View Full Version : Attraction & Contact 18?

12-20-2002, 03:44 PM
I used to have great success with a product called Contact 18 (the same as Datemate 2000)...Attraction seems to have a similar formula to contact 18, so I am thinking of trying it...Has anyone tried it, or have any views on how successful it is for young males?
Maybe it works in a similar way to SoE due to the high -nol content...I\'d appreciate anyone\'s ideas.

12-20-2002, 10:53 PM
I started out with date-mate and I got pretty good results and then when I found this site I bought Andro 4.2 and I got better results. Since A4.2 and Attraction are made by the same company you should get similar results but A4.2 has like 3x\'s more -none.

Just make sure you get the unscented Attraction or else you could be stuck with a scent you hate.