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View Full Version : New supplement... maybe?

08-02-2002, 06:34 AM
Hi Folks,

Anyone have an idea what the following supplement/herbs should do? I have a chance to buy a load of it.

250 mg. Chitosan
50 mg. Garcinia Gambogia
50 mcg. Chromium Picolinate


08-02-2002, 07:20 AM
That is a fat loss formula, Bruce.

Chromium picolinate is thought to help retain muscle and burn fat, and regulate sugar metabolism. Garcinia is a fat burner (contains a ctrus acid often referred to as Citrimax), and chitosan supposedly blocks fat formation. Citrimax has worked well for me, and chromium has helpedm me only in small doses. I get water retention at large doses. 50mcg is not a large dose. I think the garcinia is probably where the expense comes in, and is probably at only 50mg due to cost. I\'ve never experimented with chitosan, only Cheetos, which are not a fat blocker.

Overall, sounds like a good formula. For what it\'s worth, other ingredients good to combine with such a formula are choline, inositol, pyruvate, and l-carnitine, for synergistic fat burning. That would make a powerful formula indeed.

08-02-2002, 07:21 AM
Hi Bruce,

Chitosan is a compound with unique fat absorbing properties. It is derived from chitin, which is found in the exoskeletons of shellfish. Chemically similar to plant fibers (cellulose), chitosan cannot be digested by the human body. Once activated in the stomach, chitosan binds to some fatty acids etc. So basically, it\'s a fat blocker.

The fruit of the Garcinia cambogia tree has been used in Asia for its culinary and health giving benefits for centuries. This fruit contains a natural extract called hydroxycitric acid, the active ingredient that has been found to be responsible for many of Garcinia cambogia\'s beneficial properties.

In the body, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, the special blood sugar the body uses for energy. Glucose molecules that are not immediately used for energy are stored in the body\'s liver and muscles as glycogen. When glycogen stores become full, excess glucose is converted into fat and cholesterol. Garcinia inhibits your body\'s conversion of excess glucose into fat and cholesterol. Animal studies have shown that garcinia can reduce fatty acid synthesis from excess glucose by approximately 40-70% for eight to twelve hours following a meal. Research suggests that the result is an increase in the body\'s glycogen storage capacity. This increase in glycogen stores, help significantly reduce cravings for food and curtails appetite while delivering increased energy.

Garcinia gambogia is definitely the dieter\'s friend - in several ways.

a) It works as a \"partitioning agent.\" This means that calories primarily obtained from carbohydrate are diverted away from the production of fats and towards the production and storage of glycogen-the muscles\' main source of energy.

b) It reduces appetite by filing glycogen stores, sending signals to the brain that you\'re full. Unlike chemical stimulants it doesn\'t act on the central nervous system. Result: You don\'t suffer nervousness, insomnia, hypertension, rapid heart rate or other typical side effects.

c) It helps keep weight off. Scientists believe that because Garcinia Gambogia does not activate the central nervous system its effectiveness does not diminish with time

Chromium picolinate can have many beneficial results when supplemented. It enhances insulin\'s effect in the body, improving the uptake of glucose, thereby causing better blood circulation and maintenance of blood sugar level. Evidence also supports chromium\'s ability as a cholesterol and atherosclerosis fighter. Gaining energy, burning fat, and building muscle with greater ease are attributed to chromium, to name a few. It assists the body in losing weight by helping it to build muscle to replace fat. Lowering body fat and increasing lean body mass are just a few of the positive properties that chromium picolinate exhibits on the body. Research also shows that supplementation has some age slowing effects and therefore can increase the life span!

Hope this helps!

08-02-2002, 07:23 AM
Looks like a \"fat burning\" formulation. The chromium picolinate recently had some bad press based on some obscure research report. Chromium is supposed to aid enzymes that burn fat.

The chitosan is also supposed to block fat uptake.

Garcinia Gambogia is supposed to prevent fat production.

I would not recommend getting this product since it is way off topic - like finding shotgun shells for sale in a jewelry store. Plus, I\'d would be dubious of any claims of effectiveness - I would not buy it or recommend it and there are gobs of other products and vendors promising the same benefits.

Just my personal analysis and opinion.

08-02-2002, 07:35 AM
I\'d be very careful with supplements. I only take supplements with organically grown natural products. Some of those that are posted here may be beneficial when it comes to burning and/or blocking fat, but are they sure there aren\'t any nasty side-effects? Whitehall said that chromium picolinate recently had some bad press based on some obscure research report. People could have been taking it for months, and then it seems that it may not be as innocent as it may looks.
In my country (Belgium) it will soon be forbidden for stores to sell supplements containing fluoride. Fluoride was long thought to make your teeth strong. While this is true on the outside of your teeth, the inner part becomes more brittle. It also seems to be stored in your bones very easily as flouride is a very reactive compound. Scientific studies have shown that too much fluoride can cause several chronic diseases. In fact, some scientists have been claimed that for about ten years. Now Belgium will be the first European country to ban those supplements. It\'s likely that the other European countries will ban them, too.

08-02-2002, 12:24 PM
Well i guess if you can sell them then go ahead. Most of this stuff is available anyway and would be a good business opportunity to expand youre nutricinal and supplements line. Nothing to say you cant branch out away from pheros very good business scence.
By the sounds of it this stuff is widley available anyway so why not make youreself some more profit. I guess to keep investigating expanding these activities and also eventually you might want to look back into NLP related stuff that did prove quite popular a while back.
Put it under the heading of lifestyle enhancers, the makers of attraction and andro 4.2 have nutricinal supplements hypnosis tapes - sharemarket study course and a very wide range of other \"lifestyle enhancement products\" along with thier pheros. A very good idea. Anyone else got ideas.

08-02-2002, 04:28 PM
Chromium picolinate is carcinogenic.

I am not sure why it\'s still on the market, but it has been shown to be quite carcinogenic in several studies.

I suggest getting chromium polynicotinate (a bit harder to find, but available in most health food stores) as a safer alternative.

The chromium is what does the job, so this form would be at least as effective, without the danger.

08-02-2002, 09:32 PM
Whitehall & XYS:

Wow, been taking Chromium picolinate on and off for many years, sometimes at very high doses with very positive results when weight training.

Where can I read or find information about these research studies on-line?

Do any of the other forms besides the safer alternative \"polynicotinate\" version share the dangers or harmful effects?

08-03-2002, 02:22 AM
Thanks to everyone for the detailed information. I think health beauty and attractiveness all go hand in hand and would like to branch out. I am however concerned about safety and effectiveness.

Thanks again,

08-03-2002, 12:06 PM
Maybe the safter alternatives if you can manage it ie amino acids and other vitamins etc.

08-03-2002, 09:44 PM
OK, I\'ll bite again. The Chromium, I would be wary of. Transition metals (those in the middle of the periodic table, and yeah, take the time to look at it) are trouble in most cases. Quite simply, they have multiple oxidation states.

So what, big deal, blah, blah, blah...

Well, here is the deal, these are very potent oxidizers of unsaturations of organic molecules in the body. Fats, fatty acids, (same thing really,) cholesterol, DNA, RNA, Tryptophane, the list continues. They become really active in the presence of antioxidants (like Vit C and E) because those cmpds allow electron movement while staying rather stable.

OK, enough techno babble. I would be very wary in regards to transition metals. If you want to take any of these cmpds, check with the RDA\'s, or anything comparable, first to see if any one has acceptable human limits of consumption.

08-03-2002, 10:30 PM
Yup Chromium picolinate is really carcinogenic. The molecular structure of this compund has an unstable form and can cause cancer.