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View Full Version : WHAT IS YOUR TOP 5 for SEXUAL HITS

01-09-2003, 11:22 AM
please put your top 5 for sexual hits.

I have only tried APC and NPA, and only for like a day, so I can\'t really put down mine

01-09-2003, 08:20 PM
top 5? i dont hava top 5 and i havent gotten any hits lately, but anyways the best for me has been:

1 spray of Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male on the chest
4 dabs of APC, the neck, wrist,
2 sprays of the edge on a shirt (under each arm pit)
2 drops of AE, behind each ear

its a lot of NONE but it worked for me one time. it was crazy, chicks were everywhere!

01-10-2003, 01:41 AM
Anything with Arone in it or couplins mixed in.

01-10-2003, 07:36 AM
Realm/m spiked with NPA 9:1 ratio, 3 sprays per application

RM and SOE, not mixed, 1 dab RM behind each ear, and 3\" SOE on wrists, forearms

PPA/w old and PCC together, 2 drops each, cheap drugstore type watermelon scent that fades, i like to use it on warm days.

PPA/m new with A1 at 7:2 ratio, hits are more friendly than sexual

01-10-2003, 08:14 AM
Biggest Sexual Hit Producers:

TE - lot\'s in a nightclub

Creed + NPA

Straight NPA - more as a sex enhancer

Pheromax + LeMale cover

Animale + NPA

01-10-2003, 08:52 AM
I\'m always evolving, so I have no top 5.

What I\'m learning about sexual hits is
1. Combine NPA or EDGE with another source of none.
2. use -nol and -rone as enhancers. A1 as insurance, but just a drop.
Amber, musk and vanilla are good as they create comfort and trust.

01-12-2003, 03:14 AM
I agree with some of these.

I used to use more NPA ( now TE )
with REALM Men sometimes alone
and sometimes with
a cover of Issy Miake or Dolce & Gabanna

( now sometimes Angel Men----looking for a
deal on Le Male since FTRH and others seem
to like it so much and I liked the scent of it, too )

Lately, I use a blend of REALM Men/NPA or TE
( about 6 to 4? ratio instead of 7 to 3----think I
was ODing )

Often I use the above along with a
few drops of Alter Ego on opposite forearm.

( This is what I was wearing when things
went so far so fast with the woman I met )

By wearing some mones on one side of my
body and
some on the other I can ( hallucinate LOL )
that I can get more of a friendly or sexual hit
depending on where they are standing/sitting
next to me.
Makes my INTENT more sexual
or friendly and that is one of the most important
elements for me.