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View Full Version : Removal of top from cologne bottle

09-13-2002, 02:52 PM
Hey guys~

I\'d like to add pheros to my bottle of Polo cologne, but the atomizer top seems pretty unremovable. (Polo is my absolute favorite, but I\'ve never found a bottle of it without the atomizer top)

Has anyone had success removing one of those tops (from any brand cologne)? Keeping in mind that it\'s a glass bottle, if I get a pair of pliars and really reef on that sucker, will I be successful? Or am I just asking for a trip to the emergency room smelling like a French whorehouse?

Any help would be appreciated~

09-13-2002, 03:50 PM
I just usually spray 3-10 ml into a screw-top vial, and then work from there. The leftovers are easily capped and saved until the next time.

The folks who make colognes seem _genuinely_ invested in keeping me from removing the tops...

09-13-2002, 04:09 PM
Thanks, I was thinking it might come to that. Yeah, those spray tops are like welded on, aren\'t they? lol

09-13-2002, 07:53 PM
Issey Miyake has a stury glass neck underneath the spray cap. I filed it with a hacksaw and then it popped off pretty easily & clean using a pair of pliers.

09-13-2002, 09:48 PM

I couldn\'t tell you how to removed the atomizer top off of a cologne bottle........if I was to attempt it, I\'d find myself in and emergency room (never get cologne in an open cut, it stings pretty bad! LOL) I have Polo (the green bottle) and it\'s the open top \"splash bottle.\" From my observations, that\'s the type that\'s sold the most. Go to a department store or any place that sells cologne and ask for the splash bottle.

09-13-2002, 10:36 PM
Given that the parts of the sprayer are made of plastic, if you have a spare(re-fillable) sprayer you coud transfer the cologne from the \"unopenable\" sprayer by using a syringe with a long needle and jam it down the plastic tube that the sprayer \"button\" is atached to.....Bear in mind that this may NOT work with all sealed sprayers and a second needle may be required with some sprayers since the needle may get clogged up with plastic from the first jab.......


09-13-2002, 10:38 PM
Ok, I don\'t get it. Why is it so important to mix it with your cologne? You can\'t be positive how much pheros you\'re using if you use them like that, can you? Why not put the pheros on and then the cologne on top? Wouldn\'t that be easier?

09-14-2002, 12:53 AM
Well the Bottle of Issey that I popped open was press fit. I used a pair of vise grips and worked the thing off. I can\'t say if this is what is the norm, but it is an economical way of making product. I do have one bit of advise. Don\'t ever think that putting the top back on means it is sealed. Lost an auful lot of Issey that way, and my bag has never smelled the same.

But, I have to agree with the \"Red Headed One\" (TM) I do not like to open up the aroma bottles. I like to mix (Chem set junkie here) something I wanna try, and add the aromas on top. I don\'t buy into the first or second application stuff, the stuff goes into your oil in your skin, then it does it\'s work. Or so I believe. But, to get at your first question, it is probably a press fit sprayer.

09-14-2002, 06:29 AM
Caswell-Massey has refillable spray bottles for about $3 each. They\'re the bottles that their own colognes come in, and hold about 4 ounces.

09-15-2002, 02:04 PM
Of course what you suggest sounds better than hacksaws and needles! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif I\'m going to look around for Polo with the splash top instead of the atomizer. Didn\'t know they made them.