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08-07-2002, 05:30 PM
Here\'s a combination I don\'t remember seeing but that seems to have potential:

Realm for Men plus NPA.

The idea is that the fragrance of RfM should cover the \'none in NPA nicely plus the special pheromone in RfM (estradienone (sp?)) improves the wearer\'s mood. Their fragrance is quite good just on its own virtues.

Anyone have an opinion or experiences with this?

08-07-2002, 09:14 PM
Sounds nice. I used to wear Realm actually but I never really expected it to do anything but it sounds like it might be a tight mix. Try it.

-The Bat

08-07-2002, 09:52 PM
Hey Whitehall..ive tried that blend before but the Realm/m doesn\'t do a very good job of hiding the NPA for very long

08-07-2002, 10:44 PM
You might want to try adding SOE to that as a cover scent. But it has the makings of a good combo good work whitehall it sounds like a really good blend RfM+NPA or RfM+NPA+SOE

08-07-2002, 11:54 PM
I think Realm for Men has estratetraenol in it, which makes you smell more womanish.

When I tried wearing some (estratetraenol, not Realm), women avoided me and told me I smelled \"strange\".

08-08-2002, 04:39 AM
I\'ve tried it (at 5:1 with NPA and at 10:2:1 with NPA and A1), and it seems to be a good solid mix based on about two weeks of consistent use last month. Realm seems to generallty elicit more \"What are you wearing?\" comments than other colognes I\'ve tried. The appeal of its fragrance, however, seems to be more pronounced on women mid 30 and up,at least for me. Since that is my age range as well, I don\'t see that as a drawback...

08-08-2002, 05:30 AM
Yeah man, the problem with RfM is that the company isn\'t interested in helping you, they are interested in helping themselves /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
RfM has female pheromones in it to make YOU like it, not the girls. I\'ve heard that RfW works somewhat well for men, but it probably isn\'t worth the price tag to find out.

08-08-2002, 06:51 AM
yea i just like it a lot
but i don\'t know how many girls like it...?

08-08-2002, 06:56 AM

We\'ve got a lot of guys experimenting with Copulins as a part of their phero applications. The \"wolf in sheep\'s clothing\" and \"validation\" theories etc. do appear to have sufficient merit to justify Copulin use by men as a part of a sexual attractant phero strategy.

Why then would we totally dismiss the use of estratetraenol by men as being worthless as an attractant? Mightn\'t it also provide some degree of the WISC and validation effects that we\'re shooting for?

I used Realm for men for many years before finding the Love-Scent site and getting hooked on the \"hard stuff\". Even without fortification (with NPA or whatever) there\'s something to Rfm that attracts women that seems to go beyond just a pleasant fragrance.

The 5:1 ratio sounds good for an Rfm/NPA mix. I\'ve got one full and one empty Realm bottle that will facilitate whipping up a batch of this stuff today. Figure I\'ll go with a 30 drop mix and let it steep for a couple of days before deciding if the ratio is sufficient.

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

08-08-2002, 07:46 AM
I wore RfM for several years too and always \"liked\" it - its pheromone did turn me into one jolly fellow and the scent was of high quality. However, it never got me anything like a female sexual hit as I would recognize one today although women found the fragrance appealing enough. In that way my experience differs from our esteemed colleague, Oscar. He may have been right about target appeal - confounding the issue is that Oscar is without a doubt a much better looking fellow than I. I understand he sings like Elvis too.

I\'ll eagerly await the results of testing by others.

08-08-2002, 07:53 AM
I have always liked the Realm products, both men and womens products. Realm products are also expensive. Women loved the scent of RfM, but i never noticed any phero reactions.

I dont remember exactly where on the web, I found out that RfW is the one you need to wear. So I give it a try and find out RfW worked for me and I get reactions from women, but i had to but on like 6-7 sprays. It smells like a womans cologne, so i could only do this going to clubs. No way was i going to wear RfW in everyday use and Realm is expensive. Also I started using APC with RfW. again I had to smear alot of APC to get it to work. Again expensive and could only do it on weekend nights.

This combo was to flowery smelling and expensive, so I always kept doing web searchs until i found this site.

I like the Idea of mixing Realm with the hard stuff.

I never got depressed using RfW either, so now I am giving A1 a try.

08-08-2002, 08:03 AM
RfW does indeed have an effect on women. I\'ve worn it at the gym and women where much friendlier and approachable but I didn\'t like the fragrance - too feminine for my tastes and the A-1 effect was there although showering an hour after application (at the gym) minimized that.

I will spray some RfW on the aromatherapy vaporizers in the house when the SO has PMS and it really helps her athough I get moody and grouchy from it!

08-08-2002, 09:02 AM
ewww realm for women i just don\'t really like
i like realm for men, and i heard it has the female pheromone in it?

08-08-2002, 09:17 AM
Realm for Men has a female pheromone that improves a guy\'s mood along with a very pleasant covering fragrance.

Realm for Women has A-1 plus a flowery, feminine cover scent.

08-08-2002, 12:46 PM
Well, I once read something on the Realm site that both RFW and RFM contain both male and female pheromones, but the RFW contains a higher concentration of male pheromomes that affect women. This could be one reason for the mixed results.