View Full Version : Dual Scents - Offensive?

10-05-2002, 07:53 PM
For those of you who are experienced with mixing, especially JB#1, how would this work if I wanted to apply SoE as well? They are both two scents, wouldn\'t someone take this as offensive? Sort of like wearing two different colonges? Like 2 sprays of JB#1, and maybe 6\" of SoE.

I\'m sure someone on this forum has gotten wild enough to do this! Thanks. lol.

- Krish

10-05-2002, 08:25 PM
I would think that soe would over power the apc scent..as it is quite strong..but i doubt you would have any bad reactions to it..give it a shot..just seems as though it would weaken the soe by diluting it..but then again it just might be strong enough to cover the npa scent.

10-05-2002, 08:34 PM
I will routinely wear SoE with another scented product. However, since most of the products...such as AE...tend to have their scent fade fairly quickly, I will normally put on the AE about an hour before going wherever I\'m going, and put on the SoE right before going. If I put on the SoE an hour after the AE, the AE scent is usually pretty much gone, although the mones are still working, and then just go with the fresh SoE for the scent.

So far it seems to work for me.