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11-10-2002, 04:00 AM
I heard that if you musturbate often your ability to concentrate and memorize diminish. Anyone heard about this theory?

11-10-2002, 06:52 AM

I\'m sorry. What was the question?

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

11-10-2002, 06:55 AM

Yes, Travis -- and it will make you go blind! And grow warts on your palms so everyone will know what you\'ve been up to, you naughty boy! -- Seriously, that\'s an old wives tale. Whack off to your heart\'s content -- it won\'t hurt a thing -- in fact, it\'s good for your health to clear your pipes on a regular basis.

11-10-2002, 07:12 AM
Can\'t I just do it til I need glasses ? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

11-11-2002, 02:18 AM
FTR. this time I disagree! and for a reason. woman can\'t know it. you made once some good points on the topic! although...
unfortunately i have no clue about the sources i have read.

I must clear myself: sex is only positive to females, all results are really better + less depression.
Although sex helps males with depression a lot i have to agree that a lot of sex(masturbation) diminishes sports performance and concentration (i dunno about memory, but i guess it is related to concentration). the problem is that being horney 24/7 doesn\'t help much with concentration either!

The problem isn\'t the fact of masturbation, but the ejaculation.
\"less is better\"- i guess that some sex is the part of normal life. but being without it turns you to the next level. it is a violation to nature, so it isnt easy!

the best way to be sure is to try it out. after having sex all day long, u have \"[censored] your brains out\" and without having sex for 5 months (no experience so long, i have managed 3) you find much more awareness in your thoughts. (but i must warn, your sex drive is only a fraction what it used to be and soon you find yourself wondering where did your potents go. but it comes back quick!)


nb! or you can always start learning tantra and solve all problems with ejaculation ;-)

11-11-2002, 11:57 AM
\"The problem isn\'t the fact of masturbation, but the ejaculation. \"less is better\"- i guess that some sex is the part of normal life. but being without it turns you to the next level. it is a violation to nature, so it isnt easy!\"

What was the name of that General in \"Dr. Strangelove\"??

11-11-2002, 12:55 PM
Buck Turdigson

11-11-2002, 12:57 PM
It is a tough position to take in the current Zeitgeist, but at the risk of sounding like a member of the religious right, I have to say I agree with the moderation is \"good for you\" camp. I firmly believe that the production of semen places a heavy demand on physical resources and it is very wise from a health perspective to observe a period of recovery between sex to ejaculation.

Before I catch Hell from the women folk here, years of marriage has also taught me that it is pretty lame to use this realization as an excuse to give your wife the cold shoulder in bed. There is a lot more to love romance and even sex than ejaculation. A REAL man/husband should be able to rock and roll with his honey all night long and save that woody for another day.

Guys, why spend all that $ on ZMA, andros, and tribulous to keep your T level up, and then blow it all on 20 ejaculations a week?


11-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Well lol the stuff works for us that dont have sex all the time.
ZMA - tribulus and horny goat weed works and helps with exams but like everyone is saying dont have sex all the time and keep the hands away from mr fun and let him have a rest lol. Can be good to know accelerated learning techniques if you want to avoid that problem all up if you have a high sex frequency.

11-13-2002, 10:00 PM
20 a week?? You\'re joking, right? Do some guys jerk off that much?

I was thinking more like twice a week or once a week. Would that be harmful?

20 a week, gracious. That\'s an awful lot, no wonder you wouldn\'t be good for much else.

11-14-2002, 02:10 AM
20 a week? Well, maybe when I was 15, but that sounds like a hell of a lot, really. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

11-14-2002, 06:52 AM
20 per week isn\'t that much... It\'s all part of the daily routine.

11-14-2002, 07:47 AM
I would really like to see some serious medical research done on the effects of ejaculation on testosterone levels and general health. I think that would be extremely valuable. There is plenty of research showing that sexual stimulation raises T levels dramatically, but I am convinced, and it makes sense that when Mr. Whoopy has had his fun that those levels fall below where they started from and if the whole process only lasts a matter of minutes like it does in the average marriage or solo session then guys are not really getting the benefits of higher T levels. I remember once reading a Tantric Yoga handbook for sex that described a pattern of daily sex, abstaining only from ejaculation in the male! I think they recommended ejaculation no more than once a month. Personally, I find once a week to work very well health-wise for me, but I suppose age should be taken into consideration. Again, I would like to see some serious research done on this, but I suspect that regular sex would be great for seniors of all ages if gramps would just refrain from ejaculation.


11-15-2002, 06:27 AM
I have to agree with you. I have noticed that after having sex or musturbating I am not as productive as I am. My concentration and interest in doing things lessen.

I am sure that there are scientific study regarding this matter. Personally, I don\'t think that this is just Psychological, one way or another our body or brain is reacting when our testosterone level is low.

11-15-2002, 06:33 AM
Didn\'t both the ancient Japanese and Chinese cultures require their warriors to abstain from sex for some period prior to combat for just that reason?

11-15-2002, 08:41 AM
It depends upon a man\'s age. Sex with a woman or women is the most basic positive feedback a man\'s system can have. For a young man, NOT having sex with a woman keeps him primed and on edge - in the hunt. As a man ages, sex becomes the reward system that keeps him vital. \"Use it or lose it\" is true. Even being close to fertile women - probably pheromone linked - keeps a man sharp. Gandhi used to sleep with two virgins without insertion just for that reason. There is even a Greek word for the phemonenon - which I forgot. (A sign of lack of virgins in my diet!)

One could speculate that sex is a biological aging inhibitor for men - if a guy is getting some then his DNA has merit and he should be able to keep getting some. That\'s why men of wealth and status often dump their menopausal spouses and find younger ones. The old spouse doesn\'t need sex and is happy with a good material settlement, the new spouse appreciates sharing in the man\'s wealth, and the man finds rejuvenation in bed.

BTW, the number and type of sperm released during masturbation differs significantly from during intercourse. Sexual intercourse with a woman releases 2 to 5 times the number of sperm cells. Masturbation also helps \"flush\" the oldest, least vigorous sperm as primes the pump with fresh ones. The way the body knows which is which must be pheromone determined - another research area awaiting funding.

11-19-2002, 01:55 PM
check this link everyone ! http://library.uchc.edu/bhn/cite/nyt/5024testosterone.html (\"http://library.uchc.edu/bhn/cite/nyt/5024testosterone.html\")