View Full Version : Help with TE - smell

10-22-2002, 09:21 AM
My first purchase was TE w/ the newbie kit. The first time I used it, I put a full spray of TE on. My live in girlfriend said I smelt like bug spray and wondered why.

I thought maybe I OD\'ed because after she said that, she was kinda annoyed by the smell and kept asking me about it. Was distant.

Since then, I have tried different amounts, etc....I even just did one dab once on my neck, and she said she smelt bug spray again on me. I even put a spray of my colonge over it, and she still makes comments.

I know TE smells bad...and should be mixed. But I think she just might be sensitive to the smell no matter what I do.

For more info, I am 26 and she is 21.

Thanks for any help.

10-22-2002, 09:48 AM
The manufacturer suggests spraying TE on your clothing. Since it is _very_ hard to get out of clothing, try a spray to an expendible t-shirt, then wear it around her with some cologne on your skin, and see if she still complains.

10-23-2002, 05:06 AM
You\'re using the unscented version alone right? Don\'t, not even in the scented version does the stink get covered properly, so for your girlfriend you will need a good cover.