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View Full Version : hello everybody, questions about pheros

10-01-2002, 10:54 PM
Hi everybody. My name is Tim. I just recently ran across this site, hoping to find a solution to my lonelyness..
I have a few questions, if anyone could answer them , id love it. I am 18 years of age , 5\"11 i weigh about 270 lbs. (im a big guy:P ) but thats why im not picking up any women. So i have just gaven up. This site, may put a sparkle in my life.
Can someone please tell me what kind of pheremone would be good for me? ...Also, do pherimones cause mood change?
I am a very anxious person and constantly worried about whats gonna happen to me. I dont even take Tilenol LOL..
Also...does pheros work well with Paxil 20mg

thanks guys...


10-01-2002, 11:46 PM
Before giving you any tip, I must be honest and tell you I`m still a newbie at this phero game so this will be mostly my opinion based on very fiew observations and things I`ve learned on this site and elsewhere on the web (not amazing credential ;-)).

Rule number 1 : phero won`t turn a toad into a prince charming.

BUT... It will influence other people mood around you and it will also influence your mood. For sure you can attract girls attention with phero, that doesn`t mean they will want to sleep with you right on the spot tho.

It`s possible that you will find more confident and/or relaxed when using phero (depending on what kind you use). Chances are you will get more at ease with women and chances are some of them will like being in your company.

This can increase you`r chance of meeting a nice girl who likes big boys. I would use `nol based phero at the beginning (SOE), so you will looks more friendly to women. Then, when you finally find one who could be a potential target, I would include a small additional part of `none and try to use my size as an adventage by playing the protective male (`none, in reasonable quantity gives an aura of power. In larger quantity, it can also makes you look too aggressive so be carefull with dosage).

Good luck and let us know about your phero experiences!

10-02-2002, 05:20 AM
Through pheros you might also find the motivation to work out more, I\'m sure marv will rant about \"the only way to lose weight is to push to failure\", which is probably true. Anyway, certain products give you a rush and you just HAVE to exersize. One of the best things I\'ve heard on this forum is this:

Pheromones may give you the edge, but you are still the blade