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View Full Version : PI kicks butt

09-10-2002, 05:08 AM
i just wanted to say that PI for men kicks ass!! i am 39 years old, in sales, and i have to say that i have had some incredible experiences with women since i began using PI, especially women 26plus. I never have been very successful with women lately, but my first night out with PI enabled me to pickup a beautiful cocktail waittress who was attracted to me from the get go. i know that everyone says its smells like cat pee, but honestly, women and men seem to notice me wherever i go, i also noticed that men tend to give me more respect and my sales have picked up. Is there anyone else who has noticed this with PI? thanks for a great product bruce

09-10-2002, 06:36 AM
You are welcome. It\'s an age thing. There are a lot of young guys on the forum these days, but I am 52 and PI is still one of my favorites. I think I started the whole mixing thing by using PI and APC together. I wore that to work (my day jobs) for years.
Congrats on your sucess,

09-10-2002, 08:42 AM
Yep, I\'m 44, and have had similar experiences with Primal Instinct. It really seems to make the women come out of the woodwork, and produces the most overtly sexual hits for me (out of the various pheromone preparations).

Younger guys don\'t seem to have the same luck with PI, apparently for two reasons, from what I\'ve read on the Forum: First, 20-year old guys are still producing lots of -none, so adding a pure -none product like PI results in an \'overdose.\' Second, the target age for 20-year old guys is probably 18-24-year old females, who seem to get scared off by high -none concentrations (at least more so than a 35-year old woman).

PI is a great product especially for us older guys, but keep in mind that more is not better. It\'s very easy to over-apply -- in which case everyone around you, both men and women, will avoid you.

By the way, I\'m not too crazy about the smell either. But you can\'t argue with success~

09-10-2002, 08:55 AM
Ditto all that.
One additional point RE age of target audience: Not only is experience itself a factor in what is going to be appealing to young sexually inexperienced vs. older presumably experienced women, but age itself is a factor. Not only is pheromone output going down with age, but the physical ability of the normal olfactory system and VNO to detect fragrance/pheros is also falling like a stone with age depending on environmental factors. It is pretty hard to OD around women my age, and there have been countless posts on this forum of guys overdoing application with their first order of products and finding themselves driving their gf away only to get red carpet treatment from middle aged women at the supermarket.

09-11-2002, 03:32 AM
Good post, Bruce!

Where the hell have you been?


09-11-2002, 08:42 AM
Not only is pheromone output going down with age, but the physical ability of the normal olfactory system and VNO to detect fragrance/pheros is also falling like a stone with age depending on environmental factors. It is pretty hard to OD around women my age.


Are you saying the older you are, the more pheros you need to use? I\'ve been using Primal/m for about 3 months now with no results. I also purchased apc from another site and have been using that along with the Primal/m. On your last post, you said you have used this combo. At what ratio do you use apc to Primal/m? I am 47 years old and am in good health.


09-11-2002, 10:08 AM
Mowing the lawn. :-)

09-11-2002, 10:23 AM
Two separate age-related points have been mentioned.
The original point was that Primal is more likely to work for older men than younger because of the androstenone (only) content. Very young forum members have been getting better results from products that contain no androstenone at all (eg: SOE). Then I brought up the point (that you quoted) that the ability to smell anything (presumably pheros included) falls off rapidly with age. This is of concern in relation to your target. If you are looking for results with one woman in particular and she is middle aged and say a smoker just for the sake of argument... I would say load on the Primal. Just keep raising the amount until you get some kind of reaction.

Aside from that extreme though, I would say mix the Primal and APC directly on your wrists, so you can easily come up with a mix that appeals to your own nose. You should use enough Primal to alter the APC fragrance significantly. Just keep playing with it. If you keep the stuff on your wrists only, you can keep an eye (nose) on what you have going quite easily. I am very cautious about putting untested mixtures here and there around my body, but I\'ll go way out on a limb if it is all on my wrists.