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View Full Version : What Pheromone is the best?

09-24-2002, 08:52 PM
Im new with this concept and would like to order but would like some suggestions on the best pheromone type.

09-24-2002, 09:00 PM
We need age, height, build.

How you usually get treated by women, people benefit from different types of androgens etc. Are you male or female.

Generally however read through the forum first.

Then over 35 - could benefit from -none heavy products
- Andro 4.2, Attraction, PI(M), alter ego or NPA

Under 35 - probably more nol and rone
NPA, SOE (scent of eros), nol and rone from the chem sets.
Alter ego for women (dont worry about the women) these products are almost identical. Plenty of men use couplins as it increases female competition along with the sexual responses. It sort of boosts the effects.

Realm could be an option it has 30 pheros but has copped a hiding on the forum as the concentrations are fairly low.

09-24-2002, 10:01 PM

09-24-2002, 10:21 PM
I have a question for you guys out there that have had some phero experience. I am suppose to meet a gal this weekend for the first time, and want to know which phero\'s it would be best for me to wear. I am 41, white male, 5\' 9\" tall, 170 lbs, and average to muscular. She is 39, white female, blue eyes, and blond hair, about 5\' 5\" tall, and average figure. We have talked on the phone for at least 30 hours, and she is one \"hot\" young lady. She says she is especially hot right now as it is one week before her period, she just ovulated, and says she is super horny. But she says she is \"old fashioned\", and will limit it to hugs & kisses the first time. I have to go quite a distance to see her, and would like to \"play\" just a little. :-) So what phero\'s would be best for me to wear to encourage her to want to play, seeing as how she is gonna be at her horniest when I get there? Also, do blondes need a different phero, kinda like the Asian women?

I\'m all ears, guys... I\'m ready, and willing to learn. Thanks!!


09-24-2002, 10:37 PM
From what I learned so far, I would use something full of androstenone to help me push it out of oldfashioned territory...

09-25-2002, 05:05 AM
Well, I dunno. I wish she\'d mix her messages just a little more so I can really get confused. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gifPssst -- the girl\'s hot to trot - she\'s already ready to capitulate - I\'d think you could score without \'mones. I would think what you have to worry about is convincing her that you\'ll still respect her in the morning. That\'s the whole purpose behind the \"I\'m old fashioned\" speech. Old fashioned, my foot. She really wants to play right now - she\'s told you the timing is right - but she likes you and she doesn\'t want to be treated like a whore if she has sex with you right off the bat, so she\'s playing off with the \"old fashioned\" rap.I\'m selling out a fellow female, but this sounds to me like a time for the ol\' NLP. Maybe Doc will coach you.And P.S. - she\'s got the same \"hot\" cycle I do - I never bought this thing about ovulation being the best time. It\'s the week before Aunt Flow comes into town. Wish more of the women would respond - I introduced a thread on this subject in the women\'s forum (When You\'re Ovulating Or The Week Before) and didn\'t get much response. -- sorry, side note. Funlover, this oughta be like shootin\' fish in a barrel.

09-25-2002, 06:24 AM
<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

She says she is especially hot right now as it is one week before her period, she just ovulated, and says she is super horny. But she says she is \"old fashioned\", and will limit it to hugs &amp; kisses the first time.

<hr></blockquote>Yup, she\'s pretty much already given in. I would wear a little AE to keep the fire stoked. Red said it well - let her know that you find women who accept their own sexuality very attractive. Make those kisses count - it\'s your turn to play the tease - spend lots of time on her neck, ears, down her shoulder as the blouse has to open so you can kiss her around her collarbone - you get the picture. Take whatever she offers and turn her on bigtime with it. Make her want more. She really doesn\'t want to say no here...

09-25-2002, 08:00 AM
The problem here is in closing. You can stimulate her with NPA, TE, or AE which will help. However, the big issue will be going from \"hot\" to \"in.\" The right attitude is \"connected\" - you don\'t want her to feel an emotional barrier or distance that would give you room to treat her as an object. That way, she can feel free to treat part of you as one.

I\'d tease her and make her ask for it. Say you\'re on the couch, kissing hot and heavy. When she\'s really panting, pull back and frustrate her a bit. She\'ll come back for more and more. At some point, she\'s going to want you to overcome her last level of resistance so that \"she\'s giving in\" - she\'ll feel that she did her best to remain \"old fashioned\" and you will have assumed the moral responsibility, not her.

That\'s the way I read it.

09-25-2002, 08:24 AM
yeah, i\'m with whitehall exactly

09-25-2002, 09:10 AM
thats some good advice on closing Whitehall bro...good job lemme take out my note pad...hehe

09-25-2002, 09:16 AM
FTR says:
&gt;&gt;she\'s got the same \"hot\" cycle I do - I never bought this thing about ovulation being the best time. It\'s the week before Aunt Flow comes into town&lt;&lt;

The week before is when ovulation occurs, isn\'t it? The visitor is the result of an ovulation that never got fertilized, if I\'m remembering my high school biology.

09-25-2002, 09:24 AM
I guess it depends on one\'s cycle. Ovulation is at about the 14th day. Aunt Flow wouldn\'t usually show up at my house until about 12 days after, and for about the last 6 days of that, I\'d be practically rabid, and the same for my women friends. I never felt anything at day 14.
(past tense \'cause I\'m on the pill so not ovulating anyway)

09-25-2002, 09:29 AM
\"[for] 6 days of that, I\'d be practically rabid\"

Oh, really? As if we hadn\'t noticed.

09-25-2002, 09:33 AM
From experience with at least my 3 last girlfriends, The Week Before is THE time !

09-25-2002, 09:35 AM
Shaddup, Whitehall! lol

09-25-2002, 09:35 AM
And I must add that if a guy come close enough from his target to know that information, then he should know when to try to make a big hit...

09-25-2002, 09:55 AM
I\'d go with AE.


09-25-2002, 10:04 AM
Wow!! You guys are all GREAT, and I love and appreciate you all for helping me out!!! I really mean that.

You have helped me see things in a totally different light. Here I was thinking only of the phero\'s, and FTR comes right along and enters in through another door, educating me on being \"Old Fashioned\". I LOVE it!! Then everyone goes on to tell me how to tease her, because she really wants it, etc, etc. Yep, It all makes sense to me now. Thanks so much everybody. I\'ll let you know how it goes this weekend.


09-25-2002, 01:01 PM
Hey Funlover,

I had on JB-1 with a girl I was dating who was ovulating! She literally couldn\'t tear herself off me after the first date. I also ODed really bad that night, but it seemed the more I applied, the more she wanted me. My advice, go with JB-1!

09-25-2002, 02:07 PM

Really, the only hit I ever saw was with JB-1 &amp; AE. So I ordered more AE today, as I tipped my other one over and spilled it. But I have plenty of JB-1, so I will give it my best shot.
