View Full Version : Which one has more pheromones?.......

01-07-2003, 01:34 AM
I\'ve been thinking about ordering the chem set but then out of nowhere comes the new perfect ten.
In total which one has more quantity (mg) of phermones? Correct me if I\'m wrong. According to my calculations:
Chem set has 9 mg pheromones
Perfect Ten has 10 mg pheromones

Lastly if I was to buy one or the other, which one would you guys suggest I buy?

01-07-2003, 08:47 AM
You are right about the total amount of pheros in these two products. The $/mg is pretty close too.

The real question is flexibility. The three pheros in Perfect Ten are already mixed up in a formula. If you like that formula that\'s fine. The three pheros in the chemset are delivered in separate bottles - you can mix them up any way you want. But it can be a hassle to mix.

If you are new to pheros, or don\'t like to experiment, you may want to try several premixed products and get a feel for what they do before you experiment with a chemset.

But if you are the \'hobbyist\' type and enjoy experimentation, a chemset is fun because you can mix up any combo you want and try new things, or mix up equivalents for commercial products. Lots of flexibility. It\'s a question of personal taste and convenience.

If you\'re totaly new I\'d recommend NPA or TE, and maybe one other product containing nol. Experiment with these for a while to understand dosages and cover fragrances. But hey, do what you like...it\'s fun to play with and not the end of the world if you get pheros wrong...

01-07-2003, 10:08 AM

You\'ve always had the power to order P10.
All you had to do was click your heels three times and say, \"There\'s no place like the Forum Club Home Page,.....\"
http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum-club/ (\"http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum-club/\")
P10 has been on there since Toto was a pup. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
But a lot of people don\'t even know it\'s there.

But if I were you, I\'d opt for the Chem Set rather than P10.
Here\'s why:
First of all, the price per milligram of pheros for P10 is $12.999, while the Chem Set runs only $11.11 per mg. (That\'s about a $17 savings.)
Secondly, you can have a great deal more flexibility (and fun) with the Chem Set, mixing up any number of phero combinations, including the 6N, 3L, 1R formula of P10.
Thirdly, you can use the individual components of the Chem Set to punch up the other products you own, giving them the phero balance they may lack. For example: adding some None to SOE, putting some Nol and/or Rone in APC, jacking up the None or Nol in AE, adding Nol and Rone to NPA, etc.

From what I can see in terms of \"extras\", the only thing you wouldn\'t get with the Chem Set that would be included with P10 would be the atomizer.

So, click those heels again, and hit on the \'Holiday Gift Set\" on the Forum Club page and order the NPA + Atomizer deal for less than the regular price of NPA. ( I know that you already have NPA, but it never hurts to have a back-up bottle. It\'s the item that I\'ve most often seen out of stock.)

This way, for less than the price of P10, you\'ll have a fresh new bottle of NPA, an atomizer, the Chem Set with all the accompanying goodies, AND the three bottles of Super Primal Oil that are thrown in with the Chem Set.

Also, IF you\'re eligible to buy from the \"Frequent Buyers\' Page\", I\'m fairly sure that the Chem Set is on there at a reduced price, but I don\'t think that P10 is. Someone please correct me if I\'m wrong.

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

01-07-2003, 10:20 AM
you\'re right, chem set is there..P10 isnt

\"Bury your head in the sand, somebody will come along and shoot your ass off\"
[i] Wolfe

01-07-2003, 12:19 PM
P10 is for those who want a powerful ready made product without needing to mix it.
The chem set is for those who feel comfortable with mixing and want to experiment with smaller batches.

01-07-2003, 09:48 PM
Thanx guys for all the quick (and very helpful) replies. Now can someone please tell me what makes me eligible for the \"Frequent Buyer\'s Club\" or point me to the URL where I can read up about it? Appreciate the help /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

01-07-2003, 09:55 PM
You need to PM bruce about it and then order once every month to remain hooked up with it, he will give you a password which is valid wihtin the 30 days, and if you reorder you will keep it.