View Full Version : my first none experience

01-06-2003, 05:58 PM
well i tried to wear the none but it didnt really do it for me so i dropped about 10 drops on the passenger seat of my car and it really stunk bad in there so i dropped the top so it wasnt so noticeable

anway with my first target she mentioned something about it smelling like \"coconut\" in there and that it was making her hungry

well about 40 min. later at the parking lot of some park the pink and white pantys came off and my bone slid right in

u know the method... STICK N MOVE

well about half way through she mentioned something about feeling dizzy... none side effect or what??

01-06-2003, 06:02 PM
The only positive effect I see from this post is that you found what works for you. Good, I\'m glad you found what works for you. Out of curiousity, was that source of anone, NPA?

- Krish

01-06-2003, 06:04 PM
it was some stuff i picked up locally that some guy was calling placebo but it sure as hell wasnt placebo i think its made by the same ppl who make \"naughty boy\" but its there concentrated version cuz the place i picked it up from was also selling naughty boy

well i already been through like half the bottle i think i am really overdosing bad cuz it never works when i wear it but then again it says u should mix it 1 drop per ounce of cologne but i was wearing it straight...

well 10 drops on the passenger seat of the car works thats for sure!!

and it smells nothing like coconut to me it smells more like strong rubbing alcohol or something

01-06-2003, 06:05 PM
oh ya she wouldnt stop with the eye contact either it was liek deep deep eye contact!!

01-06-2003, 06:09 PM
The local stuff can sometimes be the real deal re: in small amounts only. Good point about the bone that is the whole point isnt it. Naughty boy sounds like an interesting product name.
Good use on the passenger seat, also extends to pillows etc. The rubbing alcohol sounds like andro 4.2 or attraction.

01-06-2003, 06:11 PM
Deep deep eye contact well she was enjoying herself obviously. Or it could have just been a massive DIHL whilst engaged in sex. Or just a big orgasim.

01-07-2003, 12:33 PM
You know, that IS something I notice....

Even with MINUTE amounts of None...

I ALWAYS get eye contact...

Not even so much sexual either, I\'ll just be walking down the halls, or, I\'ll be standing there chillin (this is at school) and almost ever single girl that walks by/or by me will give me eye contact for a second...

I thought it was some kind of none respect thing or something.

Yes that is genius though, ha ha , none on the CAR SEAT...I still have some PURE NONE FROM THE KIT, lol, that would work GREAT, lol


01-07-2003, 12:40 PM
YEah that should work great for you.