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07-26-2002, 10:00 PM
Hi all:

I have a question about the different methods of administering pheros. So far I have found that there are at least 4 ways of administering them: drops, dabs, swipes, and sprays. My question is: how do these relate to one another, in terms of amount? In other words, does one dab equal one drop equal one spray, etc, or is a spray more than a drop or a dab? If you do apply different amounts of pheros using different methods, how many of dabs equals one drop, or one swipe?

Btw, I just got my first batch of RM and SoE in the mail, and plan to take them for a spin tomorrow nite...wish me luck!

I do have one more question before I go: it takes me about 3 hours to get to uptown Manhattan using PT (public trans) from Staten Island. If I apply the pheros (SoE and RM) right before I leave, will they still be effective 3 hours later...and if so, for how much longer? A guess a simpler question would be, about how long do the effects of pheros tend to last for? Maybe I should take an extra packet of gel on the road, to use as a booster shot later that night (too bad they don\'t make portable RM too)...

Well, thanx again for all your help guys. I really appreciate it...

07-27-2002, 02:18 AM
C\'mon. Help this guy out, will ya. I myself am not very good with the amounts of dabs, sprays, etc. I\'m not THAT expercienced. But I\'m sure there are people here who can help you.
Oil-based pheros last longer than ethanol-based pheros. So you might need to re-aplicate when using etOH-based ones.

07-27-2002, 02:39 AM
ok...drop is .05 mil...thats all most ppl know....the other 3 it really depends on the bottle you are using a roll top with a bigger ball will obviously use more per inch than a small one....spar bottles spray out different ammounts and dabs depend on how big the mouth of the bottle it is...drop is the only one thats a form of measurement the others are just forms of applications.

also i don\'t even think drop is a very accurate form of measurement...aren\'t drops of some liquids bigger than drops of other. i think the word i\'m looking for is viscosity? or the liquids pull twards the same liquid something like that.... anyone know what i\'m saying? like oil is thicker so its drops are bigger than a thinner liquid....ummm ok i\'ll leave that crap to scientists /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif

07-27-2002, 03:35 AM
my own experience (with SOE only) is that the effect lasts 3-4 hours and I have to refresh later to notice any effects. I take all means of public transportation and walk in crowded areas so I think I can gauge that. I also THINK (not sure though) that SOE has a \"peak\" of effectiveness 1/2 hour to 1 hour after you have applied it.