View Full Version : How to store pheros

08-10-2002, 06:36 AM
I remember reading a few months back about some people keeping pheros in the refrigerator. Is there any real benefit in doing this? How cold would it have to be for the pheros to get damaged?

08-10-2002, 07:19 AM
IMO (and experience) if you keep the cap well screwed on and the bottle away from high heat, sunlight etc. even the very concentrated products will last for several years minimum. At that point there seems to be *some* loss of strength which refrigeration may slow down considerably. If you have a bottle of something as long lasting as Primal, and you are not using it regularly, you might want to keep it in the fridge, but if you are using a product regularly and expect it to run out in the course of at most a year or two, I really wouldn\'t bother with refridgeration.

If you leave the top off a bottle or leave it on your car dash, that is going to hurt the potency quite a bit.


08-13-2002, 12:35 AM
Pheros are also very stable compounds and they don\'t have to be refrigerated. As long as the temperature does not exceed 50 degrees centigrade it does not degrade. Avoid mixing it with strong bases and acids. It is also not sensitive to light so it does not to be stored on amber colored bottles.