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View Full Version : mix or apply seperately

10-01-2002, 02:34 PM
hi there, i have ordered a few of products which include ppa, rm, npa, apc. from these i want to make various mixes such as jbx and pan. can someone tell me if i was going to to try the pan mix do i have to mix them both in a bottle or can i apply them seperately e.g. i apply one dab of npa on the ears and then 5 dabs of ppa elswere will this do or would it be best to get a seperate bottle and mix them up and then apply. this goes for the other mixes as well like jb1 and x, which is the best way to do it

many thanks


10-01-2002, 02:39 PM
Khan to be honest i have done the same with the DD #1 mix ie 3 or 4 dabs of SOE and 1 of NPA, this is just as effective, its just with the mixing that some people find it easier to have it in one bottle (its just easier and more conveinet and it can be made a lot more accurate)

But if you apply seperatley it means you can sort of layer if you want SOE on youre head area and say NPA on the wrists of vise versa. Or alcohol spray on the clothes and the oil on the neck or face area, you can spray the stuff on youre hand and rub through youre hair if you like.

Hair is a great dispersal agent for pheros and they tend to last longer when applied to the head region.