View Full Version : random thoughts on pheromones

11-12-2002, 09:27 PM
some random thoughts for you all... please feel free to respond

random thought #1:
if we naturally smell pheromones in picking a mate, then are the ones who\'s pheromones are best for us the ones that we \"fall in love with\"? if so, then isn\'t wearing synthetic pheromones making you someone else in the other person\'s eyes (or nse or VNO)? maybe if someone wouldn\'t have normally picked us as a potential mate, then maybe we really shouldn\'t be with that person.

random thought #2:
a lot of women like facial hair on a guy, although they complain about the way it scratches their skin (if you\'ve ever had a cat lick your arm with it\'s sandpaper-like tongue, you know this is a valid complaint for women). hair detains pheromones. is it possible that besides giving off the \"testosterone\" look, that facial hair makes a man more attractive beacuse it holds his pheromones? plus, it owuld be right up there in a woman\'s face while he\'s talking to her.

11-12-2002, 09:29 PM
You mean it retains it, right?

I love facial hair just for the texture. And it sure beats whiskers, which will tear your skin right up in a heartbeat...

11-13-2002, 05:55 AM
When we wear pheromones, we have to experiment to get the right combination to compliment our natural signature before we start getting any real hits. IMO, that implies we are mostly amplifying and enhancing our natural scent. If that is the case, then no, we are being honest but advertising more clearly (louder?)

I\'ve worn a beard for about 25 years now. It does not seem to give me any real advantage or disadvantage. Some women love it, others can\'t stand it. If you don\'t keep it extremely clean and neatly trimmed, it does put people off. Keep it just long enough to be soft without becoming scraggly.

Wearing a beard does have the advantage of not causing raw spots in various places on your partner. But a freshly trimmed mustache can be prickly when kissing (so my wife tells me). A soft beard can be almost as much fun as a feather if you are creative.


11-13-2002, 01:55 PM
I think bacterias likes hairs, hence the different effect of using phero in hairs.

11-13-2002, 04:18 PM
Thought 1....Been saying that a long time...

Thought 2....Is this why I have been taking DHEA and UPPPING my OWN phero production, (And, if you think it doesn\'t up, it, I\'d say at LEAST 2 or 3 times stronger sweat, LITTERALLY...)? lol........Yeah, it is...

And, also, that is why, I read when, someone puts a bottle of none all over themselves and gets no different reactions...

It\'s like a guy with a smile on his face saying, I\'m going to kill you, and laughing...It\'s not YOU, and, even if it IS..people can see through it...

Now, it MIGHT help a little bit, like, a girl MIGHT smell the none, and he\'s smiling (not LITTERALLY, BUT, HENCE, READ MY EXAMPLE..) Think....Well, MAYBE he is...

This is ALSO true if you ACT alpha male and you DON\'T have the pheros.....

Now, for the people where pheros WOOOOORK, is because, they are ALREADY big, and/or good looking, so that, they TALK THE TALK..Howver, it\'s like the smiling but saying I\'m going to kill you thing...

So, what you want is BOTH, now, and the BEST way to do this is UP your OWN phero production, but, ALSO...Too much isn\'t a BAD thing MOST of the time, with the pheros, so long as there\'s ADEQUATE more is just..Extra. Like, when you lift...As long as you get ENOUGH sets, more won\'t USUALLY hurt you, if anything, give you some endurance, you know....

My 2 cents...


11-13-2002, 04:38 PM
And, here\'s the thing, I think, it\'s how much pheros does this guy produce COMPARED to the amount of hair he has...Because, here\'s the thing, pheros are held in the hair...But, if you have LITTLE hair, but STILL produce the pheros, that shows something...Also, it may just LOOK better, but, if you can LOOK better, and still have the pheros, than you\'re in good...I mean, noramlly, you either, look bad, but, have the pheros, or, not look bad, but, not have the pheros in the hair..

My theory, anyway.


11-13-2002, 06:08 PM
Lot\'s of \'none can also mean \"I\'ll protect you and kill everybody getting in our way\". That\'s why you have to look friendly when wearing lots of \'none or else you will scare the [censored] out of everybody. If you act cool, you will just be percieved as a protective alpha male and female will most likely like it.

11-14-2002, 08:48 AM
You definately have to fullfill the role you are portraying with your phero application.

11-15-2002, 09:41 AM
I wore 3 small dabs of APC (neck, pelvis, wrists) Went to a scary movie with a girl I really like. She had her head buried in my sweater, and cut off circulation to my hand...thank you APC! Of course it could have just been the movie - I didn\'t get a goodnight kiss /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
PS - \"The Ring\" is one of the scariest damn movies I\'ve seen in a while...definately check it out if you\'re into that sort of thing.

11-15-2002, 10:05 AM
She\'s probably just being PC and waiting for the second date. The head buried in your sweater doesn\'t sound like a bad sign. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

I read somewhere once that the best movie to see if you\'re wanting sex to happen afterwards is not a romantic movie, but a scary movie, because it raises your adrenaline.

11-15-2002, 01:05 PM
3 dabs of APC is like nothing at all except for the nice smell.

11-15-2002, 06:32 PM
Nah - I went to the movie with Ms. Emotional Train-Wreck... I\'m an idiot because I know it won\'t go any further, but I enjoy being around her.....grrrr. I could go into details, but I won\'t. I\'ve spent nights in her bed with her (no sex) so there is history, oh jeez, I have no idear - I have to go and re-read the \"what women want\" thread....

11-15-2002, 06:34 PM
Nights in bed together with no sex?! I thought that only happens when you\'re married.

11-15-2002, 06:42 PM
\"I\'ve spent nights in her bed with her (no sex)\"

Really? What is up with that?

11-15-2002, 06:53 PM
Meeting up at her place before going out...getting totally trashed and passing out together. Like I said - emotional train wreck. I made advances, lots of kissing/heavy petting, but she always stopped me before it went \"too far\" I think it\'s a combination of religion and her latent feelings for another guy. She basically told me she thought I was a player - funny we dated for weeks (dinner, movies, tours, etc...) If I was a player I wouldn\'t have put so much time into it. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

11-15-2002, 07:13 PM
Well hell. Man I\'d hate to have a gf like that, I mean if she didn\'t wanna do anything, thats fine with me, I\'d wait on her if she was worth it, like if she\'s sweet/caring/nice, you know, the loving type. But if she has some nerve to call me a player (and I\'m not, hell, I haven\'t even \"done\" it with a girl yet.) then I wouldn\'t want her. You need to work some mones on her man! IMO A1 with anone would be perfect for this situation.

- Krish

11-15-2002, 08:06 PM
She sounds like trouble.

11-16-2002, 12:35 AM
guys come on...

i\'ve spent days in bed with my gf without sex - sometimes it\'s fun just to be loving and cute and snuggle up together
of course, that leads to sex another day /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif since we\'re both feeling loved and good about ourselves

11-16-2002, 10:32 AM
She doesn\'t always stop you before it goes too far, though. You DO get to have sex with her.

11-16-2002, 11:35 AM
very perceptive Alchemist - she\'s nothing but trouble. I figure the reason I want her is because I can\'t have her....

11-16-2002, 02:49 PM
I’ve spent nights in bed with no sex. And I don’t see the problem. Sometimes it’s late and you (or she) don’t want to (or are too intoxicated to) go home. It builds trust which either leads to sex or friendship down the line. It’s never been a waste and it sure beats drunken gropes that leave you feeling sorry.

11-16-2002, 03:41 PM
Why can\'t you?
