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10-22-2002, 01:58 AM
Amazing weekend!!!!

Met some new \"friends\"

One VERY intimate---might be just a
one night stand----unfulfilled by boyfriend
wanting some Fun and Adventure. Mones
probably helped

( I have had these kinds of Adventures before
without mones and also just with REALM and
my skills are improving all the time,
yet I feel that AE and NPA add some Potency
to the mix )

The other woman I met on Sat. Stunningly Beautiful and Intelligent Philipino with a nice personality and many of the qualities I look for in someone I want to spend more time with.

This might more slowly lead toward a F-buddy, no strings attached relationship or even more...

While wearing :

1 1/2 drops of \"brown\" bottle AE,

one drop of NPA

a few dabs of a REALM Men/TE mix

with some Issy Miake cologe.

Less Cologne because of a recent Bruce
post about the effectiveness of allowing
SOME of the musky mone scent to slide

Talked, flirted and joked with a 20 year old
Latin Hottie in a bookstore after a
famous comedian\'s book signing.

Coffee, more conversation, Seduction...
Use your imagination /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

Then afterwards, on my way home I met
another TV actor and got an Autograph.

P.s. I play and test EVERYONE so all in all
I probably talked with and approached 40 ? or
so women over the weekend. On the streets,
on the train, ferry, subway, in the stores---all
on my way to somewhere that I was

Having and Interesting and Exciting Life
is Very Attractive!!!!

Make a funny comment, watch for a their
reaction---any Interest? How much? and

Now I need some SLLLLLLEEEEEEEP /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
It\'s a REALLY GREAT kind of tired feeling...

10-22-2002, 02:25 AM
Watching for the changed reactions and interacting with those reactions is the art of utilizing phero (synthetics) to the full advantage that is needed. The one night stand is common as women just reach the conclustion that the male in front of them is better than thier current bf and then they reach the conclusion that they are unsatisfied with him and cheat on him. Women have little logic attraction (visual as well as phero) is passed off as an emotional attraction the version of the male beatuy attraction.

Emotion is used as the defense strategy upon and if discovered or found out with the current bf, so its best to avoid getting emotional with women as it takes away some of their so called \"defense\"

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/index.htm (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/index.htm\")

10-22-2002, 06:43 AM
\'\'unfulfilled by boyfriend wanting some Fun and Adventure\'\'

You mean just another bitch who`s unable to make choices ?

Well, good for you...

10-22-2002, 12:51 PM
i never mess around with bitches who have boyfriends..as I find that what goes around comes around..so tread carefully

10-22-2002, 01:12 PM
Both correct guys women can never choose, if she is going to cheat she will do it, women will however blame it on emotional reasons to cover it all up.

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/ (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/\")

10-22-2002, 01:30 PM
Damn wimmin.

Sounds to me like they\'re making choices just fine. They\'re just choices ya\'ll don\'t approve of ...

10-22-2002, 01:52 PM
...While men blame it on the booze.

10-22-2002, 03:07 PM
A lot of women blame it on the booze too...

10-22-2002, 03:08 PM
Lol i upsetted the females on the forum oops sorry girls.

The booze, hey when men get drunk they dont perform, its better to stay sober before sex, its much more fun that way, forget reducing barriers keep em up if shes really up for sex she will make it happen.

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/ (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/\")

10-22-2002, 03:45 PM
Well, I wouldn\'t know, being just a dumb bitch and all who can\'t think logically, so it\'s probably best you tell me, and can I feel your muscles while you explain all that, big daddy? Ooooo. You\'re so big ....

(Git outta town....)

10-22-2002, 03:49 PM
Not saying u represent a dumb bitch minority. Just those young ones which are inexperienced fall for the NLP seduction, want to sleep with every man who is attractive (in other words the 15-26/27 age group) you of course fulltiltredhead know what you want as you have matured and developed some idea of actual maturity and experience.

Not looking to offend anyone here, so please dont take anything i say aimed at any particular person just society in general. I guess the chase to tradeup is a hormonal chase with young women - constantly looking for better support for future offspring and the best DNA and the best support long term to raise children however that support can be taken away in an instant anyhow so its always a gamble.

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/ (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/\")

10-22-2002, 03:53 PM
I\'m not really mad or upset, Watcher, just have to give somebody a hard time after a couple of mentions of bitches and the women can\'t think speech, but no harm intended, no offense taken.

It\'s just -- are ALL the young women around you stupid? I mean, even when I was that age, I was enjoying the men, no question, but I was more interested in trying to get through college and be able to make a living on my own. I haven\'t made any grand financial success of myself but at least I\'m self supporting. My whole thing was toward independence so I wouldn\'t have to worry about how much money some guy made, which would vastly increase my available pool to choose from. I don\'t take it personally when you talk like you do, I just feel sorry for the women you\'re talking about. If they\'re really that way, it\'s a shame. I can\'t relate. I don\'t remember knowing anybody like that when I was that age, that\'s all. But then that was back before the flood, so who knows.

10-22-2002, 04:00 PM
All young women when under pheromone influence or just in the presense of me start getting horny, the way things are going women are being fed by the media that they must be on guard and sleep with the best thing around, adultery rates are the highest ever. Family units are falling apart. Just on a behavioural level, all those under 25 just seem to go stupid in my presense. I mean what will it take to meet someone who has some
\'common sense\".
Ok they arent bitches they are just stupid acting or just dont have any smarts. Ok ive blabbed and gone on long enough.
On other news waiting for my new Alter ego order to come through and i can start using that again. Waiting to see what the new male scent is like. I hear its good.

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/ (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/\")

10-22-2002, 04:08 PM
Ok, just this and I\'m off the subject -- bear in mind that women are not the only ones cheating or acting stupid.


10-22-2002, 04:12 PM
Agreed it takes 2 to tango, men are just as guilty especially those with enhanced libidos that cant stay committed to one woman at once that is why AIDS has spread so quickly, to much sexual charged males and to many women willing to play along. Its human nature to breed ourselves stupid.

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/ (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/\")

10-22-2002, 04:13 PM
That much for sure we agree on.

10-22-2002, 04:17 PM
\" Agreed it takes 2 to tango, men are just as guilty especially those with enhanced libidos that cant stay committed to one woman at once that is why AIDS has spread so quickly\"

Actually AIDS hasnĀ“t spread as much as you would think given the promiscuity of our (western) society, I think.

10-22-2002, 04:26 PM
Well given the better medical testing, blood tests are done more often and once known those with aids generally stop havign sex, its a crime in australia to engage in sexual acts once HIV has been confirmed subject to 10 years in jail - therefore its a deterent seeing as though once they are in jail they will probably die in there.

Also the publicity of condoms is widespread and some safe sex practices are observed. Better living standards and knowledge of medicine slows the spread unlike asia and africe where most people with it dont know they have it and root and keep rooting for evermore spreading it around.

That probably contributed to the faster spread in the third world. Poverty is a massive contributing factor to the spread and rate of spread of HIV in many countries.

For example 35-40 % of all people in zimbabwae have HIV. They will be dead in 10 years or less at most - which will lead to massive depopulation and that country is rooted up by the dicatotor that runs that country magabae, so thats about 13 million people in that country alone.

South africe isnt much better i think the stats show a 10% infection rate - on the flip side a lot of resources in those countries limited as they are are being poured into HIV research and a lot of information is coming from south africa and the rest from a lot of western countries.

The role pheromones play in all this is interesting although it may not be related.

http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/ (\"http://www.chez.com/kristalisator/\")