View Full Version : The SoE Controversy

08-07-2002, 10:46 AM
Ya, so I just ordered SoE and I gotta admit I am a little worried. Someone on the phorum brought up a good point as to whether or not SoE will get you a friend or a girlfriend? Ya, I know that there is more to seduction than pheromones, but I just don\'t want to get a pheromone that will prohibit me from closing the deal with a chick cause I \"smell\" too much like a friend than a lover if you know what I mean. I started thinking about this after I came back from the bar last night. I picked up this cute brunette while at the bar and the whole time I was with her I was really acting quite confident and easy-going. However, I made sure I presented myself in a way that signaled that I wasn\'t trying to be her friend. I really think from the get go she percieved me as prospective lover rather than a nice guy she felt the urge to talk to. I closed with a number and even some making out action. Now, would SoE have ruined my image in the eyes of this brunette by making me seem more like a friend she could open up to? I have looked all over this post and I have yet to hear of anyone getting any real romantic results from SoE ALONE. I hear of a lot of people saying that women are friendly around them but that is not at all what I aiming for - women are friendly enough around me. Besides, what\'s the big deal if a girl starts talking to you at the supermarket or something - I mean, if you don\'t close with a phone number or something then what did you acclomplish? The fact that a women would approach me but not leave me with her number or something would make me even more fustrated. I know that a lot of you guys might tell me to add dab of none to my SoE (like NPA or something) but I am a very tall young man who is also an athlete so I already decided that I am staying away from the none. Any way, enough rambling, what I am trying to say is I think SoE (alone) could be an impediment to actually closing the deal with chicks if it makes them so relaxed around you that you seem like one of their girl friends. I mean, how can you be an alpha-male if you are being percieved as some sort of nice guy who women can open up to. All I want out of pheromones is a tool that makes it easier for me to BREAK THE ICE with women so seducing them is that much easier. I don\'t want something that will simply get me on the friend level with women because that will only make it more difficult for me to seduce women. Am I wrong about SoE or what? Will it give me an edge with women as a lover or a friend? Some words of wisdom would be nice.

08-07-2002, 11:14 AM
check you PM box
SoE is fine, you definitely get attention from it.

08-07-2002, 11:18 AM
Word of wisdom one:
Do research on a product BEFORE you buy it, rather than after.

Word of wisdom two:
If you ignore the first word of wisdom, reserve judgement and evaluate the effectiveness of the product after you actually try it rather than speculating without basis.

I don\'t think there\'s a controversy on this one...the conventional wisdom on SOE is that it opens the door to conversation. Some research articles indicate that the chattiness created by nol is what is supposedly generated by the female\'s close proximity to her partner after sex. What you do with that open door is up to you.

08-07-2002, 11:25 AM
A. I did research the product before I bought it

B. Have you ever gotten any closes wearing just SoE?

C. If you haven\'t gotten closes while wearing SoE then you are just just SPECULATING WITHOUT BASIS!

08-07-2002, 11:25 AM
I think the best relationships come out of real good friendships. SoE will definately break the ice and make people chatty. How you react to the chattiness determines whether you will be viewed as a friend or something more. If you don\'t get a phone number, that is your fault and not the mones. If you don\'t ask for the number, don\'t expect one.

Friend or lover is your choice. No type of mone will decide for you. Women see far more in men than just the mones. So my real point is, mones are just a tool, and what you do with yourself in ways of appearances, conversation, and personality is up to you. You can have the best mones in the world, and look like God\'s gift to woman, but if you don\'t act in a way in which you want to be a lover and not a friend, that is your fault.

08-07-2002, 11:30 AM
SOE will definately help if you are trying to do a phone number close. girls get very chatty with SOE and after a few minutes with some leading from you, out pops the phone number.

08-07-2002, 11:49 AM
I agree with the concern that SoE can get in the way of a physical \"relationship.\" I\'ve noticed that women under the influence talk TOO much and don\'t seem into their bodies (or mine.) It seems that the part of the mind that gabs take over and nothing else happens. That makes it good for introductions and asexual social events but poor for pickups. I wear it at work or to PTA meetings.

If I\'m out on the prowl, I\'ll wear a little SPMO but more as a cover for NPA or maybe RM. So far, I think that the idea of layering SoE over NPA/none hasn\'t panned out as well as hoped, probably because you\'re trying to activate competing parts of the target\'s brain - as in asking them to walk and chew gum at the same time.

08-07-2002, 12:06 PM
Whitehall, so have you tried -nol with just A-1? Wonder if you\'ve gotten more than just chattiness. Seems like these two pheromones has the most positive support of scientific literature.

08-07-2002, 12:20 PM
I have a little A-1, as you know (thanks!) and find that it bums me out as does RfW. I therefore save it for PMS mitigation. You\'re right though, mixing \'nol and A-1 should produce the best female mood enhancer currently conceivable (short of the keys to a new SL500). Haven\'t tried either yet but it is a good idea.

So, what does that buy you? Answer - a happy, talkative woman whose mind is not on sex. Might as well pay a visit to your grandmother. Also might be useful for a job interview with a woman.

08-07-2002, 12:28 PM
Well having a woman whos talkative and not itnerested in sex you also be useful for retail type of things and interviews.
I would add couplins to keep her attention especially if in a job interview situation.

PMS migitation is the answer very useful for controlling aggression due to that problem and i would certainly love the keys to a new SL500. Soe on the other hand would do the same thing except it would also get some mild sexual responses.

08-07-2002, 03:40 PM
Burns you out? What exactly do you mean? It\'s hard for me to detect unusual burnout, since I\'m normally a high-stress person. I am going without pheros for a week to see if I notice a difference, both in myself and others. Hard to say, so far.

So, A-1 never gets you any interest from women? I guess that\'s why you still go for the -none, even though it has some negative effects. So, do any of the other pheros burn you out?

I wish I could detect differences in interactions and in myself as well as you do, Whitehall. That\'s why I sent you the A-1 sample, so you can confirm for me that it\'s the same stuff in Realm for Women. :-).

Question: Now that you\'\'ve experienced the effect of a known dose of A-1, do you have ballpark idea of the concentration of A-1 in Realm for Women?

08-07-2002, 03:45 PM
If a girl\'s mood always improved around you, wouldn\'t she eventually be conditioned to like you? Perhaps, that\'s why some people say A-1 works well with people you know and interact with frequently.

08-07-2002, 04:21 PM
\"B-U-M-S me out\" - an old hippie term meaning slight depression, dark thoughts, unhappiness. And, no, A-1 alone has yet to get me a sexual hit but then I\'ve only worn A-1 by itself on a few occasions.

As to conditioning, there might be some merit there but it would be in the direction of LJBF.

As to the RfW/A-1 comparison, you have to realize the different intended users. With RfW, it\'s to be worn by the target so she gets it up close and personal all day. That means the concentration should be lower than a product a guy wears to influence nearby females. My testing confirms this notion that the A-1 you gave me was much more concentrated than RfW although my impressions are certainly not quantitative. It is, so far as I can tell, the same stuff - at least it has the same effects on me and on female targets. I\'d guess that A-1 is 5 to 10 times more concentrated than RfW.

08-07-2002, 08:50 PM
Thanks Whitehall. What\'s LJBF?

Well, I\'m sure that the undiluted A-1 (at 1mg/ml) is way more concentrated than the A1 in RFW. In fact, from the Realm patents, the concentration was implied to be in the range of 0.001 to 0.025 mg/ml, but there\'s no guarantee. In that case, undiluted A1 would be 40-1000 times more concentrated!

However, I assume that you\'ve been diluting it down with cologne (like to 0.100 mg/ml). I was just wondering how you\'re diluted mixes compare with RFW, and what was the most diluted mix you used. Since A1 has some negative effects on the wearer, it would be good to know the minimum effective dose. I used to wear A-1 diluted down 10:1 with cologne, but I\'m wondering if a 20:1 ratio or greater would be better.

08-07-2002, 09:03 PM
LJBF = Let\'s Just Be Friends

08-08-2002, 12:20 AM
I am would always recommend SOE, first: it makes everyone friendly and chatty and no negative side-effects second: it makes me feel good also.

08-08-2002, 04:38 AM
Logan-I understand what your saying, I don\'t think SOE(nol) alone will get you sex every time. There are important elements here that will get you there.
1.Your appearance, well groomed and well-dressed.
2.Your attitude, confident funny and sure of himself.
3.Your body language, sitting up, back straight.

It seems you have plenty of confidence with women but these Phermones will enhance her feelings toward you 10 times instead of catching her on a bad day. She\'ll be thinking \"I\'m getting aroused.\" or \"There\'s really something about him, I wonder if he\'s married?\"
As for the \"SOE controversy\", no I don\'t believe there is one.
You have a power here gentlemen what you choose to do with it is entirely up to you.

08-08-2002, 07:25 AM
Truth II,

I have not diluted the A-1 - I used in straight, in tiny dabs, since I didn\'t have a full bottle.
LJBF has been explained.