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08-01-2002, 07:25 AM
I\'ve been reading some posts and came across quite a few people talking about \"auras\". what exactly are they talking about. I thought this phero stuff was a scent product not a sight thing. I\'m a bit confused. Can anyone help with this...Thanks

08-01-2002, 08:22 AM
The description of the word aura means atmosphere of multi-coloured light called \"aureola\" and the human aura is a multi-layered energy field that is primarily generated by the spiritual chakra energy centres, which reside within all spirit and what has been the perceived halo effect around the head is called the \"numbus\", also a small part of the aura is made up by electromagnetic energies that are generated by atoms within matter that give off a small energy field. The aura reflects moods, personality and traits, emotions, general well-being, spiritual abilities and evolution and is made up of several layers or bodies reflecting and relating to different chakra and aspects of our spiritual and material life and nature. For those who can psychically view the aura, it can be seen to visibly brighten and change when for instance we are addressing others, or in some way pulling on the resources of our spirit such as in spiritual healing or meditation or in other activities, as well as in normal daily events of our life.

08-01-2002, 09:01 AM
So even the use of Pheros can effect your \"aura\". But I thought in order for mones to work the \"target\" needs to smell what you have one. Some people have reported that soe can be smelled up to 15 ft. or so. If pheros affect your aura, then I can be sitting across the room (more than 15ft.) and my target will sense my \"manly aura\" (if I\'m using PI/m) without smelling it..????

08-01-2002, 09:05 AM
Pheros not only have an effect on your target, many men have a substantial effect on themselves as well. There are several posts that talk about it (look up thread titled \"Smelly?\") being a factor in an attitude shift. If your attitude and outlook on certain things are changed by anything, your aura will reflect that, since the aura is generated by your spiritual state.

08-01-2002, 09:08 AM
the phero\'s also can have a big effect on the person wearng them i know for me they give me a huge ammount of confidence and when you are confident everything you say and do is altered in some way compared to if you are not confident. if you have confidence and outwardly show it in your actions you will give off an aura of confidence and therefore be considered manly and desirable.

08-02-2002, 06:41 AM
Im not really into this spiritual stuff because im more into material science. Im beginning to believe that this concept of aura or vibes can probably be broken down to simple chemical reactions occuring in the body or physical mind. Maybe different effects like pheromones, or body language causes people to view us differently, thus creating an impressive or unimpressive presence that we call an aura. Id really like to see some research that would translate mysticism into material science.

08-02-2002, 12:13 PM
I am also not much into mysticism, but I’m not about to wait for science to figure everything out either. So I like to think of my self as practical (rather than scientific).

The fact is people do tend to draw an intuitive impression of each other — whatever the biological or physical reasons are — and pheromones are a great way to exploit this. Someday our grandchildren may know exactly how this stuff works, but for now I’m happy to rely on my own intuitive faculties when using pheros.

08-02-2002, 05:15 PM
Erm, i think i\'m guilty of this.

When i use the word \"aura\", i mean it to be loosely based on the \"mistic aura\" thing. Basically, an area around you that elicits a responce from those who pass through it. I did not in any way mean that pheros affect your \"energies\", they might, but i have no knowledge in this field.

08-03-2002, 07:49 AM
Your aura is an energy field. It can be seen without too much effort, if you\'re looking for it.

Look at a person for a bit -- obviously best tried with somone you know, so you don\'t get into a bar fight -- looking around their head and shoulders, you\'ll see basically an outline of them against their background. Just around that outline, you\'ll see a bit of something. It may seem kind of white (rather ghost-like); it may seem like the illusion you see on hot pavement in summer -- I suppose a \"shimmer\" would be a good term.

If you practice this, you should eventually be able to see colors, or at least a variance in the strength of the aura. Though I havent really pursued it much (want to!), I\'ve seen my own... Although I usually just see the whitish field, one night, it was this bright blue! BTW, yes, it does change colors and strength by someone\'s mood, health, etc.

As for the phero tie-in, I\'m thinking that the aura would be affected by the change(s) in emotion(s) and attitude(s) of those exposed. This would incude both the wearer and those around them.