View Full Version : Yo guys APC, TE, Musk-NOL oil and NPA

11-20-2002, 09:05 PM
Hey guys I just wanted to know what I can make w/ these. I just know JB1 w/ npa and apc. Workes great.
But I have bought the TE and Musk Oil adn would like to know how to use these in a mix. How is that JBX...... is it TE and APC. Is it one spray of TE and one drop of APC or 1drop TE:1 drop APC. How has this JBX been working out for you guys? Thanks alot later.

11-20-2002, 09:30 PM
JBX is RM and NPA. I suggest you click the reference at the top of the page and read the cookbook. it has lots of mixes and stuff.

11-23-2002, 02:04 PM
thanks alot. I haven\'t been back here in ages and i don\'t know the new forum.