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09-12-2002, 05:59 AM
hey, i was wondering if it would work to mix and store phero mixes in plastic bottles, or does it loose it\'s strength?

09-12-2002, 06:02 AM
Anyone try that? I never have. There are a lot of different types of plastic; some are a lot more prone to chemical change than others.

09-12-2002, 06:15 AM
I have lots of stuff in polycarbonate spray bottles. Haven\'t thought much about it. I would imagine that the bottle walls absorb some pheros, then get saturated and pretty inert. The first batch in a given bottle may lose a little potency, after that, I would think things would stabilize.

09-12-2002, 09:44 AM
As a rule of thumb, avoid plastics as much as possible. Stick with glass or maybe metal. I even suspect the rubber squeeze bulbs on droppers. And if you use metal, stainless steel is preferable to aluminium. The glass should be amber or maybe deep blue to prevent photo-induced changes.

But then, I\'m fussy.

09-12-2002, 10:59 AM
Thanks Witehall,

I\'m fussy too. \"Buy the best, and forget the rest\" has always been my motto. We want these pheromones to work their best, and I am really leery of plastic bottles somehow \"contaminating\" my spendy mixes.


09-12-2002, 11:46 AM
anyone got any tips where to store their mixes? not only for a good storage, but i also have to worry about hiding the \"stash\" from my old folks, and friends. got any ideas?

09-12-2002, 11:59 AM
Hmmm... That is a good question!! I\'ll have to think on this a bit, as I haven\'t had to worry about keeping them out of sight.


09-12-2002, 12:00 PM
I keep mine in my purse, but I guess maybe that wouldn\'t work for you ... the only thing I can think of is in the toe of a shoe in your closet. That\'s where I used to hide things from my \'rents. Mom was always all through my drawers and jewelry boxes and anything else. She never thought to look in my shoes.

09-12-2002, 12:03 PM
Stick with metal, although andro 4.2 and attraction come in plastic so i dont see to many dramas with using a small pump action bottle. Ive still got those products 2 years later in the same bottles and they still work fine.

09-12-2002, 12:05 PM
<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

Stick with metal, although andro 4.2 and attraction come in plastic so i dont see to many dramas with using a small pump action bottle. Ive still got those products 2 years later in the same bottles and they still work fine.

<hr></blockquote>Where are you finding metal storage bottles?

09-12-2002, 12:07 PM
I have found some in a local store similar to the atomisers but they are metal. Thats all i just use it for my mixes.

09-12-2002, 12:10 PM
Well I haven\'t hidden any pheros yet. THough where I use to hide something I never wanted to be found was always in lots of places. If you have a book shelf and a book you haven\'t read in a while cut a compartment into that book. Though it may sound stupid it works very well for hiding places. Also you can try this. Depending on the ype of drawers you have you can tape it to the inside of your drawer near the top. It might be too have to hide. Ummm lets seee oh, mke a compartment to underneath your bed on the the top side. If you tell me things inside your room (cd\'s computer tv anything) I can tell you what to do with it. I use to hide lots of things from my parents.

09-12-2002, 12:20 PM
thanks, but i don\'t lack good hidigspots, but i would like to hade them more or less available. i mean, when i need to take them out at least once a day, it\'s abit lame to take them out from like a vault or something. the best thing would be to camoflague it in like this plastic bottle where i had piercing aftercare- rinsing- stuff. that way i can keep it in the drawer in the bathroom(where i shower and stuff every morning, abit prctical), and my folks would definately leave it alone...

but thanks for the suggestions!

09-12-2002, 12:21 PM
Something morally wrong with colognes? Are your parents Amish or Southern Baptists or something?

Otherwise, just tell them (a little) about what you\'re doing so they won\'t bug you. Pheromones are a very promising career field so if you have some scientific bent, most parents might just be supportative - \"Mommy, I want a pheromone chemistry set for Christmas! I want to be a biotech entrepreneur when I grow up.\"

As to friends and/or bratty siblings, a locked cabinet or strong box might be the answer.

09-12-2002, 01:03 PM
I keep mine in a 1 foot square metal box, under my bed. Simple as that!

09-12-2002, 01:05 PM
nothing wrong with colognes, but i don\'t have the best relationship to my parents, at least not so good thet i will bother to even try and explain to them what pheros are or how useful they are... in best case scenario they will probably just get upset that \"i throw money out the window\". in worst case they will probably think its some kind of new drug i\'m addicted to or something. my parents are paranoid, and old- school and the last person that i would tell about pheros are my dad. or mom.

09-12-2002, 01:09 PM
That\'s funny - I was just thinking that. I can see my dad now, opening PI and not being able to smell it, and giving me endless grief about being gullible and just throwing money away.

09-12-2002, 01:14 PM
That\'s too bad - you ought to fix that.

When my three sons were about your age, 18 or so, they all thought I was stupid and Waaaay out of touch. Each of them independently and separately, came to me later, about when they turned 22, and said \"Dad, you know, you were so right! I should have listened!\"

Give them just a little bit of that now, and you\'ll be amazed how the relationship improves.

09-12-2002, 01:23 PM
of course, alot of the things i disagree with my parents will change, as i will i, my personality, my maturity and my opinions. but as for now, we disagree on not everything, but alot, and i can say with 100 per cent certainty that dad will never understand pheros. do not get med wrong here, i live in what i would call a happy family, it\'s not alot of arguments, it\'s just that i don\'t have a very open relationship with my parents, atleast not my dad.

09-12-2002, 01:25 PM
LOL! that\'s my dad allright!

09-12-2002, 03:20 PM
I used to hide my weed in my speaker cabinet.
You know, I haven\'t looked in there in a while. I wonder....

09-12-2002, 09:54 PM

Go to a stationary store and buy one of those metal index card holders (I\'ve seen them in a lot of different sizes.) Or if you want to spend about $50, go to a hunting/sporting goods store and buy a single-pistol lock box (18 gauge stainless steel with a pick-proof key tumbler.) That\'s ONLY if you\'re really serious about keeping people away from your phero stash.

Or you can go to a Home Depot type store and get one of those fire-proof document safes (they\'re about the size of a shoe box, but A LOT more bulky.) That will run you about $50 as well, however I\'ve seen them for $20.

I don\'t know how old you are, if you have any siblings, etc. But if your parents or whoever were to ask what that box is/what\'s in it, you can say (It\'s just where I keep my money, check stubs, important papers, yada yada yada.) Anyway, hope my ideas helped you in one way or another. If you want, I have a catalog where I order my police equipment from, they have those steel pistol boxes for like $30, if you\'re interested PM me, and I\'ll send you the link for the website.

09-13-2002, 01:56 AM
thanks for the help, but i allready have one of those boxes allready, and its locked inside my locked drawers. but it\'s just so damn unpractical to open and close it maybe two or three times a day. of course i keep alot of stash in there that i don\'t wan\'t my parents to find...but i\'m looking for a bit more available place, you know? i think the easiest and most practical place is to fill a bottle of anti-acne stuff or something, with the mixes. that way i can keep it in the drawer in the bathroom, and mom and dad still won\'t touch it..

09-13-2002, 05:03 AM
Ah, the light goes on. \"Pipe shops\" (we used to call them \"head shops\" - I have no idea of what to call them now) sell stash cans that look like common household products. You can unscrew the bottom and put your pheros in there.

09-13-2002, 05:50 AM
now were talking! that sounds perfect! do you know of any online shops?

09-13-2002, 06:08 AM
Just type stash cans into your search engine..that will bring up lots of sites ...most of them either spy equipment or head shop stuff but all carry what your looking for.

09-13-2002, 06:42 AM
This one is worthwhile just because of the weirdness of some of the items. Cruex Jock-Itch Spray? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<a target=\"_blank\" href=http://www.riverdaleorganics.com/can-safes.html>http://www.riverdaleorganics.com/can-safes.html</a>

09-13-2002, 09:11 PM

Also, those online \"Spy shops\" have those type of things. I\'ve have the can of shaving cream that screws open to hide stuff in. What better place to hide money? LOL