on. One instance... girl came up to me and said, \"I seen you the other night\", with a big stupid grin on her face. I didn\'t know her, but had seen her around.
I\'ve noticed, in general, more girls hanging around me while I\'m out this past couple of weeks. No DIHL or hair flipping or anything obvious from the majority of them but they are obviously more relaxed around me. I\'ve also found them more responsive to me approaching them. Example: If I stand near them they will look at each other with that... \"check him out\" thing they do.

This is at a club I have been going to consistently since I turned 18 (ten years). These reactions have changed exactly since I started wearing mones more consistently. I\'ve always been observant of reactions even before hand and this change is good! /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

Also had a delayed \"sexual hit\". Went to see the new Bond movie with some friends and an out of towner. The out of towner back in town now (..and dragged a couple back with her) and had the message sent to me by friend that I was \'gunna be lucky\' tonight. :-P Not too sure if this one was mones related or not.

One downer... Also getting hits from unwanted subjects...like Waaaaay too old for me. Can\'t complain....Just that they tend to be really really forward with come ons at older ages! And while dancing I\'ve had a couple of aggressive ones tell younger girls to \"[bad word] off, this ones mine!\" ...Once in those exact words, and not worried about me hearing either. Really shitted me. ...SCARY!

P.S. No. Didn\'t follow through with \'gunna be lucky\'. Quite interested in one of the friends she dragged back with her though :-P Always the way! This is pretty much a \'no go\' thing, but I\'m gunna chase this one anyway. Way \"my type\" . And the message has gotten through to the first \'out of towner\' and she recovered ...no fuss. Cross my fingers... Might be scary! :-S

01-10-2003, 04:50 PM
dude, not sure what you mean by \'older\' but i\'ll tell you this. i was 16 and shacked up with a 38 y/o for over a yr..best damn time of my life and learned a lifetimes worth of knowledge on how to please a woman..they like wine, they get better with age

01-10-2003, 04:56 PM
Everything that you posted above on the first paragraph applies to me. Since wearing mones I\'ve been hanging out with more girls and I get hits by older women as well. You\'re right about older women being more upfront on their flirting. I love getting all this attention from girls. Everywhere I go it seems all girls want to talk to me is what\'s up with their lives and i don\'t even ask them to tell me. I cannot believe that I can walk into a Pizza Hut and a few girls will just stare at me the whole time until i pay for my carryout pizza and walk out, look back, and they\'re still staring like if i\'m the only thing in the world to them. =P

01-10-2003, 05:06 PM
I agree man!. Was seeing a 37 y/o when I was 21. Learnt so much from her too and had a great time. They aren\'t affraid to teach you at that age. In fact I got the feeling sometimes it was her primary motivator( Alright maybe secondary. lol)

I suppose what I was really upset about was the \"[bad word] off! ...he\'s mine\" thing. To tell you the truth I was annoyed AND impressed at the same time. It\'s just that it scared off my primary interest and I couldn\'t chase her back down.

01-10-2003, 05:13 PM
Yeah it\'s good! And it\'s like they don\'t have any control over how obvious it is too! (the staring)

I\'ve gotten in the habit of wearing SoE (sometimes with pi/m)everytime I go down the street/shops etc The effects seem to be exponential over time. It\'s like they are banking up. All the effected girls are multiplying, slowly, but I have more than enough attention now.

01-10-2003, 05:49 PM
I\'m wondering how this product makes girls in particular just STARE at you even though it\'s so obvious. I love all the attention it\'s great. I even have a very close chance at getting a job at the casino because of the mones. I was getting obvious hits off the lady that hires people there.

01-11-2003, 01:08 AM
Thats an interesting side effect that you also get responses from unwanted subjects. Although sometimes it can get interesting. Like one that kept wanting to know if i was in love trying real hard to get me to play along (51 im 22 and butt ugly, anyway doesnt stop them trying) so i didnt play along used some of that NLP to drive her away. She tried to get onto dick length and i said i had a condition known as micropenis where its 1-2 inches long that put her off real quick, gotta get disgusiting or put youreself down to remove interest on undesirables) in fact its 8 1/2 inch but she wasnt to know and allowed me to chat up the pretty young thing that had been my target where this older 51 yr old got in the road right at the most annoying moment.