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10-08-2002, 03:30 AM
Had a date last night with a girl i\'d met a few times earlier, we both eventually found some free time. anyway i ended up staying at her place last night, and looks like i\'ll be staying there till Sunday, then she goes to germany and i go to northern england.
Now the important bit.
I used pi/m (1 drop) about 6\"soe, This is just another example of me having success with a girl when she got her period, everyone says that a-none and periods don\'t mix, i haven\'t seen any proof to justify it.
What does everyone reckon, based on their experiences, not their theory.

10-08-2002, 04:35 AM
my experience has been that women on their period acutally like the smell of none as it helps alleviate PMS..my experience seems to suggest that, not that they necessarily get horny durign that time, but it helps them feel a little better...Beaches advertises the fact that it helps mitigate PMS, which is the mones im sur ethey are refering too..dont buy the standard thing out there that only A1 on a womans period will be okay or SOE fo rthat matter...it really depends on the woman, but i have found that if they dont like the none, they are just ambivilant in that time of their cycle, but i almost have never gotten an outright negative reaction due to a period..now, maybe from an OD, but thats it..