View Full Version : "A Fun SeasoNOL Experience"

01-08-2003, 04:56 AM
This is one of 4 recent \"chatty\" experiences I\'ve
enjoyed while using more NOL than I usually do.

2 drops of (older version ) AE,
some REALM spiked with The Edge
and then ------2 drops of SPMO------not bad for a free
product ( came with my TE deal, a while back )
Covered with my usual favorite for long days/nights.
\"Issy Miake\"

( I\'ll post the other 3 situations when I find more time.)

About a month ago I was waiting for a train to come.
I asked a
few other people if they knew when the train was supposed
to arrive.
No one knew. I asked how long they had been waiting and we
figured out how much longer we\'d have to wait in the freezing cold.

This older woman who reminded me of my Mom
starts talking
to me in a mix of Polish and sign language, and writing on her hands for numbers LOL
( I speak German and some of the words were similar )

This went on for about 15 minutes and it was a pretty good conversation.
Mostly HER speaking and me nodding and her
laughing and smiling and giggling like a school girl.

Later, that night an 18 year old Southern Belle cuttie
PICKED ME UP /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif as I was feeding pidgeons while
waiting for the boat.
I\'ll post more about this and the other
SeasoNOL situations I have enjoyed recently, when I
find more time.

01-08-2003, 02:28 PM
I get the same experiences with SOE with some added a1 for measure.