View Full Version : Works for me

09-11-2002, 11:48 AM
While it seems to me that there is a very wide variance in what works for whom, dependent on body chemistry apparently, I thought I would post what has been working for me to contribute to this excellent board.

24(drops) AE/ 4 (drops) PI/m/ 3 (drops) NPA

I have been using this covered with a cologne (I use Xeryus 2-sprays) for about a week now. I am not very approachable and about a 7 1/2 on the scale of things.

I have been noticing that people stand closer to me and start up trivial coversations more frequently. I have not yet been in a situation where I would get a hit. Funniest thing to me is clerks. Whenever I have had to buy something the cashier seems a little flustered and makes some kind of obvious mistake that give the impression that she has zoned out. The lady at UPS spent about 20 seconds trying to figure out why the scale wasn\'t registering the weight of my package until she realized that she was still holding it. I love that [censored]. This has happend 4-5 times this last week.

Also, for what it is worth, I always put a little under my nose or in my moustache. It seems to set me at ease and boost my confidence.


09-11-2002, 03:17 PM
I hope you don\'t apply this dosage in a single application, do you ?

09-11-2002, 06:50 PM
Duh, sorry I wasn\'t very clear about that.

No that is just the ratio that I have been using. I usually use 2-4 drops depending on where I am going that day. Or I will use 2 in the morning and reapply 2 more in the evening before I go out.

09-11-2002, 08:04 PM
You could even up it to 4 drops and it would still work for you.

09-12-2002, 06:15 AM
Yes, 2-4 drops covered with a couple sprays of Xeryus has been working for me. A couple of dihls, people seems more open with me and more likely to start up conversations. That is all I have noticed so far. Definately no OD symptoms yet and it makes me feel much more confident and at ease. The only thing close to OD I have noticed is that at a local bar I stopped into to pay up some football bets. I was there for two beers, maybe 20 mins. The bartender was a cute young girl I have met several times. She was unusually attentive to me (she is usually aloof and cold) and I caught her looking at me across the bar a couple times. But when she would come up to serve me she would not make eye contact and she would stare at the ground. Weird.

Originally I mixed PI/m with AE because I was getting good reaction with AE but wanted to give it a kick. Then I put in some NPA because I have had good \"sexual\" hits in the past with it.

I have not yet had the chance to wear it out to a bar or club to try and meet and see what kind of reaction I get there.

09-12-2002, 06:52 AM
Nice mix, you mind if I add it to my \"Current products mixes/combinations\" thread? T\'will be added in the Cookbook, I think.

09-12-2002, 11:47 AM
Not at all, although you might want to wait and see if it is successful for anyone else first.

Also I think it makes more sense if I write it properly;

8:1:1 AE,PI/m,NPA

I wasn\'t really thinking about it when I typed it out the first time I just wanted to contribute something that works for me because I read this board almost everyday now and everyone is very forthcoming with good info on lots of different subjects.

There are some other threads that I want to contribute to so I guess I am on my way- WOW! I am participating in something and not just lurking....I am all tingly /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

09-12-2002, 04:57 PM
Hey Ussiel, How old are you, and how old do the women seem to be that you are having results with?



09-12-2002, 05:14 PM
I am 38, 5\' 10\" 195lbs about a 7 1/2. The ages of the women that I have been getting attention from have been mostly in their 30\'s. I will be going out the weekend hopefully I will have more to report .

09-12-2002, 07:53 PM
Thanks a bunch for the info. It seems that this \"phero thing\" really is a Science, and it sure helps to know everyone\'s ages...
