View Full Version : Need quick advice

01-07-2003, 09:26 PM
I am in a bit of a situation. I would like things to go as well as possible. My girlfriend broke up with me, and cannot site a good reason. I think it is the huge amount of stress her work put her under, with a new store opening, and the X-mas season and all... Anyway, I have picked up the \'starter\' package: The edge, Scent of Eros gel, and Musk w/ androstenol (and eye dropper). It came with the atomizer as well.
Anyway, there is a chance I will be in close contact with her tomorrow night (1/8) and I want there to be a spark (doesn\'t have to be huge). I told her that I was confident that work LITERALLY made her feelings towards me change, and that come spring (well now) they would become more romantic. I want to use my products to convince her.
I know what you may be thinking. It is OK. First I am a great guy. She would be the first to tell you so! Also, and more importantly, I am positive that she really does love me. I think 1 *sshole is to blame for this. He took advantage of the situation, and compromised our entire relationship when they were working 10+ hr days together getting the store ready. We all know how being the \'new guy\' lets that happen.
I don\'t think anything happened then, however he has come back to visit... (this makes me sad) Anyway, I want to win her back, she is, according to me, amazing. About me, if it helps, because it is chemistry after all. I am not a big sweater. I am 5\'8\" with brownish hair, blue eyes, and a red beard (which is completely MIA right now). I do not sweat much, however I recently (December) gave up hats because my head sweats, and the hats stink... Also, I mixed up a atomizer batch: 1 packet of Scent of Eros gel, several drops of Musk w/ Androstenol, and equal parts (2 squirts) my cologne and the edge (unscented). I wore it at a local bar with basically no effect.
Please: tell me how to increase the potency, or change the formula for more success. I have until 5:00pm 1/8/03 EDST.

potsy@fitpilam.com (\"potsy@fitpilam.com\")

Anyway, I want to know wht mixture advise the experts can advise, along with anything else. My email is probably available, if not it is potsy@fitpilam.com (\"potsy@fitpilam.com\")

Thanks in advance,

01-07-2003, 09:52 PM
Half a pack of SOE and 2 sprays of the edge.

01-07-2003, 09:57 PM
Do you have AIM? I have the EXACT same problem. I\'m gonna try out pheromones tomorrow. My ex-gf didn\'t give me that good of a reason to breakup with me. I want there to be a spark again.

01-07-2003, 10:04 PM

With what you have I would recomend that you follow Watcher\'s advice. Now if you have it, I have found that a combo of up to 12\" of SOE total rolled on the arms wrists neck behind the ears and 2 drops total of RM rubbed in behind the ears and down the jawline works really well for me for rekindling someone\'s intrest for me.

I\'m also testing out a SOE/RM mix of 7:3. So far it\'s doing very well.

01-07-2003, 10:19 PM
I just want to say that it\'s....comforting....to hear of other people in the same situation. My girlfriend and I recently broke up as well, and although I am the one who technically broke up with her, I am pretty sure that she would not come back if I asked her. I actually found this website and the forum right after we broke up.

For the record, I currently own PI/m and SOE gel and I feel that I may have seen some hits and changes in behavior of others and will continue to test.

Any of you \"breakups\" out there not talking to the ex? Although I bought the -mones for the purpose of new people, I am dying to see the effects on her. I am just curious if I am the only one not talking to the ex. I\'m not going to call her, but I really want her to call me. I just can\'t stop thinking about it.

Sorry for the off-topic post!! I know I should be talking about -mones. It was just comforting to hear of others in the same situation.

Good luck to all and a happy new year too,

01-08-2003, 12:19 AM
just wanted to wish you good luck for tonight ! the same story happens to me, except that I\'m a gay girl : she has tons of work, another girl arrived (she actually seems to turn her on), and I\'m half destroyed... and I want her back !!
Anyway, SOE is a nice stuff. Some guys here know a lot about pheros, listen to them. Just be aware that too much smoke or too much alcohol in a crowded room may diminish the effects of the pheros.
Hope everything will be ok for you

01-08-2003, 02:26 AM
i also had the starter kit, though i was not new to useing -mones before getting it and found it not to be as effective as what i had used before, but that aside, you have a combo that can be made to work i think- as i finally got mine too. Now IMHO (which is limited with those products) your best bet lays in the SoE you have.
in your case you really don\'t need the \'sexual\' hit-TE (again IMHO) as you had a good relationship already, so with that in mind, use the SoE as the main weapon. SoE tends to make ppl relaxed and chatty and in your case thats what you probably need most, (to get her close to you, relaxed and in the mood to chat) If she still feels the way you think she does this chatting ought to get her back into the \'ready\' to go futher mode and if and when that happens then the rest will be easy.

01-08-2003, 03:57 AM
Thanks everyone (especially Watcher) for the kind words and advice. If everything goes well you won\'t hear from me until Thursday night. Otherwise I will let you know tonight if I see any change in her attitude/actions!!
P.S. I wouldn\'t mind, but this kind of stuff always happens: new=exciting, everywhere I go a hear and see this happen, this is just the first time it happened to me!

01-08-2003, 10:19 PM
Yeh, things were not explosive. I will not complain. We spent an entire evening together. I actulayy got the feeling that she wanted to \'run\' because she was afraid something would happen between us.
I will keep everyone posted on how things go. Being the guy every girl went to in college (I was way too good friend), I know more than my fair share about the female psyche...

I intend to abuse that knowledge. I waited as long as did because I was waiting for something worth while!!

01-08-2003, 10:26 PM
hum, you need to clear something up for this ol country boy.(not to bright at times) You say it seemed she wanted to run. Well ok, just what product/s where you using at the time?

01-08-2003, 11:27 PM
Yeah... not talking to the ex either. Sux doesn\'t it?? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif I want to....she doesn\'t.(talk to me). First time I\'ve ever had trouble being \'just friends\' again with a girl. I \'spose time is all that\'ll fix it now... I hope.


01-08-2003, 11:36 PM
I thought it\'s interesting that you thought she looked like she wanted to \'run\'. Was it because she was unconfortable being around you, or something else? What you said about her being afraid that something might happen, although sounded weird, is actually quite likely. I wouldn\'t really know since I wasn\'t there, but follow your insticts.

To add to the tragedies and tears previously posted above /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif , I\'ll share a break up too. My last girlfriend (before my current one), broke up with me without any good reason. It\'s basically a \'Last night I loved you but now I don\'t\' case. I couldn\'t understand for the life of me, and that\'s when I first found this forum, and pheromones in general (this was Oct 2000).

I moved to another state, and when I finally got a stable, permanent girlfriend (my current one), she was fine with it. I hadn\'t seen her for a while.
Then I visited her, and I made sure I wore \'mones then, and the first thing she said was that I was different, I was really confident and attractive and blah blah. And then she wanted to get back together.
Of course I didn\'t agree, I have a girlfriend now, the most beautiful girl in the world, why\'d I jeopardize it.
But the morale of the story is, contrary to popular belief, pheros DO affect even people who interact with you regularly.
So you might still have some chance there with your ex.

01-09-2003, 03:08 PM
When I said she \'wanted to run\' because she seemed afraid something would happen, here is what I meant:
She broke up with me for no good reason, except maybe that she didn\'t feel like she was giving enough to the relationship. Which is of course the stupid thing anyone can ever think. If you are not giving enough, they will break up with you. Anyway, so she convinced herself that despite what we had that she couldn\'t \'take advantage\' of me. I think it will probably take until ~ February or March before she is willing to let herself have feelings for me.
I, of course, will keep everyone posted on how that goes. On a side note, I decided if we were going to be apart for a while I will blow her away when we get back together. I purchased some other products that promise to enhance \'things\'. If anyone is interested in how that goes, let me know. The 1 month supply arrived today.
Thanks again for all your support.