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08-26-2002, 04:37 PM
Just whipped up a batch at 7:3 ratio in a roll top bottle. I really like the scent, it kind of gives me a \"lift\" or something. I\'m gonna test it in public tomorrow. Question is how many swipes and of what length? 1 inch?

08-26-2002, 07:41 PM
Swipe it all over you neck and chin and see what reaction you get.
-The Bat

08-27-2002, 06:43 AM
Stygian: Can\'t seem to find thread so I can understand exactly what products you \"whipped up\". Can you let me know what you mixed and how - I\'m trying to keep track of combinations that have proven effective. (Also: Let us know \"results\" you got with your batch - thanks!)

08-27-2002, 09:13 AM
Stygian: jb#2 is a really effective mix for me, I usually apply neck and chin (like Jambat suggested) but also on forearms, IMHO it helps to spread the pheromones in the air, since one usually moves his arms more than his neck.

For the application amount, I\'d suggest two inches on forearms, three or even more on neck... let us know your results!

08-27-2002, 03:50 PM
i put about 2 swipes on my neck and 1 on each hand, rubbing on my wrists and forearms. I thought it smelled pretty good and this old lady started talking to me out of nowhere. I\'ve also been pursuing this girl I work with for a while and I was talking to her on our break and she started talking to me about strip clubs. I don\'t know how strip clubs came up because she started off talking about how she used to bartend at clubs. That was pretty much it. 1/2 pack of SOE on forearms and about 6 drops of APC spread around the neck and shoulders seems to be better then JB#2. PPA/m (new) is on its way here so I\'m definitely gonna post the ones from that.tomorrow im gonna try 1/2 SOE gel pack on forearms and about 3 sprays of acqua de gio oil + npa at 8:1 ratio.

08-27-2002, 07:18 PM
i havent recieved my order for npa, apc, and spmo yet but i have a question so that ill be prepared once it gets here.

-is it a good idea to wear JB#1 and JB#2 at the same time?
-and if i just happen to OD on JB#1, what negative effects should i expect?
-what effects do these mixes have on the wearer/me?