View Full Version : First timer... which starter kit to get?

12-10-2002, 02:04 AM
Well, I was kinda sure what I wanted to get until I came here to the forums and now I am totally confused. After reading the posts, I can make up my mind about which starter kit should I get. What do you guys reckon is the best one for a Senior High School Student?

1. Rogue Male, SOEgel, and musk oil
2. The NEW Dynamic Duo!
3. Edge/Men-Atomizer-Musk-SOE gel

Also if any of you could post your mixes with the kids or experiences, it would also be helpful. Thank in advance.

12-10-2002, 10:46 AM
Best mix is: Attraction(scented), The Edge(unscented) and ALter Ego(for Androsterone) or alternatively the androsterone from chem kit. Women just love the smell of musk, but you have to be close to them. 1 squirt of the edge, 3 to 4 squirts of attraction and and a tiny amount of alter ego/androsterone kit. I have had strange women rubbing their breasts on me with the above formula. It really gets them going. ALso, you need to be relatively close to them.