View Full Version : SOE strong musk scent

08-22-2002, 12:12 PM
Is anyone else not crazy about the powerful musk scent added to SOE? Any chance there\'ll be an unscented version? Sure would be nice to have a \"stealth\" product with the particular SOE pheromone ratio...

And no, I haven\'t been over-applying the SOE... it just seems like that scent stays noticeable on me for a long time... anybody have any ideas on best means for masking the SOE musk smell?

08-22-2002, 01:09 PM
Read a lot here, then later after getting some hints on mixing you might try the chem set -nol and -rone. Unless you have some experiance, it might now be a little early for the chem set stuff.


08-22-2002, 02:36 PM
Gerund, I\'m with you. Especially not great if you\'re female. I tried it with sandalwood. Worked ok but ... I\'m waiting for Austin Powers to bust me any minute now ... She\'s a maaan, baybee! It\'s too strong.

08-23-2002, 03:01 AM
I have put pure sandalwood essential oil over SOE, and think it works great to tone down the SOE.

Musk is the whole point, however, with SOE. Musk is the scent of sex.

08-23-2002, 06:54 AM
I think it smells great. After 10 mins you get the \"real\" smell of it. Nice and fresh.

08-23-2002, 06:56 AM
Are you talking about SOE or the musk?

08-23-2002, 07:14 AM
SOE, ok fresh isnt perhaps the best work, but it is \"refreshing\" to me. I find myself sniffing my arms sometimes.

08-23-2002, 07:26 AM
I bet it smells absolutely luscious on a man, I\'d love to smell it.

I\'m wearing it for medicinal purposes though and it doesn\'t smell fresh to me while I\'m wearing it. It smells a lot like my SO\'s armpit, actually. Which I love. But I don\'t want to smell like that.

08-23-2002, 08:28 AM
hmm sandalwood, ey? funny that you mentioned that .. what I have found is that when I shower with Christian Dior\'s \"Dune\" for men showergel, and apply SoE afterwards, he two smells kinda cancel themselves out. The two combined make me smell like .. nothing /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
I read at basenotes that \"Dune\" has a sandalwood base ...

just my €0.02


08-23-2002, 08:34 AM
Yeah, it could be just a matter of needing to find the right perfume to wear over it. I tend toward greens so these deep base notes are hard to cover with what I have. I\'m gonna go see if I can get a man\'s opinion re how I smell. (an objective one) Maybe it\'s not as strong as I think it is.

08-23-2002, 09:07 AM
Apply SOE to your inner arms, you\'ll find that it doesnt go rancid as fast there.

08-23-2002, 09:10 AM
Thanks, I\'ll try that.

No guy seems to be able to smell me at all. I think I reek of, like, Old Spice.

08-23-2002, 11:35 AM
FTRH -- You might want to consider buying a bottle of straight -nol. Very feminine, yet powerful. mix with a bit of EW. Women\'s perfumes are sooooo easy to make, or just use a nice French/Italian perfume. Seems like you are wearing male scents a lot.

08-23-2002, 01:23 PM
I don\'t, really. It\'s just I\'m new to pheromones, having just received and started using PCC and the sample of SOE - SOE doesn\'t go with anything I have, cologne-wise - I like high citrus note greens/lily of the valley. I want copulins to boost his testosterone and I like very much some of the effect they have on me, but PCC makes me sick by itself. The SOE balanced it out. SOMETHING made him very open yesterday. So PCC and SOE is working. I don\'t know if there are unscented things that would work just as well, but I know for now that this works, so I just need to cover the SOE and I don\'t know how. Too oriental a fragrance makes me feel like I can\'t breathe. With musk being predominant in SOE, I would think that something else spicy would blend well, and all I had that was spicy was sandalwood oil, which actually I bought for my hair but ... you use what you have, right? What would -nol do?

What are some of your favorite french/italian perfumes? and/or some that would be effective for my purpose

08-23-2002, 01:57 PM
http://www.love-scent.com/attraction/index.html (\"http://www.love-scent.com/attraction/index.html\")
It kinda has a sandalwood thing goin. Sort of.

08-23-2002, 02:22 PM
I\'m confused. Isn\'t the SOE gel sample sent with each order FOR MEN? Of course it will smell masculine -

I didn\'t try it because I thought that sample was SOE for men.


08-23-2002, 02:42 PM
I put it on anyway. I loved it. He loved it. JKohl says it\'s NOT just for men, either, it\'s for both, and having tried it, I believe it. But it\'s being marketed as just for men and it is heavily scented.

Try a little on yourself and see how you feel.

08-23-2002, 02:44 PM
Thank you, Exit - I\'m trying to get away from bottom notes (sandalwood, musk, amber, patchouli) and mix the musk SOE with something more top note green/floral/fresh. I tried sandalwood and it\'s very appealing but not feminine enough for me.

08-25-2002, 04:40 PM
SOE is PRIMARILY for men, because of the -rone. Although women produce -rone, men produce a lot more. This does not mean that women shouldn\'t wear SOE though...