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01-05-2003, 05:24 AM
First i like to say, a Happy New Year to you all. And best wishes for 2003.
I\'m new to this forum, and i have a few questions.
i recentley bought for the fist time SOE gell , and i was wondering how much do i have to use to get attention from the ladies. I know this must have been asked before. But i\'m still learning how it all works. So any help on this is greatly appreciated. My second question is , i see alot of products, and i would like to know witch one works best so that might buy it too. I alwayes use Java cologne and would like to know witch phermones products works best with it. I know these are alot of question. But thanks in advance.

01-05-2003, 06:20 AM
you\'re asking questions nobody can give you a full answer too as every person has a diff chemistry makeup and needs diff things to make it balance. Now as far as SoE goes the general rule has been 1/2 a packet used on wrists/neck pulse points.
The rest of the products are harder to give info on as what works for me(not only on TYPE of product but amount) might not work for you personally (or anyone else for that matter-this goes back to personal chemistry-IMHO).
Now with that said, trust love-scent products as they work and it\'s only a matter of finding which suit your personal chemistry and attitude, which only you can determine by experimenting. (with both types and amounts)
In most cases you\'ll find a combination of products is best. (IE: AE/w+TE/m+SoE is my personal use combo 90% of the time)
LMAO and after all that you\'re gonna get 100 differant other views now too /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
BTW you said you used alot of diff products, by this you meant what kind of products?..-mones or colognes and such??

01-05-2003, 12:55 PM
Nobody can give you a full answer we have 100s of different views that much can be said, it comes down to personal chemistry and what products and phero types suit youre personality (looks, natural pheromone signature, testostrone levels, money, social status) dont get to worried about all that though. Try using the gel packs 1/2 at a time and it just take a matter of time to observe reactions (subtle moslty) and read the forum like crazy and participate in the discussions if possible to get an idea of what everyone is doing and saying and learn how to make them work. Love-scent products work because bruce only sells the ones that work because he is a reseller with a few exclusive contracts but he quickly drops products that fail to work. (Beaches was one it was crap anyway) Check out the pheromone reference material at the top of the page to AND KEEP US UPDATED ON WHAT YOURE TRYING AND ANY RESULTS BOTH POSITIVE AND POSSIBLY SOME NEGATIVE REACTIONS FROM SOME PEOPLE - this will happen sometimes nothing to over the top but 1 in maybe 100 will get a bit strange when exposed to you. Mostly they will just do their best to ignore you etc, but thats all the fun of trying these products out.

01-05-2003, 01:49 PM
Hi thanks for the quick reply. I\'l experiment some more with soe and i\'l keep you all posted about the results here.

01-05-2003, 03:10 PM
That would be good looking forward to hearing about youre experiments and results.