View Full Version : Pheros - do they really work?

12-05-2002, 02:04 PM
I\'ve been trying almoust all the products till nor, ranging from the NPA, PI to the AE, APC and others. They don\'t seem to do anything. I\'ve also tried jb#1 - the same thing. First I put on smallers doses, than I increased the dosage, till I passed the OD limit, but still nothing. Why? Do these products really contain pheromones?

12-05-2002, 02:53 PM

1. How old are you?
2. How did you use your products? Exact dosage.
3. How long did you use each product?
4. What was your attitude while wearing them?

- Krish

12-05-2002, 04:06 PM
You also have to remember that you won\'t always automatically get noticeable negative responses when you OD on purpose. A mistake I made when I tried to find my OD limit with NPA/m.

Someone reminded me that not everyone will \'give\' noticeable reactions; positive or negative (which I knew, but forgot due to being so anxious about getting hits). There\'s lots of reasons for this; cultural, shyness, etc. So just because you\'re not getting noticeable reactions doesn\'t necessarily mean the pheros aren\'t working.

Also, what are your targets ? Are they people you\'ve known for a while ? Strangers in bookstores, clubs, etc. ?

Supposedly, people who have known you for a while and have you pegged a certain way are least affected by the pheros you wear.

I\'d say pick a product or mix, and stick with it for a few weeks to see what happens. And keep an eye out for very subtle reactions. They maybe subtle, but they\'re still reactions nonetheless.

Good luck.

12-05-2002, 08:41 PM
also what were you wearing while wearing the pheromones?

we humans have this new fangled thing called a neo-cortex sitting on top of the mid and hind brains. thus when the pheros hit, a stimulus happens but the response is temperered by your frontal lobes. if you are dressed like a kid then the girl is just going to be wondering what the heck is wrong with her.

12-06-2002, 03:43 AM
alien, I am suffering the same thing. I have tried many brands, but something is apparently wrong. My advice is, do not give up your search for the `holy ixir`, because something has to work for us. Although noone have ever given me the sufficient feedback on the matter, I am not desperate yet. Look at the phermone reference material at the top of the page; if you cant find an answer, browse the web on articles concerning phermones. If you still cant find an answer, then you become me /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif Email some experts (if you can find\'em) and ask about this. In the mean time comtinue the research. In fact the pheros really work, but the researchs are at their infancy, pheros are not %100 discovered, seems that we will be the most happy people when the research is comlpete

12-06-2002, 05:03 AM
Very good advice indeed .. persistence pays ... Cuddles /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

12-06-2002, 07:44 AM
To answer all questions in a single message:
I\'m 25, I followed the dosage from the forum, starting with less quantities for beginning and working my way up. I used them long enough. Regarding my attitude: my confidence level is always very high (with or without pheros) - maybe a little too high. I was always like this and nothing could shake that.
My targets were strangers as well as known persons.
As a perfume beside pheros I used Armani, Davidoff and others.
As to the clothes I wasn\'t dressed like a kid even when I was one.
I will keep experimenting to see what is happening.

12-06-2002, 07:47 AM
Sounds like you have the right attitude .... perhaps you will come upon a killer mix that gives you hit after hit ... and that\'s when you get back on here and tell us about it! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif Cuddles

12-06-2002, 07:51 AM
cuddlebear, I hope so.
I don|t care if I get good or bad results. I junt want to see a result and from there on I will work the way to a dosage that works. but how can I do that if I don\'t have anything to start from?

12-06-2002, 10:14 AM
For many guys, the real cause for a lack of recognized hits from pheromones is the inability to read a woman\'s emotional responses. Men and women have brains that are structurally different and the ability to read the social atmosphere is related to our brain structure.

I think that for many men who report no hits, the problem is one or more of the following:

1) knowing what a hit looks like - being able to recognize a change in a woman\'s emotional state, ie obtuse.

2) applying the pheromones in situations where reactions are possible (enclosed area, socially open, etc)

3) forbidding countance - usually being so intimidating that a woman is scared or refuses to respond.

Since being able to read a social situation is a matter of brain development, one can train oneself to be better at it, like playing a musical instrument. Some of us guys are just socially tone deaf! Get some books on reading body language - especially ones with pictures. For the really dedicated, watch soap operas on daytime TV but do so with a critical eye to facial features, tone of voice, body language. The actors and actresses play these things up since the writing is so weak, making them easier to identify.

And, as Bruce continually reminds us, smile!

12-06-2002, 10:21 AM
And good observations they are ... especially #1. There\'s probably a website out there somewhere dedicated to the subject of how to properly \"read\" the opposite sex. There have been times when I didn\'t even realize I had made a hit until I got home and thought about it a little ... Cuddles /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

12-06-2002, 10:51 AM
Same here! I had a girl hitting on me and asking me to lunch after class together but I just went home instead. It wasn\'t until some time later that I realized she took interest in me. I just thought we would have luch together just for fun, nothing special, just for company. I didn\'t take things anywhere afterwards. Haven\'t even spoken to her ever since because the occasion never comes up. We smile at each other when our eyes meet accidentally, but I\'m nowhere near her at those times. I\'m sure she\'s possibly met someone else by now.

I case you wonder, I was wearing PCC only at that moment. I almost didn\'t say anything to her during the entire lessons, so perhaps that\'s the reason I didn\'t expect her to \"ask me out\". The only thing I noticed was that she glanced at me a couple of times during class.

PCC definitely does something to women when worn by men!

12-06-2002, 11:59 AM
I\'m definitely socially stupid; especially when it comes to women. I only recently recognized that it was perhaps my social stupidity that was the cause of my lack of hits.

Back when I was testing out DD#1, a girl I\'ve known for quite some time who normally barely acknowledges my existence asked me if I wanted to have lunch sometime. It surprised me, but I didn\'t think anything of it at the time. Being socailly stupid, I didn\'t set a date and time right then and there even though I\'ve had a crush on her for a long time. She said call me, so I did a coupla days later, but then she had every excuse in the world not to have lunch w/me.

It didn\'t occur to me until weeks later that her suddenly asking me to have lunch w/her was possibly a \'hit\'. Especially since she usually doesn\'t even know I\'m alive.

I\'ve had one other similar experience w/DD#1; where the girl wanted to get together, but then when I called her, she couldn\'t make it. Probably the drawback of NPA/m that others have mentioned in the past.

And being naturally shy, I rarely initiate conversations. Which I know is stupid, but can\'t seem to be able to break the habit. One thing I\'ve noticed while wearing pheros is that when I remember to break out of my shell and start conversations, usually the people I\'m talking to get so damn chatty. Nol at work. hehe

But I am learning to pick up on things a little better. I look back now and realize that perhaps I was getting reactions all along and just didn\'t recognized the reactions myself. Like you said, just a matter of training myself, I guess. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

12-06-2002, 12:01 PM
You\'re living and learning, just like all of us ... Cuddles /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

12-06-2002, 12:16 PM
And I\'m a contract worker who works at home and is a workaholic and can, at times, go days on end w/o coming into contact with people face to face. So when I do come into contact with people, it gets all weird. I don\'t know how to explain it. Its like I don\'t know how to act around people right after \'people fasting\'.

Its really rather humorous when I look back on it. Its like I have to learn how to interact with people again. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif

12-06-2002, 12:39 PM
Biteme -- I notice a huge difference, a very noticeable difference, when I wear -nol, in the chattiness of people. I put PI/w on this morning and forgot about it - was tired and in a bad mood and very much just wanting to be left alone - went to the sandwich shop and the man at the counter kept joking and flirting ... coworkers stopping by my desk who usually just keep walking, suddenly wanting to chit-chat ... I\'m thinking, why won\'t these people leave me alone? and then it hits me - because you\'re signaling Come Talk To Me! duh

It really does work. It\'s a reminder about pheromones - you have to be ready to back up what your scent is signaling, or things get really confusing.

12-06-2002, 04:23 PM
Yup, I know what you mean. A slightly different situation I had :

I was testing out PI/m one time (back when I wore PI/m w/o any cover scent -- oops). An ex-girlfriend\'s bf was unusually quiet. He also kept his distance from me. I enjoyed his distance and quietness because I don\'t really like his personality all that much. OK, I\'ll be honest. I don\'t like him. He\'s nice, but very irritating. Well, it didn\'t occur to me (partly because I forgot I was wearing pheros and partly because I didn\'t know what to look for in \'reactions\' at the time) \'til days later that it might have been the PI/m.

He knows she and I used to date, and he\'s always trying to buddy up with me for some reason. I could never get him to shut up and leave me alone even w/o wearing -nol. She and I are closer now than we ever were when we were still dating. She\'s my best friend, I mean. So I don\'t know. Maybe he feels like he needs to be my friend because he knows that she cares a lot about me and I for her. Who knows.

What\'s really funny is that I made the mistake of wearing -nol around her bf one time. Holy F\'ing Shite !!! NO one (bunch of us were at a bar-b-q) could get a word in edge wise. Stupid on my part. I knew what -nol was supposed to do, but I wanted to test a CS mix I had put together. ALL doubts about pheros went away right then and there !

When the -nol\'s working on someone you like, on the other hand. Now that\'s fun ! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

12-06-2002, 05:02 PM
Why did you wait until your eyes meet? You should look everyone, male and fe-male in the eyes, it shows respect, and dominance.

Anyway, like, what\'s his name said, I believe that pheromones will etiher work, or not at ALL there\'s no inbetwee, and this is because the part of the brian like he siad, the same part that contorls lieing (lets you LIE) (keeps you from hitting somoene even though you want to..etc, and more things) counteracts it...If you are not what the pehromones say, it doens\'t work, and, you CAN dress different, act different, but, it\'s not as easy as being yourself.

Now, ARE you ONE PERSON, or, is it just what you\'ve LEARNED ie, just, been doing?

Either way, change your attitude, change you style, etc...


12-06-2002, 06:15 PM
When I first got PI/w, I used to OD on it like a madman because it has no scent and I didn\'t realize what I was doing. I\'d do 4 drops at a time. It made me spacey and it made me a little more chatty in daily interactions with aquaintances/co-workers - but I got the full effect of it when I wore it with my sweetie and *I* COULD NOT SHUT THE F*CK UP. He was alarmed, seriously, I could see it in his face, but I couldn\'t stop. And I was really frustrated that he didn\'t want to participate in chit chat at the level I was yapping. It was completely out of character - as much as I write, I don\'t talk much unless I\'ve got something to say, and he\'s not a big talker at all. It\'s something we like about each other - that neither of us is chatty, and, even better, that we really don\'t need to talk that much because we kind of \"get\" each other without too much going over things all the time.

Bruce kindly suggested I cut \"way back\" on the -nol. I finally put it down altogether, just stopped using it. Something wasn\'t working, clearly, whatever the problem was.

Then I got lavender -nol as a freebie. The scent is so strong you can\'t overuse it or you\'ll reek, but I liked the scent a lot, so I put on one drop.

One drop of that lavender -nol does just fine for me, and bear in mind that\'s a dilute.

One whole drop of PI/w like I put on this morning and I feel invaded, people around me get so chitty chatty, after about half the day\'s over I\'ve got a headache and feel like I need to lie down in a dark room from people yapping about nothing at me.

So I learned something really valuable about -nol, and I think the lesson carries over to the other \'mones, too. Sometimes you have to go to OD before you realize what you\'re doing, and then you can cut back to suit your purpose.

If I had to go to a party, for example, more -nol would actually be good for me -- and maybe someone with a more chatty, outgoing personality could wear more on a daily basis -- but my own personal dosage has to be low because that\'s who I am.

And it turns out that what I really enjoy wearing is EW at an extremely high dilution. I\'m completely comfortable with that, I like the reactions I get, and I feel good wearing it.

Which is why, akinu, and other newbies, it\'s almost impossible for anyone to tell you exactly what to use. It\'s a very personal choice, and it has as much to do with who you are as it does with who you\'re trying to attract, or what you want to get out of your usage.

12-07-2002, 01:19 AM
\"Why did you wait until your eyes meet? You should look everyone, male and fe-male in the eyes, it shows respect, and dominance.\"

That\'s not what I meant: There\'s 200 people in my class, so it\'s not very evident to have a chat with everyone each and every day, certainly not when you tend to hang out with only about 5 friends like I do. If you\'d ask me whether this or that person was present today, I\'d not know for sure in regard to certainly %50 of \'em.

12-07-2002, 11:44 AM
Well, I wish I couldnt just \"notice responses\".. Truth is, I know what a hit means, and what a positive or negative reponse imply. The fact is, I can neither receive any chattiness on -nol, nor receive any alpha male treatment on -none. I take extra effort on backing up the phermones with my behaviour. The problem is, phermones do not alter(even hamper sometimes) the responses I am already getting (for example girls seem to talk less with me when I am on SOE) or I never had the \"dominant\" feel when I was on PI/m..I should probably work on the amounts or mixtures or both..

12-07-2002, 04:27 PM
Maybe they are talking less becuase you are intimidating them (if it is when you have SOE on it\'s probably in a good way, becuase, there\'s no none in soe, so, you shouldn\'t be frightening them.)

But, like I\'ve been saying though....Here\'s the thing, you\'re wherever you\'re at, school, work, bar, club, wherever you\'re at...Girl likes you she\'ll hook up with you, pheromones, not pheromones, clothes not clothes, clothes, body, even face, personality, they just kind of transmit, or, enhance really, of who you are...Now, I WOULD say persoanlity, but, if you test your personality type, most peopel are about the same.
Do they talk the same, walk the same, do ANYTHING the same? No.

Because, it\'s about who you are, are you an alpha male, gamma male or whatnot, are you a friendly type of person...You can get 2 people with the same personality type, but they will act 2 different ways, sure, they will have the same tendencies, however, that is it...

Or, what does your voice sound like, do you have an accent, what about your clothes, etc....

If you are the right PERSON, which, is really ATTITUDE....Don\'t EVER listen to what girls say, like I said in the cologne thread, what SEEMS to be whta they want, or smells, looks nice, isn\'t what they REALLy want, you see, lol.

Is there REALLY one type of personality a girl is looking for? Do you have to make them laugh? Do you have to be really big? Is that REALLY what they want, no, it\'s not, what they really want, is the distinct quality that makes you human, instead of a robot, or, you can make them laugh without being a comedian, etc.

So, what do you do?

Change your attitude, don\'t worry, everythign else will follow. And, if you start looking at \"her\" different, she will look at \"you\" different.

I was TRICKED into BELIEVING what girls said was true.....

I would ask people, girls, etc...They all pretty much say the same thing, I\'d change my hair, my clothes, my stle, learn how to make people laugh, no, this all won\'t help...If you are PERFECT in doing what a girl tells you, you will be the perfect FRIEND, lol.....And, it\'s not all about alpha male, because, girls don\'t want to date a rapist, and it\'s not about being a gentelman, becuase, they don\'t want to go out with a butler...lol

No no no, it\'s none of that. Change the way you see women, change the way you think, change the way you do things. Change your attitude. Forget about all that CRAP girls tell you, it\'s not true. One girl says, I like someone funny, andother says I like someone strong, blah blah, tha\'ts not what they want, that doesn\'t MAKE you irresistable, is bieng funny, or strong. You have to have the hamanistic characteristics that can\'t be identified through simple \"observation\", like, the right aura or something....

do that, and, the rest will follow my friend.
