View Full Version : Women CANNOT ask guys out heres why

07-27-2002, 10:44 AM
a) society
B) their natural phero signature/brain wiring doesnt allow it
c)hormonal types
d) lazieness
e) ive never heard of this happening the guy always makes the mvoe
f) only in the movies
h) to many hot guys around and women dont think all that muchi) they over analyse every guy around.

07-27-2002, 10:48 AM
Wow, Corriebright are you trying to break the record of most posts in 10 minutes?

Franki /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-27-2002, 11:07 AM
No, that would require him to actually think.

Just kidding!!!!

But can you give them???

07-27-2002, 11:08 AM
Thinking is bad, but it does create some conversation on different topics which is always good.

07-27-2002, 11:10 AM
Thinking ain\'t bad, thinking TOO MUCH IS. Believe me, I know.

07-27-2002, 11:14 AM
Thinking helps to challange our negative beliefs look at NLP. It makes us go forward and grow as people and it gives us an advantage over the \"competition\" whatever that may be or to help us survive. Thats how humans became the dominant species on earth.

07-27-2002, 11:17 AM
Dominant doesn\'t necessarily mean something good...

07-27-2002, 04:24 PM
Basically a woman doesn\'t want her ego bruised if she\'s rejected, they\'ve been taught since little girls that men are the aggressors. She doesn\'t have to ask anybody out, let the Horny male come to you.

07-27-2002, 07:42 PM
Women not being able to ask guys out is purely a parochial issue. I have lived in places where it was perfectly acceptable for a female to ask a guy out (or to bed). Florida is not one of them, I might add.

I was recently in a Savannah, GA bar where I was hit on by a female _much_ harder than I would ever have the nerve to hit on a woman /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-28-2002, 12:04 AM
Today, though, I see women approach man more often, and men approaching women less often. Women want to become stronger in society, and that has caused certain consequenses: men tend to become more shy, as they have a hard time facing a confident woman. Men become cowards, and they\'re afraid of women. (much more homosexuals these days because of this? Very much possible).

07-28-2002, 01:35 AM
My friend Jason gets laid a lot without ever approaching women. I think he cultivates charisma, by playing a certain character in public: \"serious, hard, handsome, well-dressed-smoking-distant guy,\" or something. He is very aware of what he is doing. He\'s paunchy. Women come up to him to comment on this \"character\".

Jason is the master of the \"close.\" It is effortless for him to get women back to his apartment. One night we brought six of them back (I was wearing AFA). As I get him to reveal his secrets I will post them. Nothing wrong with cultivating a character from bits of yourself and your own potential, as you have a right to keep your real self for people who have earned it. Gets people talking. Andy Kaufman was the master of that. He got laid by thousands of women, and he was a geek (OK, a rich geek). Jason and I hated each other when we first met, based on appearances. Now we\'re fast friends. Jason and I stay up late countless nights, working out our theories of men and women. I have a Ph. D. He dropped out of high school. But I listen to him more than anyone on these topics.

Anyway, though I\'m more aggressive with women, Jason has proven that another approach is to refuse to make the first move, making women wonder, \"Why isn\'t he out of control horny for me? I have to make him horny too.\"

There is a way to make your natural personality work, but you have to consciously make it happen.

07-28-2002, 06:35 AM
okay okay okay...were on to something here...this is what i want you to do....please, pick jasons brain, watch waht he does, and post any information you can...anyone who can effortlessly get laid like jason must be doing something right..i personally would appreciate any more advise you can give us on this jason, does he wear mones?

07-28-2002, 07:09 AM
Will do, MP. I love to go trollin\' with Jason.

Jason wears no mones. Just a little Burt\'s Bees Bay Rum, which is a nice product made of 100% essential oils and alcohol. But that\'s only recently.

07-28-2002, 12:07 PM
I think if we check out www.speedseduction.com (\"http://www.speedseduction.com\") im sure we would find most of what jason does right. And what every other male on the planet does wrong. Mostly anyway.

07-28-2002, 11:55 PM
sure does. It uses psychology, nlp etc.

07-29-2002, 03:04 AM
Guys like Jason just have a gift ; they don\'t even know how they do it . I know guys like too and the truth is you have it or you don\'t.

True, through changing things about yourself you can be more successful at anything but it will never equal \'naturally\' having it.

You can always tell the people who are forcing things and working hard at being something they really aren\'t.

Jason is a natural woman magnet. I know someone like him; he\'s a piece of [censored] as a person ( he\'ll tell you that himself, LOL) yet the women fall all over themselves to get to him; everywhere and in all situations.

That\'s just the way it is. It Took me 35 years to finally accept it.

07-29-2002, 04:26 AM
well jim, i have to disagree with ya there...you see, with that attitude, youll never even try to get better as there is no use..imho, i can do what anyone else can do, just let me either be around them long enough to pick up their way of doing things, or know enough abou thte little things they do that i can trial and error it myself and figure it out or improve on it...like for instance, does jason hold eye contact with the mwomen he talks too? does he approach them first? if so, what does he usually say? what kind of movements does he have? the only thing that would be an intangible would be his level of Chi, or lifeforce, that may be psychically affecting women he focuses on .butother than that..we can figure it out...

07-29-2002, 06:32 AM
It may be that he also just has a strong, naturally occuring, and unique pheromone production. If that\'s the case, then ship him off to Stone Labs so they can duplicate his chemistry. We\'ll call it \"Essence of Jason.\" /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-29-2002, 06:49 AM
Maybe it\'s just the name, the name of one of my mates is Jason too and he always get\'s the nicest girls. I have a double name (André Jason), usually I use André but the reactions seem very different whenever I use Jason to introduce me. This is a strange thing I wonder about for some years now. ?!?!??!?!?! Are girls somehow hooked to names that they consider to be kewl or whatever ?!?!?!?!!

07-29-2002, 08:40 AM
Its a shame that you think that, and a lot of people share that view, but it is essentially wrong, *almost* anyone can do *almost* anything anyone else can do.

We here people spouting lines like \"its all about application!\" or whatever. We take this as being the comment of a foolish person who doesnt understand the situation, which is probably true. But as with most sayings like this, it originally came from a wise man.

There is no reason at all that anyone cant become like Jason (not exactly like him of course). DrSmellThis says that its like a gift, and also gives some clues which suggest that a lot of Jason\'s skill is psycological, which means that it is accessable to everyone.

07-29-2002, 12:09 PM
This thread is about women not asking guys out not guys being successful with women. Im talking about women making the first move.

07-31-2002, 01:00 AM
In asia this is it:
a) society

A woman that asks a guy is a bitch here, I myself don\'t like a woman asking me for a date even if i like her.

Well women in philippines are more liberal than other asian countries so they can ask guys for a date but only if they have been friends for a long time.

If they don\'t know each other yet for a long time or they have just meet. A filipina will always ask indirectly, a direct approach will get her into trouble.

So it goes like this. Suppose Marian wants to go into a movie with me, Instead of asking \"Hey lets watch BLADE2\". She would usually ask a series of indirect questions or indirect statements like the one below:

Marian: Hey, there\'s a new movie in town.
FerroMone: O yea, what is it?
Marian: It\'s BLADE2, the sequel of BLADE. You did watch BLADE last year right ?
FerroMone: Yup, i like it . I like the story and special effects thing.
Marian: I would like to watch the movie also, the only problem is that Joan and my friends have already watch it. Of course i don\'t want to watch the movie alone, there are maniacs inside the movie houses.
FerroMone: Oh, well, then, why don\'t you go with me i\'m not a maniac he he he
Marian: Hmm ( As if she is hesitant but it is a fake body language )
Marian: Oh well, OK.

08-14-2002, 07:47 PM
Women don\'t ask men out because men are programmed to think that sexually aggressive women are abnormal in some way -- or, at the very least, that they\'re \"easy,\" which means they might get a yes to their asking a guy out, but the guy usually won\'t follow up, and he\'ll often act weird while you\'re out with him. In my experience, it just doesn\'t work - especially not with American men, especially not with men from the south. Too much social conditioning about \"nice\" girls and the whole madonna/whore thing.Cosmopolitan magazine has been saying for years that men love it when women ask them out, but I\'ve never ever seen it work -- for me or for girlfriends of mine.We\'re not lazy or afraid of rejection. And we DO ask you out - in our own way. You just have to know what you\'re looking at when she\'s giving you flirtation/availability signals.

08-14-2002, 09:41 PM
You just have to know what you\'re looking at when she\'s giving you flirtation/availability signals.

Other than overt flirtation, what kind of \"signals\" are there. Excuse my ignorance, I\'m just now getting back into the dating scene after 11 years of engagement/marraige/separation then divorce. It\'s been a very long time and a whole age generation since I\'ve had to pick up on any of these \"signals\".

08-14-2002, 09:59 PM
She strokes things, touches things - her jewelry, her glass, the edge of her neckline - she makes a lot of eye contact and responds in generally approving ways-- she smiles a lot - sometimes she\'ll even touch you (Of course just because you can\'t go into your meeting with lint on your collar) or she\'ll straighten your tie...she laughs/smiles a lot for no reason, she dangles her foot in her shoe and makes sure you see it...she plays with her hair - flips it all around, twirls one segment, maybe puts it in her mouth -- she displays. If she\'s displaying, she\'s signaling she wants you to talk to her.

08-14-2002, 10:08 PM
OK, now I know I\'ve been out of the \"game\" for a long time. Several of those, I\'ve seen but would have never guessed they were signals...like the shoe dangling. Thanks FullTilt, I\'ll keep them in mind.

08-17-2002, 10:49 AM
I\'m a man and I liked to be asked out by women, that is if it happens to be one that I am interested in. When you approach someone to ask them out if you are going after someone that there is no chemistry with them for you, your luck of succeeding isn\'t going to be so great. A guy might go ahead and say yes to a woman asking him out even if he isn\'t that attracted to the woman, maybe out of surprise of being asked or he might figure that sex could be gotten from the date later on. I don\'t know about women, but some guys will sleep with women even when they aren\'t that attracted to them. Sometimes it has more to do with convenience than attraction. So it can be good to look for signs of the date not being attracted as well as signs of attraction from this person.

08-17-2002, 12:15 PM
It\'s always been a real mystery to me why guys do that - have sex with a woman they are not really attracted to. Is it just because a guy feels like he\'s nuts to turn down sex no matter who offers it? Guys who have done this - is the sex any good?

08-18-2002, 05:31 AM
As for me, any time I have had sex with a woman that I wasn\'t overly attracted to, the sex was definitely not good. I suspected it would not be, but I figured I should give it a try. I don\'t think I\'ll do it anymore.

How about you Redhead. When you do it with someone that you are not overly into, how does it rate? Of course a more interesting question would be, \"Does the women know that the guy is not overly into her?\" If so, how enjoyable is it going to be for her?

08-18-2002, 05:44 AM
I know what you\'re saying. When I\'m in this situation, I\'ll turn off the lights, close my eyes and think of the Fulltiltredhead. She\'s totally enjoyable, whether she\'s there or not.

08-18-2002, 06:01 AM
I don\'t do it with guys I\'m not really attracted to anymore. It messes up my sexual response. When I first moved here, I used to go out all the time and meet men, and I was lonely, didn\'t know anyone, male or female, so kind of desperate for contact of any kind with anyone, and after a few times of having sex just because it was there, I couldn\'t have an orgasm anymore, even for myself, and then I got REALLY depressed. Met this gawd-awful ugly man from Coventry, England, who was here for a six-month work thing, and he was so charming and sweet, very well-read and romantic, would read me poetry and could talk about literature (I used to teach high school English), ask me to play the guitar, liked my looks and was very approving and encouraging, and eventually I got it back. I learned my lesson from that. You can definitely tell whether a guy is into you or just wants to get off, by the way he makes love to you, and if he just wants to get off, that\'s miserable sex, too, just not worth doing, makes you feel empty and depressed afterwards. This is why I don\'t understand it when men say a woman can always get laid. I\'m sure it\'s true but if everytime I wanted to get laid I let somebody, regardless of any real attraction or feeling of being truly appreciated, I\'d have jumped off the 14th street bridge a long time ago. That stuff\'s not good for you, wears your psyche thin quick. Any guy will use you if you allow yourself to be used, and then that\'s how you feel: used. Also, the guys I\'ve known who were major, major players in my life, often complain of the same thing. They\'re never really satisfied, the sex they\'re getting, although they know how to score and they have sex with very desirable women, isn\'t nourishing anything but their ego, and after awhile, it doesn\'t even do that, because they start to be contemptuous of the women who fall for them. Since they know what they\'re putting out there is just counterfeit, the women who fall for it and get all starry eyed start to look like idiots to them. I\'ve had many a player call me on a Sunday night talking about the 19 year old stripper and the 20 year old p10, and the whoever else he did or whose number he got, whatever, and ... who\'s he end up talking to? Good old Renee. All that sport [censored] just made him feel even more lonely. Like trying to talk to a baboon\'s ass, though, to tell him to lay off and try to wait for a real connection, because he doesn\'t know by that time what one really feels like anymore -- and no one in his own circle, women who know him, or their friends or relatives -- will take him seriously anymore, he\'s just this good time Charlie. Merry Andrew. Jesus, see Kate and Leopold if you get a chance, by the way.sorry, rambling again

08-18-2002, 06:06 AM
EXIT,kisses! on your angel faceFTR

08-18-2002, 06:08 AM

Are they any other tips you would care to share with the forum? I have had quite a few occasions when i have been flirted with outrageously, only that when I ask the answer is \"what a surprise, did\'nt expect that etc etc\" followed by a thanks but no thanks, only to spend the next few weeks with her hinting that she is interested after all, hinting that I should ask again, why do women do this???

08-18-2002, 06:56 AM
I\'d need to know the specifics - how do you know her, how old are you, how old is she, what exactly was said. If you want to send me a private message that\'s fine. My first thought is, however, don\'t ask, DO, or at least, don\'t ask, tell, e.g., look her dead in the eye and say \"Come here, girl.\" Somebody sitting across the table asking me if I wanna is going to get no even if I go home and spend the night on the edge of the bed gritting my teeth over him.

08-18-2002, 07:08 AM
P.S., Naughtymonkey - I\'ve made a career lately out of giving tips and advice, bet your question made some people laugh (chuckle - jeemonetty, man, don\'t encourage her!) - do a search and you\'ll pull up a book.

08-18-2002, 03:17 PM
actually...if you arent attracted to them it might not be that good. But very few people fall into that category. There are very few attributes or traits that men discriminate against when it comes to being with a woman. Men arent picky because biologically speaking its the man that is the donor and the woman is the recipient...Its up to the woman to accept the offer. There are a lot of women i can find attractive as long as they take care of themselves and if i get to know them a little better but to tell you the truth i might feel uncomfortable being seen with them. Overweight people for instance can be attractive but its hard not to get too concerned about what other people think.

08-18-2002, 03:30 PM
oh ...let me add....An example would be this class that i have. I have this law course with a huge number of girls in it. I find that they are all uniquely attractive. But very few of them can be runway models or anything of the sort. So guys might prefer the runway model type girl (or gap commercial ladies) just to impress friends and strangers, but any other type of girl would have been pleasant enough...