View Full Version : 2nd AE experiment

10-14-2002, 09:57 AM
How have u all been? Well, this weekend I did my second AE experiment (all for the sake of science). Very unusual results compared to what I have read at the forum.
After some forum advice I went from 2 drops to about 5. First couple of hours...absolutely nothing unsual. Six in the morning (five hours later), standing outside the door prior to leaving the club, I get 3 groups of girls staring, whispering, moving close or \"casually\" standing next to me. Next (weird) morning, I went to the beach -woke up, washed my teeth and walked to beach (had not taken a shower)-. I had people to my left and right giving me glances & flirtatious smiles.
Questions: How much time does this work?? Is it common to get responses WAY after the supposed 4/5 hours? How about the first \"no response\" couple of hours with u people?
Answering my 1st post: I am 30, slim/fit, 5\"7. I have been usually friendly while on pheros but have not been flirtatious or VERY outgoing....kind of kicking back and watching reactions -remember, all in sake of science-.

10-14-2002, 10:40 AM
Hi, ive got the same prob. with AE....
Dont know how much i should use...
Drops or Dabs...
Have tried something about 5 Drops, none unusuall results.
Tried to overdose, and hey.... It makes me a little bit \"agressive\" but not so much, i think because the Nol acts like a antagonist..
Any tipps??
I\'m 18, small, doing workout.... so, im looking ok, just too small ;-) ...

Also, i woder about how long AE lasts...
I just were able to smell it after 7 Hours, but i dont know if there are any pheros left..... ->> Reapply !?