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10-04-2002, 12:42 AM
did a trip through europe recently, the mones worked wonders, lots of of stories, lots of experimention with mones, lots of action. But the funniest comment from a girl was during a toga party in rome, she was talking to this other guy all cosy in the corner, i walked past, dihl, and out popped the comment \"wow, you look like a god\", she got a bit embarrassed, because i reply \"can i have that in writing\".

10-04-2002, 12:45 AM
Yeah a reply forces the attention back upon her and causes embarrassment. Better her then you going red in the face, divert attention back where possible, it forces her to respond once again.

My best comment is \"wow you look f**king hot\"
or \"i want to F**k you now take me back to youre place NOW\"
(she was very insistant and well i did and had a good night.

http://www.anitadoth.myby.co.uk/anita%20doth_2%20u%20downloads.htm (\"http://www.anitadoth.myby.co.uk/anita%20doth_2%20u%20downloads.htm\")

10-04-2002, 02:04 AM
What did you use dude!?!? Pls share in detail.

\"When all men think alike, no one thinks very much.\"
-Walter Lippmann

10-04-2002, 04:34 AM
same thing happened to me wearing a mix of soe and PI/m, and when it happens, get ready

10-04-2002, 05:41 AM
Jamboot...how are you mixing SOE and PI? That sounds like an interesting mix, and I\'ve been actually thinking about it long before you mentioned it. Now I\'m really wanting to know more! Come on...share the wealth! Pleeeeeeeeease. Later!

10-04-2002, 06:11 AM
yeah your correct it is pi/m and soe, i chuck in some pi/w as well, i\'m still expermenting with quantities, i\'m not very scientific, the pi/m stays around for longer, and soe wears off quickly.

10-04-2002, 06:30 AM
Dazza - you said you had a lot of interesting stories. Are you going to share with your FORUM family later? Annd are you going to dig a little deeper, and try to come with your exact mix? Are you? Tutto...Ti prego!!

10-04-2002, 06:52 AM
i was travelling around for 4 weeks. with a group of 30 people 20-30 yrs old, i got to watch the effects the products had on them. plus having a few big parties with other similar traveling groups. i haven\'t got time to tell all stories, but i got alot of fun out of the trip.
went to a club in prague alot of you girls plenty of attention just from soe
had a girlfriend travel 700 kms across europe to see me, because she said it wasn\'t to far from where she lived, i thought maybe 400km\'s found out later 700.
Another girl (ozzie) said \"come with me, i\'ll show you paradise\".
the mix i think is sort of like 1 drop pi/m, 2 drops pi/w, when i get to where i\'m going, depending on the age of the crowd, determines whether i need soe or a little more pi/m mix with ck eternity.
pi/m, pi/w and john paul gautier (spelling), some girls have asked me about the smell

10-04-2002, 07:02 AM
So pretty much it was the PI family (PI/m and PI/w) with SOE added for a different approach/age group? Cool!!! We\'ll be expecting a full report of your NAUGHTY vacation by the beginning of the week Sir!! Thanks for the info. Later!!

10-04-2002, 07:04 AM
<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

the mix i think is sort of like 1 drop pi/m, 2 drops pi/w, when i get to where i\'m going, depending on the age of the crowd, determines whether i need soe or a little more pi/m mix with ck eternity.

<hr></blockquote>Good to see another male who gets good results with PI/w mixes. I\'m growing increasingly fond of the stuff.

10-04-2002, 07:09 AM
I normally use 1 drop PI/m and 1 drop PI/w, both out of old Visine bottles, but I can\'t really post any hits, because of my looks people always stare, and smile. Be nice or I\'ll slit your throat or something...with muscles!!! Buuuut something in that combo works!! Never thought to use SOE as a cover scent...it\'s been Cool Water...and everybody loves it!!

10-04-2002, 07:34 AM
i\'m to lazy to give a full report mate thats about as much as a can be bothered saying. I hopefully got a date tonight, shes suppose to call in the next few hours, but i won\'t be suprised if she doesn\'t call, haven\'t seen her for bout 3-4 months, because i\'ve been out of the country, i give you something tomorrow, (england timezone.) even if i\'m forced to go out by myself to get the hits.
gotta love them hits!
time for another drink

10-04-2002, 07:41 AM
Mate!!!? Are you in the U.K.!? Cool!!! Always wanted to visit while I was in Italy, but couldn\'t make the time! Have a drink on me, but you\'re going to have to pay for it!!! : )

10-04-2002, 08:57 AM
Visine bottles? Now THAT is genius... I think I\'m going to go over to Wal-Mart and pick up a few of them...

10-04-2002, 09:20 AM
Camusflage - Thanks!! Same size little bottles are cheaper at a dollar store...especially if you buy the off-brand. Fits in your pocket, doesn\'t break, doesn\'t leak. Cool!!!

10-04-2002, 12:21 PM
How big is anita doth over there, 2 Unlimited were big at one point on the music scene. But back to the pheros PI(M) and Soe is a good combo. But when it happens lol well all the time get ready for this because you will be knocked off youre feet. But those sort of bus tour trip things are great for testing pheros over a good time, the women cant exactly run away.

http://www.anitadoth.myby.co.uk/anita%20doth_2%20u%20downloads.htm (\"http://www.anitadoth.myby.co.uk/anita%20doth_2%20u%20downloads.htm\")

10-04-2002, 12:34 PM
Watcher - How are you mixing PIm with SOE? Thanks!