View Full Version : has anyone used Lure?

11-04-2002, 07:40 PM
has anyone used Lure as a stand alone Nol product? does it work? i was thinking maybe a drop of PI and then covered with Lure...anyone got any experiences to share about LUre? thanks

11-04-2002, 08:16 PM
Yes ive used lure, best used as a slight cover scent to the more powerful products. Would be good to counter PI(M) and you can stand assured that at least some Anol is in there, however you might also want to look at Super Primal Musk Oil, no one knows how much nol but for those of us that have used it it seems to have quite a bit (nol is pretty cheap) so the product makers probably have heaps and heaps within it.

You need to use a lot on its own to \"get any experiences hits\" in response.

11-05-2002, 06:14 AM
thanks dude!! will have to try some of that, was looking for a cheap source of NOL!

11-05-2002, 07:52 AM
I have gotten waaaay more positive feedback on Lure than on its neighbor Yes.

11-05-2002, 08:10 AM
I wound up with a bottle of Lure for Women somehow. The spouse isn\'t interested in wearing it for me so I use it sometimes in an aromatherapy vaporizer to improve the cheeriness in the household. It is not as effective in that way as Realm for Women is during PMS times but it does seem to work. I might put some in her car too. She spelt some SPMO in her car once and was positively cheerful - human even! - a rare event.