View Full Version : Does A1 alone smell bad?

09-27-2002, 06:04 AM
To all or any of the users of A1, can you apply it directly out of the bottle and go out wearing it? Or would it smell bad unless covered up with cologne/essent oils? The reason I am asking this is I have a date tonight and my A1 just arrived, but I have no time to field test it etc before my date. I remember reading in the past most users had no more than 2 drops of A1 on.

I think my plan for tonight, and please anyone let me know if this is way off base, will be half a drop of primal, a drop of JB1, and 2 drops of A-1... with maybe a little SOE on my arms for old times sake. Anyway, the girl I\'m going out with tonight is a 7, tomorrow night I\'m going out with a 10 (both from Nebraska interestingly enough).. so I figure I will experiment with A-1/NPA combos tonight before the big date on Sat.

Well, thanks for reading this, if there is any advice from A-1 users on their experiences with it, I would be more than appreciative! Thanks.


09-27-2002, 07:25 AM
As to A-1, I have mine in a small bottle with a wand in the cap. To use, I wet the wand (that\'s different from dip the wick, BTW) and apply to the hair on the back of my neck - once. That way I minimize the effects on me. One can also use a small dab on the wrists. Either way seems to have an effect on the ladies.

I find the smell of A-1 quite pleasant and not offensive at all. Howver, it does clearly cause \"dark\" moods for me so I avoid high doses to my self.

09-27-2002, 09:35 AM
Thanks Whitehall, I\'ll give the wand application a try... then hopefully later in the evening I\'ll be \"dipping the wick\"...hehe.


09-27-2002, 09:37 AM
Ah. _There\'s_ our new love-scent banner:

Wet the wand - then dip the wick!