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View Full Version : Need Help!!

07-29-2002, 01:24 PM

I am new to all this and am definitely ready to give it a try. I was just wondering if someone could give me advice on which pheromone product would be good for me. I am a 6\"6\" 19 year-old black male who weighs about 200 pounds. I am fairly athletic and have been good with the ladies up until about a year ago. I am thinking about trying EOS, NPA or Alter-Ego. Any suggestions.


07-29-2002, 02:20 PM
I\'d try SOE first (get the small pack, because it\'s cheap and enough for testing it out). AE is a handy tool too, \'cause it has every phero, proven scientificly to be effective, in it. I\'d try NPA later, you could mix it with SOE in case this works for you to give it a \"sharper\" (more sexual) note.

just my 2 scents


07-30-2002, 05:51 AM
I agree with Andy Alter Ego and some SOE gel packs, but again you have to do most of the work(talk to women, make eye contact) so that the Pheromones can work for you.