View Full Version : why does transfer proxy name show up like 200 times

07-28-2001, 07:24 PM
on the last 5-6 pages , he is asking his own questions and answering his own questions, whats up with that, is this some kind of scam, how do i know that the people that are selling this, arent the ones talking , but just with different screenames , sorry had to ask , seemed kind of weird

07-28-2001, 07:34 PM

07-29-2001, 05:34 AM
\"Transfer Proxy\" isn\'t a person. We moved the forum to a new server and forum driver/application and a forum member (Vermin X) volunteered to go thru all the posts on the old forum and transfer selected threads to the new forum. All those posts appear as \"transfer proxy\" over here. They were posted by various people, most of them still on the board.