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View Full Version : I don't know what to do...

09-19-2002, 05:54 PM
Ok first of all I want to introduce myself, I am kevin and am stygian\'s close personal friend. I had an experience today and needed some feed back, first I am going to provide the background details. The girl and I in this story both when to school together, and about a 6 months after we graduated (about a year back from now) and I got her number then and unsuccessfully called and then of course lost the number. I was also infatuated with her then. So today I am at the mall getting a new washer and dryer when who do i run into? melba with two of her friends i did not know. I had to first do a double take and said hello and she said \"hi kevin\" in this cute girly voice, then I was like \"hey george it is \'whats her name\'!\" now first off i know i was a dumbass for not saying her name which prompted her to respond with her name. then we separated and i kicked myself for not doing something. About 10 minutes later we are getting food and she walks by and I said \'i am going to approach her when she comes out\' so when she comes out I did. I asked her how she had been and explained why she had not heard from me, she then responded \'well i moved moved in with my boyfriend so my number changed\' so then i quit listening and ignored her, she hung sround for about 5 seconds like she wanted to talk some more and then left. I felt like a dick but also extremely insulted because it seemed as if she was trying to blow me off. But then ~5 minutes later she comes back and she is walking toward me (i am in the same place eating) and she is coming in slow motion. she approaches me and hands me a card with her number on it (it was on a business card from one of the hair salons) and explained she was living with her brother and mentioned something about an ex-boyfriend. she seemed nervous when she was doing this and also said \'call me if you just want someone to talk to or want to catch up\' almost like she was trying to give me a reason to call, and I said I would do that. and then she walked off.

my question is this: was she doing this because she think she hurt my feelings or does she really want to make something of it i dont know. what do you think.?

ps i had no pharamones on

09-19-2002, 06:00 PM
Ok, I\'ll give it a shot. She wanted to hear from you and waited to hear the phone for awhile and finally gave up, pissed off that you said you\'d call and didn\'t. She probably fantasized what she was going to say if she ever saw you again, how she\'d blow you off like she *thought* she\'d been blown off since you didn\'t call. Then you ran into each other and you were kind of a jerk with the name thing, so she jerked you back with the \"Oh, I moved in with my boyfriend so you couldn\'t have called me anyway (the famous \"you snoozed you losed\" maneuver). But then you came back around and she had had a minute to consider maybe you really did lose her number, and if she kept f*cking around acting like she didn\'t care if you liked her or not, she\'d lose her chance, so she decided to \"give\" (aquiesce) and approach you, which was real brave.Assuming she really IS living with her brother and not some boyfriend (which I would diligently research), I think she likes you. Don\'t lose her number and don\'t screw around. Call her up.

09-19-2002, 06:02 PM
maybe she had moved in with her boyfriend, broke up, then moved in with her brother...
you know, since you weren\'t listening to her cuz what she said. but i also agree with FTR
i say call her, and go for it. you have nothing to lose, because she\'s not there for you to lose anymore. i made out with this one girl before i was with officially with my gf, but she didn\'t want to take it any further, i didn\'t mind, and today we are good friends. so go ahead and make something of it!

09-19-2002, 06:27 PM
You\'ve made it on the \"do-able\" list, but there\'s no way of knowing where you rank unless you call her.

09-19-2002, 07:13 PM
Yep don\'t sit and wonder, your lucky enough to get a second chance, you have nothing to lose everything to gain.

09-19-2002, 07:18 PM
Definitely call. She likes you. Don\'t wait. It will only get more difficult. Call as in \"now\". Just do it etc etc...

09-19-2002, 07:38 PM
All right I am going for it, I am going to grab the first timers kit off the site in a few, now I need some tips, I have never actualy been good at getting respectible girls, most of my ex\'s and one timers from sleazy internet girls and it is time I get my act together. I know the basics, but I need some tips that go well and beyond, so I am the perfect classy gentleman this female deserves, I do not wish to mess this up in any way.

09-19-2002, 11:54 PM

Welcome to the forum! The newbie special is a good start, but you should consider getting more SOE gel packs or the SOE oil. From the posts that I\'m reading here I seeing that both you and this gal seem pretty nervous around each other. SOE is great for first dates, it will make both you and her more relaxed and chatty. You\'ll be getting 1 gel packet with the special and I recomend that you save it for when you two first go out. Apply all of it to your pulse points 10-15 min before you see her.

Since your new I wouldn\'t recomend that you play around with TE that you\'ll be getting with the kit around her just yet. To tone the -none down in TE you might consider mixing it with the SPMO that you\'ll be getting at 7:3 SPMO:TE in the atomizer that you\'ll be getting (don\'t mix all of it though). Spray some on and have fun in a social place to experiment.

Good luck and go get\'em tiger /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif .