View Full Version : NLP and PHEROS

08-01-2002, 01:06 AM
NLP and PHEROS which one is more effective in nailing your target ?

08-01-2002, 04:39 AM
Pheros...then have CONFIDENCE, and start talking...the human race would never have survived and reproduced for thousands of years if cavemen had relied on seduction patterns and other nonsense...but the scent of sex and instinct to reproduce and for a female to submit to a male sexually...well, thats why were here today ! if you can use nlp to get some confidence,t hats all well adn good, but mones arouse women at the primitative level above concious thought...if anything, you could combine the too, but the mones are gonna work better cause its biological...

08-01-2002, 10:29 PM
Well, what if the cavemen knew NLP during their times? What do you think would happen to their courtship styles?

08-02-2002, 07:43 AM
Has anybody here actualy used NLP patterns in a consistant matter to get close\'s?

08-02-2002, 10:49 AM
Here\'s the deal with NLP. The stuff works and works well. It\'s not gauranteed to work all the time with every women, but it definitely can give you an edge. HOWEVER, you have to find a way to make your patterns seem natural and that my friend is not an easy task. I tried this NLP stuff for months and I have found that most women just think you sound weird when using it because the pattern-like language is very unnatural. I did seduce a few women using NLP, but I really felt like a fruit cake every time I used it. I personally think your better of just being yourself and talking like a real human being does. Now don\'t get the wrong impression, I am very intrigued with NLP and I definitely plan on studying it even more. Nevertheless, I don\'t think it is practical to use it to pick up women.

08-02-2002, 11:05 AM
Just curious...What is NLP. I would like to acquire any advantage available...

08-02-2002, 11:24 AM
There is _much_ more to NLP than the sophomoric fast seduction techniques. NLP is a set of tools developed to recognize how another person (or yerself, for that matter) internally processes abstractions, such as language, and then use that understanding to communicate with that person at a very deep level. Take a gander at the Bindler and Grinder books, such as Frogs into Princes, The Structure of Magic, and of course, Trance-formations. The \"other person\" was originally a therapy client - NLP draws heavily from the family therapy work of Virginia Satir (who was a FOAF back in the 70\'s) and Milton Erickson. You don\'t have to be a therapist to use the techniques, but a basic understanding of personality theory would help you to avoid trivializing them as the a.s.f folks do.

The fast seduction stuff is best described as _NLP-based_. The techniques can work, but don\'t confuse them with NLP.

08-02-2002, 12:34 PM
NLP is a very very useful tool that isnt well known about once you have learnt it you will find youreself doing things you thought impossible it will blow youre mind it basically allows you to get into other peoples heads and figure out what they are thinking and how they think and also to very rapidly change youre own thought patterns
One technique is to disassociate from phobias - i had a problem with heights had two options.
a) go to counselling / quack for 6 months
b) use NLP and within 5 minutes i wasnt afraid of heights anymore. I know which one i chose and it did work to.
Goto www.nlp.com (\"http://www.nlp.com\") or do a google search.

08-02-2002, 04:41 PM
I don\'t really know the ins and outs of NLP, just some of the very basic principles. I havn\'t even read fastseduction or layguide etc properly! Definately on my \"to do\" list though. Anyway, i found that, after a little research, i was actually using NLP type techniques to understand people anyway. I guess its because i get really curious as to why people behave in certain ways. I find that i am very linguistically agile and can read and respond to people to get what i want out of them, some of the time! However, i would never be so stupid as to say that i didn\'t need to read that stuff, i dont need anyone to tell me that i make huge mistakes.

Wow, cant really think why i wrote this. Probably \'cos i went to an all night piss up last night and havnt slept yet...

08-02-2002, 08:19 PM
as for asians i think based on my experience NLP kicks ass compared to pheros at least 80% of the time.