View Full Version : The Familiar Response

11-10-2002, 02:47 PM
Now, since I have both been taking the DHEA which is adrosteRONE, and I have been using the ANONE, I KEEP getting the familiar response, and, have in the past.

When I say the familiar response, I am referring to, when I was working at Wendys a girl would come up to me and go, do I know you? I feel ike I\"ve known you forever.....Or, you remind me of somone, or, you remeind me of \"such and such\".....

I walked into Eckerds, I\'ve been in there a lot of times, but, the girl at the counter said that, when she first saw me, she was like, oh my God, you look just like someone I know from Pennsylvania......Rebecka says she reminds me of her little brother.....Uh, the ohter thing, with the girl at Wendys....Let\'s see....I mean, there\'s more...

It\'s just like, people know me before I even talk to them.

Another example of that..Which, wouldn\'t really be vaild, however, it makes a good point...I watched the Mrs. Doubtfire movie...And, even though the guy was dressed up as a 65 year old lady, his ex-wife goes, do I know you...You seem familiar like I\'ve known you for years...

Anyone know why this familiar thing happens when you wear pheromones, or, if it has happened to anyone else.

When I was wearing none it happened, and now when I\'m not even wearing anything at all, but I AM taking 25mg of dhea every day, which even III can smell coming out my skin it sell happens....

something else to think about..The many mysteriies of pheromones...

I\'m trapped in a cage, all by myself. It seems the world has turned its back on me. And noone cares for sure. I created this lonesome forcfield. It hurts. Tears running down my cheeks. Nowhere to go. No place to hide. I feel so lonely. Pain is my only friend now, and tears, are my only company.


-Muza Digilova

11-11-2002, 04:19 PM
Wow, 62 views, and no responses...Wow, only my post I suppose..Only my post does not get answered...


11-11-2002, 04:22 PM
\"Only my post does not get answered...\"

Just because you\'re paranoid, doesn\'t mean they aren\'t out to get you


Seriously, if I had an answer, I would tell you.

11-11-2002, 04:25 PM
Stop taking DHEA and use Love-Scent\'s products if you want a-rone. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif

11-11-2002, 04:40 PM
I would, but, I am using the DHEA, well, WASSSSS for the testosterone effect...I did not want JUST tesosterone..TEsts, blah blah, you need estrogen too, and it ups EVERYTHING, I wanted more hormones...I JUST learned about that, as I was thinking, dehydroepiandrosteRONE..and than, someone\'s like, it does make rone..And plus, isn\'t that the MOST effective way, is to have it come out the skin, and at that certain concentration, etc...

However, I ALSO have another problem. NO MONEY! lol

However..I DID use up the last of my mixed Drakka Noir and none from the kit...A LOT of none form the kit, I mean a LOT.
And, some little baby kid..I walked over..Got scared, and is like mommy..And started looking at me, the mom is like, it\'s ok...They walked off after a bit..And than, some little kid..Started looking at me...About 8 I\'d say...A little scared/curious...And I walked by some I\'d say..20 year old girl, and 40 year old lady or so...It was.....Second I walk by..Look at me...And immediately stop saying ANYTHING.....That\'s none for you, lol

I have come to the conclusion that rone is really good....When tests were done with pictures at the concentration of 1mg/ml they were negative, this is probably due to the scared response, (which is good during sex) (I have heard of girls who like to be choked, and etc....And have rape fantasies....) However, not good for first contact..And, the nol, I have not read of it being \"TESTED\" however I can PROBABLY be the opposite as the nol, and the tests with the RONE on pictures, at 1mg/ml was said to be..The women found the men \"more\" attractive...

That was all....More attractive.

Not fearful like none, or welcoming like nol, but, more attractive..Now, you have to think of this too..It\'s like a tradeoff though..Nol, is good in the meeting, but, not as good in the bed, and none is NOT good at meeting, but, good in the bed...I think none and nol would have to do with what in particular a girl is looking for...And, none, AND nol mixed, Hmm..That WOULD be interesting, I don\'t know what woudl happen...

However, with rone I believe it\'s just plain MORE ATTRACTIVE...Good bed, good meeting, I don\'t know...Maybe, it\'s just...More attractive...


11-11-2002, 05:08 PM
Babe, could be it\'s because what you\'re talking about is recorded all over the place, the \"don\'t I know you from somewhere\" phenomenon as a result of some of the pheromones. The DHEA having anything to do about, I don\'t know. Maybe some of the scientist types have some idea.

What\'s all that other stuff about? How can you feel lonely when everybody thinks you look like their buddy? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

11-11-2002, 05:11 PM
Well, that\'s because I am not their actual BUDDY....There is a DIFFERENCE, between being a FAMILAR and having friends..You see? I create my own lonliness though. Good quote...
Got if off someone I know online...

11-11-2002, 09:17 PM
Rone = masculinity get used to the internal DHEA (Arone supplements) and external Arone. Thing is with the internal 25mg would be enough to probably produce a couple of mg of external sweat Arone.

As far as the \"i know you but from where or you are so familiar yet i cant quite place where ive met you before\"
Its just their brains under the pheormone influence affecting their behaviour and they just want to hang around u?

Ok now take my personal experiences with alter ego and SOE. They just want to talk to me all the time get my attention - the women compete for it and the guys that are getting none with all the women focused on me get competitive they try to get my attention people get mad when i get mad that im having useless people waste my time to get my attention focused on them.
Ive just decided to make people compete for it they shout me drinks they (if they want to hang with me) must give me something in return or they get ignored - i now take more than i give because for a long time the reverse has been true.
I make it appear i have to much on and im occupied women love this makes me the man of mystery. 99.9% of the time it goes only as far as flirting and having people endlessly discussing every thing i do and every thing i say (people get talkative around me to) over and over (i ignore all this) they soon enough forget all about it anyway - just that stupid type of spaced out DIHL type behaviour and yapper they have when under the Alter ego or Scent or eros influence.
I get ahead by using everything that happens both positive and negative to my total advantage and you should learn the same to lol marv14 you will go far young friend very far. Ha ha and all 1600 of us will rule the world and get sex to the end of our lives and be happy happy happy.

Ok enough of my rambling again.

11-12-2002, 01:09 PM
Similar reactions around here Watcher. I just try not to abuse but I\'m not about to refuse gifts, hugs, free drinks and such. I give then the pleasure to be around me, it doesn\'t mater how I do it, they are happy, fine.

And think about it, all those free drinks pays for our phero expenses (even if I spend a lot more on quality essential oils and precious absolutes... phero are just part of my magic).

11-12-2002, 01:13 PM
...and if you don\'t want to get stuck with loads of \"useless\" people, juste use less phero but bring some extra in your pocket just in case someone interesting comes around.

The \"problem\" is if you hang out in a place crowded by lots of friends, they will compete for this attention and you can\'t really send them away. But they usually ends up offering drinks and being very nice so that\'s not so bad. If fact it would be a problem only if I was really using it to get laid. Now I\'m just experimenting for fun so it\'s no big deal.

11-12-2002, 02:16 PM
Heck i sounded a bit of an ass - to little sleep.
Yeah i quite readily use pheros for such purposes and time wasters are usually quick to deal with in a nice pleasant freidnly way without them even being aware im fobbing them off for the more attractive female over there in the corner and im leaving the dickhead male being loud in front of me behind to annoy and distract someone else.

And hey free drinks hugs sex and other favours to keep my attention is easy with pheros. I give a lot in return but sometimes i get the odd moron we all do. People competing for my attention has its benefits and i can handle it and pheros are just the easy natural way out for me and its no big deal its just a little itty bitty thing that no one knows about and isnt about to find out.