View Full Version : Pheromones and Serotonin

10-18-2002, 02:31 PM
For several times I felt better using pheros (better results about this sensation with RM and SoE). Is there some relationship between serotonin level and pheros?

10-18-2002, 10:17 PM
Pheromones act on gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Nearly all, if not all, neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, opiods, GABA, etc also affect GnRH, via complex feedback systems on hypothalamic GnRH pulsatility: the biological core of mammalian reproduction. Circa 1994, I organized a symposium with this in mind. I presented info on human pheromones, Anne Perkins presented on pheromones in rams, Eli Coleman presented on psychotropic drugs that affect the same pathways that are influenced by pheromones. It was a very well-accepted 1-2-3 punch stressing the importance of human pheromones to behaviors otherwise only associated with chemical imbalances, or with individual deficits or overproduction of particular neurotransmitters.

The simple answer, therefore, is YES! But you should also be credited with posing a pertinent question. I enjoy questions that get to the very core of the pheromone concept. Berliner\'s group is trying to find uses for pheromones that mimic the effects of psychotropic drugs. These folks will succeed, but the FDA will slow things down considerably.

10-19-2002, 12:28 AM
Thank you JVK,
I posted that subject after I read the article below:

Hormone-neurotransmitter interactions in the control of sexual behavior
Hull EM, Lorrain DS, Du J, Matuszewich L,
Lumley LA, Putnam SK, Moses J
Department of Psychology,
State University of New York at Buffalo,
14260-4110, USA.
Behav Brain Res 1999 Nov 1; 105(1):105-16

The stimuli from a receptive female and/or copulation itself leads to the release of dopamine (DA) in at least three integrative hubs. The nigrostriatal system promotes somatomotor activity; the mesolimbic system subserves numerous types of motivation; and the medial preoptic area (MPOA) focuses the motivation onto specifically sexual targets, increases copulatory rate and efficiency, and coordinates genital reflexes. The previous (but not necessarily concurrent) presence of testosterone is permissive for DA release in the MPOA, both during basal conditions and in response to a female. One means by which testosterone may increase DA release is by upregulating nitric oxide synthase, which produces nitric oxide, which in turn increases DA release. Hormonal priming in females may also increase DA release in the MPOA, and copulatory activity may further increase DA levels in females. One of the intracellular effects of stimulation of DA D1 receptors in the MPOA of male rats may be increased expression of the immediate-early gene c-fos, which may mediate longer term responses to copulation. Furthermore, increased sexual experience led to increased immunoreactivity to Fos, the protein product of c-fos, following copulation to one ejaculation. Another intracellular mediator of DA\'s effects, particularly in castrates, may be the phosphorylation of steroid receptors. Finally, while DA is facilitative to copulation, 5-HT is generally inhibitory. 5-HT is released in the LHA, but not in the MPOA, at the time of ejaculation. Increasing 5-HT in the LHA by microinjection of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) increased the latency to begin copulating and also the latency to the first ejaculation, measured from the time the male first intromitted. These data may at least partially explain the decrease in libido and the anorgasmia of people taking SSRI antidepressants. One means by which LHA 5-HT decreases sexual motivation (i.e. increases the latency to begin copulating) may be by decreasing DA release in the NAcc, a major terminal of the mesolimbic system. Thus, reciprocal changes in DA and 5-HT release in different areas of the brain may promote copulation and sexual satiety, respectively.

Web: http://www.biopsychiatry.com/ssrissex.htm (\"http://www.biopsychiatry.com/ssrissex.htm\")

10-19-2002, 08:18 AM
Is 5-HT the same thing as 5-HTP (L-5-Hydroxytryptophan)?

If it is, there\'s another bottle from the GNC that\'s going in the trash...

10-19-2002, 12:56 PM
I only know that 5 HT is divided in sub-types (like 5 HT1A ..E, 5 HT2, 5 HT3...) for example 5-HT1D acts at liberation and synthesis of 5-HT like Serotonin Precursor. I think only a professional can illuminate that doubt. I would like to hear the JVK opinion about that....

10-19-2002, 10:07 PM
5-HTP is a precursor to the biosynthesis of all serotoin in the brain. The 5-HT types are references to the various subtypes of RECEPTORS - ie spots with different reactions to the release of serotonin. The serotonin is all the smae chemical. Various drugs act on various specific or general serotoin synapses - I know more about dopamine receptor types.

So taking 5-HTP will provide plenty of the raw material to form serotoin at the nerve cell connection points - the synapses.

So, yes, taking 5-HTP will can certainly cause a loss of libido and an inability to have an orgasm. The tryptophan in turkey meat has the same ability - that\'s why Thanksgiving is a very asexual holiday - after a big meal, everyone\'s sleepy and no one\'s interested in sex. Of course, you might be different.

10-20-2002, 12:12 AM
I never did care much for turkey... 5-HTP was suggested to me by my doctor for sleeplessness in connection with PMS. That plus melatonin plus valerian will put me out, usually. At least make me want to lie down. The \"Thanksgiving Day\" reaction caused by 5-HTP - it\'s temporary, like eating turkey?

10-20-2002, 12:43 PM
I would really like to hear what DrSmellThis thinks about phero & neurotransmitters.

10-20-2002, 11:54 PM
I think pheros hold great promise as an \"in-between\" treatment for psychiatric disorders, or alternative to herbs, supplements and prescription meds. I don\'t think they\'ll be a replacement or be-all-end-all. We are already experiencing their psychotropic effects, especially vividly in the case of A1 and -none, as many posts have shown. I suspect they lend themselves to immediate, short-term effects, rather than long-term cure. However, they probably could be used in the latter way if combined with other changes.